
Supreme Draconic Orc and her Unique Harem

[R-18, Futanari MC, Smut, Overpowered] The Infamous Orc King, who was said to be stronger than the Demon King, was unfortunately captured by all the nations, who rallied together to stop him. In his final moments, he gave a prophecy that the Orc's "Supreme God" would descend from the heavens with strength he could not compare or even understand. After his death, several thousand years had passed, and in outer space on a space ship, a green draconic orc baby was hatched from an egg and was later given the name Ruka. Ruka's parents were in a lot of trouble, all because of Ruka's birth, so they had no choice but to send her off to a planet where it would be safe for her to grow up and survive. Before this happened, Ruka was injected with a golden liquid filled with high-tech nanomachines that will aid her in her adventure in this whole new world, along with an AI assistant to help her. Yet, as she grows up and is ready to seek civilization, the world and Ruka do not mix exactly well. Part of the reason was because Ruka seemed to be the only Orc living, and she was the only person who was a Futanari and had a unique harem. How will the Draconic Orc Futanari survive in this new world? Read to find out! [Note: Her Harem contains Femboys/Traps, not just women.] ---------------- Cover art is not mine, found it off Pinterest.

Vexis · Fantasy
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8 Chs


[Planet: Eldoria]

In the middle of the night, in a forest populated by tall, leafless trees, there was a crowd that gathered around in an enclosed encampment. Surrounding this encampment were tall wooden walls furnished with a few guard towers, with guards positioned with bows or wooden magical staffs.

This encampment was massive, as it privately and temporarily housed royal members of all the nations to accomplish one goal. This goal was so important that, without being united as one force, it would prove impossible.

After uniting as one force, they would seek out and hunt the infamous Orc King, who was even more powerful than any of the nation's leaders, including the Demon King, who could not be slain without a hero.

This goes to show how powerful this Orc King is and what threat his presence would bring to the world if left unbothered. Being unrivaled in magic, strength, speed, and everything else, the Orc King couldn't be stopped unless they united together.

Fortunately, they were able to complete this goal and have captured the Orc King, along with his royal family and those close to him. Everyone else, his people, were ultimately slain for the good of the world.

Tied to several wooden logs pitched into the ground were the Orc King and his family and friends. Their bodies and mouths were bound and gagged with rope, preventing them from moving or talking. Encircled around them was a red magic circle that zapped their magical power and stamina. It would also shoot out fire magic upon activation.

Tonight will be their last night, and there's nothing they can do about it.

"Orc King! You are a threat to the world and therefore must be eliminated. To prevent altercations in the future, those close to you will die as well." A king belonging to the human race declared this as he sat on a throne situated on a wooden platform.

Next to his throne were several others that belonged to all kings and queens of every nation in the world, whether they were Elves, Dwarves, Beastkins, or even a representative of the Demon King.

Their thrones were just as luxurious as their clothing, which was made from the finest materials the upper class of society could offer. They were practically sitting on and in their kingdom's wealth.

Standing behind each throne were the nations' leaders bodyguards, who made sure there was no betrayal against their respective king or queen.

Under the royal wooden platform were several groups of soldiers and magicians ready to strike and protect their nation's leaders against the royal Orc family if they decided to retaliate. However, they were mainly there to watch the spectacle that they'd all been waiting for.

The death of the entire orc's existence, ending with the royal Orc family.

"Can we kill them already? We've already slaughtered their entire species. We don't need to make a big deal out of a few more!" The Dwarf King said as he sipped on a mug filled with delicious ale.

Numerous agreements were made by other nations' kings and queens, along with those below. Since everyone was in agreement, there was little left that needed to be said.

Yet, suddenly, the beautiful Elven Queen had spoken firmly, "A threat to the world, the Orc King may be, he should be allowed to say his last words before he is sent to the afterlife."

This elicited mixed reactions, but they all agreed that a few more seconds, or even minutes, wouldn't hurt. So, they allowed the Orc King to speak his final words.

