
Supreme Descent: Conquering Worlds For Fun(Hiatus)

In the vastness of totality, there are many worlds referred to as verses, and standing at the top of it all, there is a being known as the Omni-Sovereign Of Totality, the Monarch Of Reality, and many other names, in other words the True Omnipotent Being standing above all. But you see… that got boring… So he decided to change things and began his own journey and not just any journey, he decided to create an Avatar, and a system then send it down to this fictional world, and the goal was. Have fun and conquer them all! And so the journey of a supreme being turned into a nobody of his own volition, just because he was bored began.

Ky_Scriptio · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Tick, but no tack?(2)

Third Person POV

Somewhere, on an island, there was a hidden area with high tech, that could easily be mistaken for an abandoned base or some sort of secret military storage or lab. In this place, the green woman, Shego got back from her latest robbery, a rather easy job from her perspective, but it was never about the difficulty of the job, instead, her focus was two things, pay and potential.

She was a woman of a slender and curvaceous build with waist-length black hair, piercing green eyes, pale skin and black lips. Shego was wearing a green and black catsuit with an asymmetrical harlequin-dazzle pattern, with one glove and one boot of each color, and a green utility pouch strapped to her lower left leg that seals along the green "flap".

When she walked to the center of the room, where she stood for a while because a blueish scan passed over her, she was then allowed her entrance, as the ground around her opened into a circular tube and as if a slide, she was taken for a ride until getting abruptly let off on a chair, making her flinch forward, causing her long black hair to cover her face.

In front of her was a man build with light-blue skin, long black hair tied in a ponytail, a scar under his left eye, and a thick unibrow. Wearing a blue double-breasted coat and trousers, with black gloves and boots. He also wore a wide belt and a black collar, both of which are embossed with pale green circles. That was Drakken the man she was working for, at least for now.

(Images here)

"Ugh!... Ever considered a normal door?" She asked the man with her eyes narrowed, as she readjusted her hair.

"Did you get it?" Drakken questioned with a serious tone and expression, unbothered by her attitude.

"Yes, I got it. I don't know why you want it, but it's here. Seriously, this feels like the most useless thing, I've ever stolen and let's just say that I wasn't always a big-time criminal." Shego pulled out the cd containing the tick blueprint, and Drakken immediately took it from her.

"My plan will reveal itself in due course, Shego. It will do you some good to exercise patience.... Anyway, finally! I'll get to build a robotick! Hahaha!" Drakken smiled and his excitement overwhelmed any seriousness he previously had.

"Uhhh... Drakken... You know you're saying that out loud, right?" Shego smirked looking at his mannerisms.

"Cut it! Won't ya!" Drakken shook it off and pretended nothing happened while Shego stayed laughing at him.


Arik Pov

After using the image of the green woman we got from the recording, Wade managed to find more information about her.

[Her name is Shego and she's wanted in 11 countries... And apparently used to be a... Superhero?... I didn't know we had those, oh well.] Wade explained as the Kimmunicator showed images of Shego and team go, the superhero team she used to be a part of.

""Make that 12!"" I and Ron unintentionally synchronized and fist-bumped over it, as even Rufus purred in agreement.

"Really boys? I thought my brothers had more of a brain." Hana complained while shaking her head at our behavior.

"Honestly... She's not any of you's type, ewww." Kim was equally dejected at our behavior.

[Yeah... So, I scanned aircraft records in and out of the area, and there was this small jet of suspicious origin.] Wade continued not commenting on the Shego thing.

"Destination?" Kim asked.

[Just a small private island in the Caribbeans.] Wade replied.

"So, villains lair country." Kim said.

[Yeah, I even found local legends stating that the island is haunted.] Wade reported making Rufus hide in Ron's pocket.

"Haunted island? That screams keep out the meddling kids, please!" Kim commented in what I believe is a Scooby-doo reference.

"Let's just go and get this over with now. Professor, don't worry, you'll have your tick blueprint back here in no time." I said to the man, as we left the place.

Since Gustavo was still there, we know where to go, we got taken there by him, reaching the Island in due time. While we were on the flight, Kim presented the gadgets we have to Hana. For this mission, the sticky lipstick, Kim's grapple hook gun, and scuba-diving equipment. It's not all that much, but I'm not interested in that.

