
Supreme Protector

Samuel, a dork from Earth is reincarnated in another fantasy planet with the most powerful ability in the Universe, the ability to the take other abilities. This ability is split into five pieces that reside in different beings across the planet following the destruction of the former owner of the ability. Wars are raging in all the planets and a protector that will bring peace that existed thousands of years ago back to the universe is required. Samuel takes on the role of the supreme Protector of the universe as he goes on in his adventurous journey.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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Chapter 5: Welcome to Gomorrah

" We will soon arrive at the ship that will be taking us to Gomorrah." Tiana said softly as a magic powered cart carried them to a space ship dock.

" I pray the gods spare our life." Kora whispered softly as he closed his eyes for a minute.

They finally got to the dock and the cart dropped them off after paying the driver, they entered the dock and they saw different ships lying around and different workers in the dock working, as usual.

" You must be Miss Tiana Romnivov." A middle aged worker said as he approached them.

" Yes, take us to our ship." Tiana responded and the man nodded before leading them to the ship runway that was at the back of the dock.

" You are not carrying anything with you on your journey?" The worker asked as they walked towards their ship, Susie responded by stretching her left hand towards the man and he noticed the fancy ring on her finger before mouthing a 'oh'.

Before they embarked on the journey, they had so much luggage with them but Tiana provided them with storage rings so they have all their luggage stored in their storage rings.

They finally got to their ship, Kora and Samuel were surprised by the beauty of the ship taking them to Gomorrah, it's a sleek green ship.

" Thank you, we can take it from here." Susie said and she sent the worker away. They all entered the ship and Susie is in charge of piloting the ship to Gomorrah.

In a few minutes, there were in the sky, almost out of Earth and Susie said they should get to Gomorrah in a few hours.

" Kora, come over." Tiana waved Kora to come over to sit at her front.

" What's it?"

" Let's awaken your abilities."

" In here?" Samuel asked, looking at the interior of the ship.

" Yes, this ship is inlaid with the strongest of metals, a flame produced by someone that's barely an apprentice won't hurt the ship."

" Okay, let's do it." Kora added.

Tiana took a small orb from her storage ring and she placed it in between the both of them.

" Place your hands on it." Tiana said and Kora obeyed.

" It might hurt." Tiana said and the process began. Kora found his spirit self transported into a world of burning lava. He was standing on burning lava but he wasn't hurt, he looked around and all he found was burning lava around him.

Suddenly, a large burning Pheonix descended at his front and he stiffened as the Phoenix walked closer to him.

The Phoenix looked at him with pity that made his heart thump faster then it screamed loudly and Kora grabbed his ears in pain before finding himself in a world filled with fiery red fire and lots of screams around him.

He saw people in the flames writhing in pain, screaming, shouting and pleading for help but Kora just watched in horror. He raised his head and he saw the Pheonix hovering in the sky and he saw in it's eyes, expectation before he awoke in the ship taking them to Gomorrah.

" Calm down." Kora heard as Samuel grabbed him tightly.

" What happened?" Kora asked as he recovered.

" You were shouting so loudly and I was so scared you wouldn't make it." Samuel said.

" You are lucky, you are blessed by the Pheonix." Tiana added.

" Which rank am I now?" Kora asked.

" Go cultivate and you will find out and discover how to use your powers." Tiana said and Kora enthusiastically scurried away.

" Dan, come have a seat." Tiana called and Samuel sat beside her.

" Which rank are you?" Samuel asked.

" I am a grandmaster with the power of space." Tiana responded honestly.

" You must be very strong." Samuel commented, surprised.

" I am. When we get back from Gomorrah, we should get you a very powerful ability." Tiana said.

" That's if I don't die in Gomorrah." Samuel responded.

" I am the only one without any ability and I would be the weak link in the group." Samuel added.

" We can't face dangerous stuffs because we have everything planned out, it would be stupid to go to Gomorrah without a plan." Tiana responded and Samuel shot her a long glance before walking away.

Hours passed and they finally landed on Gomorrah, the planet had two suns and one of the suns pulsed rhythmically but the environment on Gomorrah was cool, and all they could see was dried vegetation.

" Equip yourselves with your armour and let's go out." Tiana said and she walked out the ship with a slender green armour handing on her beautiful body and a long sword handing on her back,then Susie, Kora and Samuel followed.

" It's not as weird or scary as the rumours put it." Kora said as he looked around.

" It's too early to say that." Susie responded with a seductive smile hanging on her face.

" Let's go." Tiana led the group using a map she held. After an hour of walking, they arrived at a very large open field littered with bones, weapons, clothes and flags.

" A battle must have happened here." Samuel said.

" A very large battle." Kora said as he walked into the field.

" Is that not the Rogra flag?" Susie said, pointing at a flag in the field.

" Yes, it is. But it looks like they were all fighting against themselves, why would they do that?" Tiana responded.

" They came here to get the Dragon for themselves and they must have fought over it, resulting in a war amongst themselves." Susie said and Samuel just listened intently, suddenly he felt his senses tingle and he felt something very dangerous approaching the field that Kora was deep inside.

" Kora get out there now!" Tiana shouted at her top voice that reached Kora immediately and he quickly started running towards his team with a weird sword he picked on the battlefield.

But suddenly, a large black beast that looked like a tiger appeared behind Kora and it quickly caught up to Kora because it could teleport. It pinned Kora to the ground and it quickly swiped its claws at Kora's chest but the armour on him prevented him from being sliced by the beast's claws.

Before the beast could attack again, Tiana appeared beside it and she punched the beast away from Kora. The beast stood up on its feet again and it dashed towards them again and Kora picked the weird pitch black sword he saw on the field and he struck the beast with the sword, giving the beast a bad wound.

The beast quickly retreated and it made to escape but before it could, Tiana already grabbed it's tail and she slammed the beast on the ground before stabbing it's right eye with her sword.

" Where do you think you are going?" Tiana mouthed after the beast's death and she turned to look at Kora.

" Never stray away from the group again." Tiana said.

" And drop that sword, everything you see here have been here for a long time and that sword not deteriorating like a normal weapon means it has something special that might be dangerous." Tiana said and she walked away but Kora didn't listen to her, he placed the sword in his storage ring instead of dropping it on the battlefield.