The Elven Queen lowered down the Orc King's rope gag with the use of her incredible magic, though it was far inferior to the Orc King's. 

The nation's kings and queens took a better look at the Orc King as they waited for him to speak.

They saw a tall, imposing green-skinned man with long black hair and red eyes. Two bottom teeth protruded from his mouth, and his face and body were covered in blood, along with paint. Several lacerations, bruises, and burns laced his body, showing his defeat against the nations.

Overall, it looked like a regular orc that they considered hideous and barbaric, but his power was second to none, making him anything but a regular orc.

Now freely ungagged, the Orc King laughed and smiled in anger, disdain, and most of all, with pity. He shook his head and glared at the nation's leaders and their army. "You pitiful, disgusting rats. You think that you have bested our superior orc race with our impending "extinction"! Oh, how wrong you are!"

The nation leaders and the armies, as well as the Orc King's own family and friends, looked at him in confusion. Some were calling him crazy or stupid, while others wanted to know what he meant.

For everyone to hear, the Orc King boldly claimed, "I have foreseen it! Our Supreme God, one with unrivaled power that even I, the "infamous" Orc King, cannot even compare or understand, will descend from the heavens in a ball of fire!"

"He will bring order and freedom to those who are helpless and willing, but he will destroy or enslave those who refuse his gracious offering."

"So, yes, our race will face extinction tonight, but in the future, we will come back stronger, fiercer, and better in every. single. way! If I were you, I'd make sure your descendants obey and wait for him whenever he comes. If you don't and wipe your "royal" asses with my warnings, then you'll regret it!"

The Orc King had finished this prophecy, and not a second later, the human king roared in frustration and anger, telling all magicians to activate the fire magic circle.

He then turned his head toward the Orc King, telling him, "You're telling nothing but foolish lies! We do not fear you or your words, and if some "Supreme God" descends from the "heavens," then we will deal with him as we did with you! For we are not without our true gods! For Eldoria!"

"For Eldoria" The kings, queens, and armies shouted in unison as everyone activated the magic circle with their magic power. Well, everyone did this except the Elven Queen, who was seemingly disturbed, confused, and lost.

She thought to herself, 'The Orc King wouldn't say empty words. He has never done so before, and judging by his character...'

The Elven Queen looked at the Orc King, who was now being set ablaze by the magic circle. He was laughing and writhing in pain as he assured his family and friends that they would not die here.

"He wouldn't say empty words, even in death." She whispered quietly to herself, and she was unheard by those around her, even her own bodyguard.

That night marked the entire Orc Race extinction, and from this day forth, they will be forgotten in history.


[Galaxy: Zeph]

On another planet, several thousand years later, on the same day, a green-skinned baby was born. In a white and golden futuristic room, the baby was wrapped and held by a tired and sweaty green-skinned doctor wearing white scrubs who had two large bottom teeth protruding from her lower lip.

"It's a futanari!" The doctor had claimed this in front of an interracial couple who belonged to two races: a unique draconic race and a unique orc race.

The baby just hatched from an egg that required serious attention by the doctor because of the unusual circumstances related to her birth.

Wanting to hold her, the draconic woman beckoned the doctor to come closer. The beautiful draconic woman was in human form with pale skin, long, sea-blue hair, and blue draconic eyes, and she wore a long, silk-black expensive dress with black high heels on her feet.

The doctor, having absolutely no reason to refuse, walked over to the draconic woman and placed the baby gently in her arms. After doing this, the doctor walked over to a futuristic counter that held a gray, futuristic device containing a golden liquid, and she picked it up and brought it over to the baby.

The draconic woman looked at the doctor before glancing at her partner, a tall and imposing Orc futanari, who had long silver-colored hair and red eyes and had her toned, muscular body hidden behind aged leather and fur armor with a long silver spear held on her back.

They both understood what needed to be done and what they were facing, so they nodded toward the doctor, saying in unison, "Do it."

