
Surrogacy for the cruel lycan prince

Ariana's already sad life moved from bad to worse as she was sold to Kai, the ruthless lycan prince as a surrogate. Unable to accept his cruelty towards her anymore, after he brought in his intended fiancee who also treated her like a worthless omega, she escaped from his mansion. Helpless, she trudged on until she found solace in the arms of a mysterious man who had compassion and offered a home. Their blossoming relationship however is threatened as Kai in his jealousy searches for Ariana and discovers an augustly Family Secret. Kai's jealousy turns to rage as he swore to find Ariana and protect their unborn child, but that's when his rejected mate suddenly showed up, trying to prevent him from having access to his surrogate, and ends up abducting her to discard the pregnancy which meant everything to him.

Jophiel_Blue · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

A stepbrother?

Arianna POV

I stirred in my cozy bed as the first rays of sunlight filtered through my window, painting the room with a soft golden hue. With a gentle yawn, I stretched my arms and kicked off the covers, feeling the warmth of the morning envelop me.

Peeking my eyes open due to the sunlight penetrating the room, I groaned as I tried massaging my hurting nape. The stress from work and the beating I received from Jade had taken a toll on my body, leaving me exhausted and sore.

Realizing that the sun had already risen, I sat up abruptly, a wave of panic washing over me. I had overslept, and it meant trouble. My mind raced as I turned to the wall clock, confirming my lateness.

"I'm in trouble," I murmured with a shaking voice as I covered my face with my cushion, trying to gather myself. The consequences of my tardiness at work and Jade's wrath loomed over me.

I jumped out of bed, my feet hitting the floor with urgency, and rushed into my small bathroom. I brushed my teeth hastily, trying to freshen up as quickly as possible. The time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford to waste another minute.

Quietly, I approached my bedroom door, my senses heightened as I listened for any sign of Jade's presence. My wolf-like hearing allowed me to detect even the slightest sounds, but to my surprise, there was no noise.

Unlocking the door cautiously, I opened it gradually, but it let out a creaking noise that made my heart skip a beat. I paused, my hand frozen on the doorknob, fearing that the sound had alerted someone.

After a moment of silence, I mustered the courage to continue opening the door, doing so with utmost care. Peeking through the crack, I surveyed the hallway, relieved to find no one in sight. Slowly and stealthily, I crept out of my room.

Tiptoeing down the wooden stairs, I stopped abruptly when I saw my parents seated in the middle of the sitting room, engaged in conversation with a strange man. Panic surged through me as I retraced my steps back toward my room, but my balance betrayed me, and I tumbled down the stairs.

Wincing in pain, I gingerly stood up, only to be met with the intense stares of my parents and the unfamiliar man. Embarrassment washed over me as I stammered an apology, my mind racing to comprehend the situation. I desperately wanted to escape the uncomfortable spotlight.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, my voice barely audible, as I turned to leave. However, my heart nearly stopped functioning when Jade called out my name. Reluctantly, I turned toward them, my face contorted with fear and confusion.

"Yes, Jade?" I replied, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure despite the turmoil within me.

"Come here, Ariana," Jade commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. Anxiety gnawed at my insides as I approached them, my eyes fixed on the floor, avoiding direct eye contact.

"This young man here will be staying with us from now on."

I could only squint my eyes, as a question sign was imprinted on my face, but Jade didn't care. I didn't expect her to care also.

She then continued, "This is Lucas, my only son, or should I say your stepbrother. He is here to stay, so treat him with love. You wouldn't like what I'll do to you if I receive complaints of you not taking proper care of him," Jade said with all seriousness, while I scoffed inwardly.

I turned to my dad, secretly giving him the 'What the hell is going on here' look, but he only shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, as he signaled me not to say anything.

I then turned to Jade and nodded with a pretentious smile on my face.

But then, my eyes locked with those of the strange man seated between my parents, and I felt a mix of curiosity and discomfort. His gaze had been fixed on me since I entered the sitting room, and it made my skin crawl.

Something was unsettling about the intensity with which he stared back at me. It was as if he desired me at first sight, and that realization sent shivers down my spine. I knew at that moment that my home was no longer a haven.

As my eyes traveled down to my attire, I noticed that I was wearing my black bump shorts, a casual choice for home. But given the way he ogled me, I immediately regretted my decision to come out dressed like that. I felt exposed and vulnerable under his lustful gaze, and an urgent need to conceal myself washed over me.

Thankfully, my father seemed to notice my unease. Without uttering a word, he grabbed his jacket and threw it at me. I caught it swiftly, grateful for the shield it provided. With haste, I wrapped the jacket around my body, attempting to shield myself from the stranger's invasive stare.

I managed a brief smile of appreciation towards my dad before turning to leave. Just before I could make my escape, I caught a glimpse of a frown on the strange man's face. It was a fleeting moment, but it added to my growing unease. However, I quickly brushed it off and hastened into the kitchen.

Shutting the door behind me, I let out a sigh of relief. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a strange gratitude towards the mysterious man. His presence had deterred Jade from subjecting me to another painful beating. It seemed that no matter how justified I was, she found pleasure in inflicting pain upon me. I wondered if simply waking up late would have been enough for her to end my life.

"I'm late for work!!" I screamed in the kitchen with my hands placed over my mouth and my eyes opened wide, as I immediately began cleaning the kitchen.

After finishing my cleaning duties, I rushed to prepare a belated breakfast for the family. The tantalizing aroma of food filled the air as it cooked in the gas cooker.

As the food was on the gas cooker, I began cleaning the sitting room, and luckily for me, no one was in the sitting room any longer. They had all gone to their rooms.

"I have a bad feeling about that guy," I muttered to myself as I continued cleaning the whole house, but suddenly I felt as though I was being watched.

And when I turned swiftly, I was met by the sight of Lucas staring at me. But almost immediately, he turned and walked away with his hands placed into his pockets.

With a sigh, I turned away also. "I don't like that guy. Dad why didn't you say something!!" I half yelled, but then I perceived the scent of the food I was preparing. I would get into another trouble if the food burned.


I hurriedly walked out of my steam-filled bathroom, clutching my towel tightly around my chest. The clock on the wall caught my attention, and I snapped out of my daze. It was already 9:33, much later than I had anticipated.

"I'll get sacked by my boss today," I muttered, a pang of pain in my voice as I rushed to get dressed.

My fingers fumbled with the buttons on my blue tank top, my heart pounding with anxiety. I quickly slipped into my black skirt, struggling to pull it down to an acceptable length just above my knees.

With my hair still damp, I hastily brushed it, trying to tame the unruly strands into some semblance of order. Time was slipping away, and I couldn't afford any more delays. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my handbag, and checked to ensure all the necessary tools and appliances for the day's work were securely packed inside.

Satisfied that I had everything I needed, I hurriedly exited my room, leaving behind the chaos of my thoughts.