
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 127×The Search

*Dxd World*




A few hours had passed since Haile saw an unfortunate ceremony of sacrifice, now he and Gasper were by there little hang out place with the pond, they were swishing there feet in the water in awkward silence.

Haile glanced over to Gasper sneakily, he opened his mouth but no words came out, he closed it and looked back ahead.

Gasper had his head down not saying anything either, he looked depressed and confused about why he was depressed."....*Sigh*.."He sighed as he peeked at Haile but couldn't say anything, even he doesn't know what's wrong.

."...you know Gasper, I...as...as your Master, you can trust me you know...I do-don't know what is going on with you, but I can help, just explain to me what happened."Haile spoke out after finally finding the courage to, this was something else.

Gasper sighed again sadly."I..don't know, I was curious of the last time, with...the girls..I didn't know..what to do...so I asked someone..."He said softly and a bit gloomy.

."Someone, what happened, who did you ask."Haile asked with some understanding, someone must have hurt Gasper's feelings.

Gasper spoke again depressed."It was a maid, I told her about my confusion and she said she would help me, but then and we were going to do that thing, she asked me...what is this, where is it, I didn't know what she ment but for some reason my soul felt crushed, I lost all confidence."He said deflated.

."Ohh, I see...I see...I see...so..what else happened."Haile said understanding what happened completely, Gasper's manly pride has taken a hit, a big one it seems like.

Gasper slump down more."Afterwards she shook her head in disappointment, she lefted and came back with a book name Anatomic Physiology of men....I read it...now I understand everything, i...have the tiniest penis in all of history and it's important, now I can never find love."He said as a tear ran down his eye.

Haile frowned, that maid was vile indeed, she knew what she was doing but it wasn't that big of a deal.

."Gasper, what are so you worry about, you are still in your growth stage as a vampire, it will grow, don't worry about it to much."Haile said with a chuckle, he smiled, the boys confidence was still so shallow.

Gasper's eyes lit up."Really, will it grow big and strong, will they still laugh at me?."He asked with bright eyes.

."Of course not you are still growing, they will be shocked in the future when they see it, all of them without exception."Haile said confidently, but honestly he wasn't to sure, it may or may not grow anymore, but he will leave it up to the future.

But Haile was still confused about something."So why were you going to cut it off, that would hurt you know."He said with a raised eyebrow.

."HUH, REALLY, I DIDN'T KNOW?!?!."Gasper shouted in shock as his face paled, but the book, he didn't know it would hurt at all.

Haile was shocked also."What the hell did you read, what did it say that would make you think it wouldn't hurt."He was baffled.

."It said that for a man with a useless dick just cut it off because it is worth nothing and because of that the man wouldn't feel anything because he can't use it anyway or something like that."Gasper said thinking back remember exactly what was written down.

Haile slapped his forehead."This idiot, that was not about pain, that about the feeling of lost, in the mind, you almost suffered, luckily I thought to come see you."He said shaking his head, it would have been a disaster.

Gasper was speechless, had he almost died, he got cold sweat.

."Anyway, stop taking in people's opinions, the only opinion that should matter to you is mine and your own, that's it, you can choose from there if you want to accept some positive opinions."Haile said seriously.

Gasper nodded in understanding, he felt alot more confident again.

."Good now let's start training again."Haile said with a smirk.


*Raeh's Pantheon*

In this great Pantheon of God's and Goddesses, lightning flashing in the sky's but somehow not as strong as before, the fires of the hell beneath also looks more mild and calm.

In the throne room of the grand palace that once belonged to the great Godking of this pantheon, Raeh now sat on the throne of the ruler, no longer on the smaller one representing second.

But she didn't have the smaller one removed, she has someone in mind to sit in that seat, he was always on her mind and in her dreams, she thought about his every second of the day for hours on end.

.'*Sigh* when will I see him again, I can't wait anymore.'Raeh who was on her throne thought to herself staring at the wall infront of her mindlessly.


A door to the throne room open and in came her now most loyal servant, General Moda one of the most powerful warriors alive, one of the cornerstones of her great Pantheon.

."Ah General Moda, just in time, did you find the person I instructed you to find?."Raeh asked happily with anticipation, she almost hopped off the throne.

General cleared his throat embarrassed."Your majesty, um, we haven't started the search yet, well, we were so excited to show our support that we forgot to ask for directions..."He said with a tiny voice as he looked to the side.


Silence reigned for a moment."...oh.....I see.....it's....fine..it's fine...totally fine."Raeh said with a calm and relaxed smile, she closed her eyes as she squeezed the handle of her throne so hard the gold cracked slightly but she was still smiling.