Returning their nod, the orc doctor took the device and pressed a button on the side, which allowed a needle to appear from the device before using it and sticking it into the baby's arm after unwrapping her body. Then, without delay, the doctor pressed the button again, and the golden fluids inside were being injected into the baby's body.

Once the fluids were completely injected into the baby's body, the doctor removed the needle from the baby's arm and cleaned the dripping blood away from the baby's arm.

The couple knew that the hardest part was yet to come, and it would only last a few more minutes until they were forced to do something if they wanted their baby to survive.

Holding up the baby, the couple looked at her with teary eyes and smiled bitterly, "You shall be named Ruka!"

Then, unfortunately, without further delay, the baby was taken out of the futuristic room. Soon later, the couple brought the baby to another futuristic room with several space pods that were meant for escaping.

Opening up one of the escape pods, it had nothing but a metal pram inside. The couple placed the baby in the pram and started setting a course for her to travel and escape from where they were. "I found the planet. I'm inputting the course now." The draconic woman spoke as tears fell from her eyes.

She didn't want to do this, but something, or someone, was giving her no choice if she wanted her baby to survive. They were willing to sacrifice everything to ensure their baby's survival.

After they had found a suitable place for the baby to land, the baby's, Ruka's, parents kissed her goodbye and shared something with her that she would only listen to when the time was right.

When they said their goodbyes, they pressed a button and the pram closed as well as the space pod before it ejected from the place they were at, leaving only an enclosed glass window remaining. From the window, it was clear that these couple were in space on some kind of spaceship.

Since their baby was free from the impending doom they were facing, the couple could finally relax. "Alright, darling. I'm ready to fight with you—" The draconic woman was about to say something before she was pushed into another escape pod by her partner, who had opened up the space pod moments after sending her child.

This space pod was different than the one they sent their child. It had two windows, both on the front and back, and the inside was big enough to have metal seats and a place to stand.

Before the draconic woman could react, the orc futanari smiled and whispered lovingly, "I love you..." before pressing a button and ejecting her space pod as well to another planet separate from her child.

Like in slow motion, the draconic woman saw herself drop from the spaceship, but her eyes were glued to her lover's face. She could see the orc futanari shed two small tears, as if her heart were broken in two.

This caused the draconic woman to bang on the back window, sobbing and yelling at her, asking her why she did this. The draconic woman thought that they would fight together, not be split apart.

It was bad enough that they would be separated from their child, but to be separated from each other when they could've died together, like they had planned before Ruka was even born, all of that was thrown away, and it didn't take a genius to understand why her lover did this.

Unfortunately, the draconic woman could only watch the spaceship as she fell from it. She was now waiting for something big to happen.

At this time, the orc futanari had turned around and saw a group of draconic men who guarded their Draconic Emperor, who was a handsome man with long blue hair, blue eyes, and expensive blue robes. In his hand was a white and blue futuristic magic staff.

In a fit of rage, the Draconic Emperor questioned the orc futanari. "Where is she and that devil spawn that you two had conceived?! I demand you bring them here right this instant!"

Chuckling, the orc futanari took her metal spear into her hands before adopting a unique spear stance. "Oh, they're long gone now. You were too late, I'm afraid."

Looking at what the orc futanari was doing caused the Draconic Emperor to frown in confusion before he laughed in mockery, "Oh, is that so?! I assume that you were left behind to stop me, am I correct? I'm sorry, but you're not strong enough to do so."

"I know, but I will not make my baby an orphan. I'm only keeping you here for another 3...2...1...and...—"


The spaceship that the orc futanari was on had exploded, leaving nothing but a bright light behind. 

The draconic woman in the escape pod understood that the moment they had prepared for had happened, but she had survived instead of dying with her lover like they had originally planned.

Wincing from sadness, helplessness, and grief, the draconic woman broke down sobbing and was shipped away to the planet that her lover had set for her.

Whispering to herself, "Ruka, my baby, we will soon reunite. And we will take revenge for your mother's honorable death!"
