

With the emergence of genetic engineering, the time required for the evolution of new species has literally collapsed. Giving us the ability to bypass natural selection and evolve into true supreme beings. And it heralds the start of an era of unending upheaval. Will human evolution reign supreme? Or it will lead to the annihilation of humanity... ————— There will be at least 5 chapter per week ————— contact: oceansmith.tech@gmail.com Disclaimer: There is no copyright infringement intended for cover. I give credits to the real owner and I am not the real owner of the cover. If the owner wants to take down the cover, just let me know. Note to self: No matter what happens, even if this novel gets no readers, you have to complete the novel.

oceansmith · Fantasy
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15 Chs

A Hypothesis



A stringent smell permeated the air, and my body relaxed like it was relieved from some heavy burden. A sense of satisfaction washed over my entire being, but was soon followed by a wet feeling plundering my comfort.

And as the ding sound echoed inside the room, two robotic arms started to clean me and change my attire, or should I say a diaper?

With a shame and burning face, I looked down, hoping to hide from anyone's peering gaze.

And why is there a camera inside the room?

Pointed right in my direction, like a hawk's gaze, keeping track of my every little action.

Damn! Give a man at least his privacy.

And with this infant body, I can't even control my excretory actions. Luckily, this world has high-tech robots that attend to my every need, from cleaning to changing.

Otherwise, I will definitely pass away from terrible shame if someone changes my diaper.

And the feeling of shame I felt while indulging in brea**...

cough! cough!

Well, I had no other alternative. And the only affection I had for her emanated from my heart, a genuine, familial love. Perhaps it's because she gave me another chance, rescuing me from an agonizingly lonely existence that would have been worse than death, or it could just be because she is my mother, nothing more, nothing less.

It's been almost ten days since my parents welcomed us, twins, into their home. Although it appears like we are wealthy and have a large home, I have nothing else to compare it to.

The technology that has been incorporated into this house is also incredibly sophisticated, which amazed me. Robots powered by advanced AI took care of all the housework, including cleaning and tending to my needs. Cameras were installed inside the area, and once daily, drones came to disseminate something liquid-like.

I was drawn in by the advanced technology and wanted to explore and take it all in, but my immature physique prevented me from doing so.

My life's most soothing days have been the last ten days. I didn't have any hazardous work or research that forced me to give up my nights. Most significantly, there was no sensation of dread brought on by losing all of my senses, no darkness, no loneliness.

I've slept like never before during the previous ten days. Perhaps because my infant body required a lot of sleep, but also because I had nothing better to do. And the best part was of course eating...

cough! cough!

"meeting*", meeting my parents was the best thing... did you by any chance hear about eating?

No! No! It's not "eating," it's a "meeting."

Most of the time, my parents keep me and my twin sister company. Looking after us, attending to our every need.

The name of my parents is the most significant thing I came to know in these last ten days. "Elva Windslay" is the name of my mother, and "Adrian Windslay" is the name of my father. Even though my parents' names are very common, our family name appears extravagant.

My parents have yet to decide on our names. But I have a horrible premonition while listening to their arguments, deciding on our names, and also hearing the weird names they suggest to each other.

I had no siblings in my previous life. I am fortunate to have a baby sister this time. A euphoric feeling enraptured me when I realized I'm the brother of this beautiful sister.

She is like the purest jade, with enthralling radical eyes, contrasting and glistening brightly. Deep blue, like the deepest oceans, and blazing red, like a dazzling sun at sunset. And her alluring black hair, with dark crimson red and light blue streaks.

She is peacefully dozing off in her cradle, similar to a tranquil lake. But watch out for her serene countenance. When she wakes up and begins wailing, even mom and dad's combined efforts will fail to soothe her. Usually, Dad makes weird faces to make her laugh, but it has always ended up with undesirable results. Even our robots start to sing when my baby sister cries.

My father once tried in vain to play with me by making bizarre faces, but when he saw my placid expression, he lifted me into the air and spun me about like some kind of aeroplane.

I've never been afraid of heights, but at that moment, my life literally leaped out of my throat. Luckily, my mom was nearby and came to my rescue by saving me from the demon's clutches and beating the demon into submission.

I also came to several realizations over the last ten days of my new life..

First off, just like my sister, I also did not inherit horns from my mother. I cursed again and again for my shitty luck.

And second, is a hypothesis...

An abstract, unbelievable hypothesis that I came up with after ten days of observation and brainstorming. A hypothesis points out that this is not a fantasy world, but the future of Earth!

Despite the fact that this planet is different, as far as I know, my mother has horns, my father can control the wind itself, and even my ten-day-old infant body feels much stronger than humanity's standard.

But, disregarding that, this universe emanates a reflection of the earth I know. From robots to drones, even walls are made up of broadcasting screens. Even the language and even a few phrases from my previous life are similar. My father often carried something that resembled a cell phone.

And it's likely that my parents' aberrant physiques are the consequence of human evolution. An evolution that began because of me, for which I will never be credited, but did this world give me a second chance by empowering me to enjoy the fruits of my labor?

My body does feel different. Is it true that I have been reborn as an evolved individual?

If my father can control the wind itself, then what about others? How did other people evolve? Can they fly like birds? Or swim like a fish? Or someone evolved with spider genes, really transforming into Spider-Man? Is this era of superhumans where many Spider-Mans and Ant-Man will roam the earth? And what happened to animals and plants, they also must have evolved.

And what about me? Can I control the wind? And if so, then how?

My pulse was pounding with excitement. I am anxious to validate my hypothesis and learn more about humanity's evolution. Examine the world and compare it to the past to determine how much my research changed the globe and whether this is the outcome of something entirely different. To dig through history and see the wonders.

But the first step I need to take is to walk and move, so I can get my hands on some information...

No, there is a better option. I'll just take a phone from mom and dad to play. As long as it is connected to the internet, all the information I need will be at my fingertip.

But how should I get my hands on the phone?

It looks like there is only one option: "Point to the phone and begin crying."

Sigh. It appears that I will cry for the first time since my rebirth.