General gulped."I'm sorry your majesty that's my fault, we were to confident, can you please tell me where we should first start looking, just so we can maybe track down this man."He said to her, he was confident he can find this person.

."Ok, just go to this place, come forward General Moda."Empress Raeh said with a sigh, it was her fault for not telling him in the first place so she can't blame him completely.

General came closer and Kneel down bowing his head to her.

Raeh point her finger at General Mode and a red light came to be, going into his head, he looked up in understanding, Raeh nodded."Go to that place in the human world, find that woman and ask her, if she puts up resistance, shake her up as bit."She said with a smile but her eyes flashed ruthlessly, if she was there personally she would kill her if she refused to tell but she knew what type of person Moda was.

."Yes your majesty, me and two of my people will be leaving the pantheon, take care."General Mode bowed again before standing up confident and regaining his bearing, his eyes glint with power.


General Moda left, Raeh looked at the door for a bit in silence, she was in deep thought as a smile spread upon her face.



Suddenly Raeh was standing up, a crater beneath her feet, the two thrones gone and a red aura coating her body like water, veins pulsed in her forehead as she grind her teeth enraged.

."DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!."She screamed as her eyes turn red, she was so angry right now, she just wanted to destroy something, she was so looking forward to seeing Haile's face, now she has to wait even more.

After a few minutes she calmed down a bit and sat on the ground right in the crater she made."If he is not back by tomorrow I will go out and find Haile myself, I can't wait any longer, I have to have him, he's mine, ALL MINE!!!."She said as she clenched her fist tightly, blood ran down her hand as her finger nails cut her but she didn't care.


*With General Mode*

Right now General Mode is on a chariot being pulled by two small Blue Dragons, they roared as they pulled it through a dark space much like the place the Underworld trains travels through, they were moving at high speeds.

."Come on, we have to complete this as quickly as possible, her majesty looked quite irritated when I came back empty handed, so lets go into overdrive."General Moda said seriously, he was now fully back into superior General Mode, the greatest General who could have become a Godking but refused on his honor.

Behind him was two great warriors in there own right, they were part of his personal army, but they specialized in spying and assassination, so they were very good at tracking down people, just from a single hair follicle they could show up at your door.

One was a rather slim feminine looking man he had more of a beauty than a handsomeness, he had green hair, full green eyes no whites could be seen, it looked kinda creepy but it gave him a unique charm that was completely his own as he stood calmly.

.""Hahaha Shia, it seems that this mission is completely up to me, I told you speed can be beaten, what is being fast going to do for this mission Hahaha.""

The one beside the green eyed one said, the only female of the group, she had a similar face to the green eyed one named Shia but female version, her hair was blue and her eyes were full blue instead of green, they looked like twins, but she seemed to have a more fiery tomboy personality than her brother who is calm and collected.

."*Sigh* Mhia when will you learn, speed is king, you can't beat what you can't catch, you decide to focus on sensing bulshit, what can that do when your life is at risk, nothing, I can at least run away."Shia said as he shook his head at his sister, they were twins born of the same mother but somehow not the same father, they had there fathers hair.

Mhia looked away with a pout."So what, my sensing is God like, nothing can escape me, but all you can do is move fast, your wife surely doesn't like that."She said with a smirk on her face.

Shia had vein bulge on his forehead, Mhia smile widely."Huh hit a nerve Hahaha, two second man."She said hitting where it hurts most, Shia's eyes flashed green and his body faded out.

."Alright you two stop it now, no fight on this mission this is serious."General Moda said glancing back at them stopping them in there tracks.

They both stopped, they looked at each other and looked away, Mhia casually leaned on the chariot."*Tsk* why do we even have to find this man for, her majesty seems to hold this man fondly instead of him offending her or something, it's fishy."She said, her womanly intuition was suspicious, but suddenly she got cold sweat as she looked up to her General.

General Mode only glanced at her but she felt like she was already dead."Mhia I will tolerate no disrespect towards her majesty, she is the God Empress she can do whatever she so desires, if she wants a harem of men to satisfy her daily needs then so be it, you have no right to have an opinion, that is HER right as the RULER, just as her husband the late king."He said as he turn back around.

Shia shook his head, he doesn't know what is wrong with his sister and getting in trouble with the War General, she never learn her lesson it seems like.

Mhia quickly became silent not even letting her breathing get to loud, she knows not to mess with the General, she had been punished enough.

Now in silence they all quickly arrived to the human world, Japan, the place of Youkai, Humans and Shinto Gods, they were soaring through the sky in incognito mode.

."Ahhh I haven't been to the human world in a long time, it has changed alot, very well developed, the humans continue to amaze me."General Moda said with a refreshed smile on his face, he was in admiration of what they have accomplished.

Mhia and Shia look down to the human city below with wonder, this was there first time to the human world, they were also amazed at what they were seeing.

."Woahh that thing over there looks awesome."Mhia said as her eyes sparkled looking at a big wheel like thing with seats, it was beautiful.

General Moda looked at them with smiles."Come on now, you can have plenty of time to enjoy this when we complete the mission but let's focus on that first, ok."He said, he is glad they are happy, it made him happy as well.

General Moda controlled the Dragons to fly down as they zoomed over buildings, soon they came to a stop by the place that he saw in the memories that her majesty gave him.

."Huh, Lord Moda, is this the place, there's nothing here."Shia said as he look down, it was just a plot of land that looked strangely misplaced, like something was taken from it, then two lonely buildings were at the side.

Moda frowned deeply."This is the place, there is no mistaking it, maybe they moved, Mhia this is all you, go see what you find, it's a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, very beautiful from the pictures, see what you have to work with."He said as he look around the place to see if he saw any clues.

Mhia long out her tongue at Shia, she jumped off the chariot over 190 feet in the air, she land on the ground soundlessly, she walked into the clearing casually as her eyes glowed blue.

.'~Ah Ahh Ahh fuck me harder~!'.

.'~Ahhh just like that~!'.

.'Thank you customer come again'.

.'That was so good your pussy is delicious'.

Mhia who was walking around the plot of land was seeing different scenes playing out before her very eyes, she blushed deeply but she had a job to do, she continued walking around as Different ones played then she stopped.

."Got ya."Mhia said with a smile on her face, she saw a beautiful blonde hair woman that looked important in the building that was here, it must be her, she focused in on sensing her and saw her most recent activity, she had left destroying the building and gone somewhere and it ended there for now.

Mhia ran and flew back into the Chariot with a smile."I have a lead, I can follow her trail, go towards the north from here."She said pointing towards that direction.

."Mhia, your Past Tense ability is truly amazing, if only you'd tone down the arrogance you could have ranked up many years ago, even holding your brother back with you."General Moda said as he shook his head, she was a handful.

Mhia stood with her head high, she had the right to be arrogant, she had the most powerful ability in the world, built all from her talent and hardwork for a hundred years.

They continued there journey.

In the same direction they were head, up in the great mountains and forest there was a gigantic mansion, 4 stories up, pools, drive way connected to a path leading back to civilization, it was so massive that one person couldn't possibly live there without being scared.

It was indeed so, this house belonged to Melody, who with the money Haile had given her bought this house, it belonged to a millionaire that bought it to show off to his friends but then couldn't maintain it because it was to much money.

He sold it to her for only 12 million, even though he bought it at 215 million but he didn't care if he didn't sell it he would lose everything he had, she happily bought it, she and some of the girls lived here, ones that were like her daughters.

The others she gave them money and promised them a job in her new company she is opening, she will need those beautiful girls for that, it will be a telecommunications firm, named SexTalks, having phone sex with people.

It is better now than actually doing it, now they can live happily and freely, she will also open a few more companies that they can enjoy, she will build an empire, one that can make Haile proud.

She knows the money he gave her will not last forever, plus the taxes she had to pay, if she wants a luxurious lifestyle then she will need income to keep her money in the billions and more if possible, she has the employees already that she can take care of for now without giving them a payment so she can build up her money then start giving them payments afterwards.

Melody was on her balcony overlooking the city of Kyoto from high above, she was drinking wine in a robe, this was the life, even though she was kinda rich before but most that money went into maintenance so she barely had enough to enjoy a taste of luxury, now she can embrace it.

."All thanks to Haile, how I wish I can give this all back and be with you instead, how regretful."Melody said to herself sadly as she gaze at the horizon, she just wished, she can only wish.


."Huh that was some strong winds, this is really a nice place indeed."Melody said as she smiled happily taking a sip of her wine.

.""Hello, my name is General Moda, are you by chance Miss Melody?"".

Melodies blood went cold as she looked up at a ancient looking chariot in the air that suddenly appeared above her, she couldn't believe her eyes, on it was 3 people two men and a woman, they all looked strange especially the two people that looked similar.

."What..."Melody just muttered in shocked, her head felt light, she stepped back holding her head, she looked up again and took a seat putting her face in her hand.

General Mode, Mhia and Shia looked at her strangely, she didn't even say anything, what is her problem has she never seen a chariot before.