If I'm correct about the system, defeating adversaries should hand me exp like in a video game, so fighting a supervillain in his lair full of goons, sounds great! I'll get to grind much faster than doing exercise... At least I hope so. Whatever the case, I'll be able to use this opportunity to not only confirm that but to put my plan in motion as well. I'm not here just to complete the quest the system gave me or help team possible with the missions, I'm also here to take the first step into my plan for taking over this world, after all, I have to start somewhere.

After the plane landed on the water's surface close to the island, we put on the gear and went in swimming our way there. While we were doing so, I got a notification.

[Due to continuous swimming for your current body, your unique ability <Evolutionary Body>, has adapted, and you have gained a basic aquatic body physique, greatly increasing your underwater abilities.]

[Swimming, your unique ability <Prodigious Mind>, has glimpsed into the basics of Swimming, and you have acquired the skill <Aquatic Movement> and the title Honorary Merman.]

Having already seen through the basics of exercise as it related to all sports, this time, it was less of a trip through the growth of something, and more so a big flashback that brings certain parts of your memory to the forefront. It was easier to process, then in the past times.

While I was in trance, we got sucked in by some sort of slide tube and immediately thrown into a trap.

Quickly snapping out of it, I noticed that we were now strapped and in groups of two, I'm tied with Ron and Kim with Hana over a water body with sharks in it. Soon footsteps could be heard as a blue man, and the green woman from before, Shego come up to us.

"I've heard of you... Team possible... Led by the illustrious teen hero, Kim Possible and the cunning Arik Stoppble always ready with some unnoticed plan, together with their sidekick... Though I didn't know you had two sidekicks. Did you hire new personnel just to deal with me? I'm honored, which is why I mean it when I say that leaving you to die here pains me but think positively, you'll at least have a fitting end at the hands of the mad scientist, Dr. Drakken! Hahahahaha! I'm su-" Dr. Drakken smiled before bursting out in laughter.

"Dramatic, much? What is there to be honored about chum 1 and chum 2? We should just end Possible and the crafty kid, before they cause any real trouble. You can play with the chums if you want to do it so badly." Shego rolled her eyes as expressed.

"Chum?! Did she really have to say that?" Ron wasn't pleased by the denotation.

"Yeah, I understand Ron, but me?!" Hana added.

"Enough! And you Shego, take it easy. As I was saying, I'm sure you've heard of me." Drakken said confidently smiling.

"Not really, I might know of something you made if you take me to see your inventions though." I responded calmly.

"I'm sorry, but I'm also not familiar with you or your name. However, I do know you have something that doesn't belong to you and would be pleased if you could just peacefully hand it over." Kim added.

"Well, I would be happy to show you my work, but we're unfortunately past visit hours. As for handing it back... If I met you again, I'll gladly do it. Anyhow, for now, my pets are famished and I was wondering if you could-" Drakken began smiling with an evil grimace.

"Stay for lunch?" Kim said it before Drakken could.

"I wasn't going to say that... I was going to say for dinner!" Drakken refuted.

"Yeah, he was definitely going for that one." Ron agreed.

"Isn't it a little too early for dinner, anyway?" Hana was surprisingly as calm as rest, so I assume she's aware we have things under control.

"Ah yes! Stay for lunch!" Drakken pressed the button making the ropes let go of all of us, then turned to Shego and said. "Plant as many henchmen as possible at the exit in case they escape somehow."

"If you know they might escape, why not just kill them when you had a chance!?" Shego pointed out.

"Urgh... So brutish, it's not about killing them. That would be too easy if I actually tried, they are just teenagers with their actual names well known. Do you really think that if I wanted, I couldn't have taken someone hostage and killed them? I hate James Possible and will eventually have my revenge on him, but that doesn't mean I need to be extra evil against his daughter. It's also more interesting this way, think of how boring it would be to just kill them. So, if want to get paid with a bonus, I suggest toning it down a notch." Drakken responded.

"Whatever, do it your way. Just don't cry about how it should have worked later." Shego didn't bother trying to argue anymore, as they both left.

As we all didn't have any problems swimming to the surface, Ron was the first the speak. "What about otters? Why can't we ever just get thrown into a tank with otters instead of frikin sharks?!"

"Actually, from a human point of view, otters are much more terrifying than sharks... At least in terms of behavior." I correct him.

"Is this really the time for a lesson on otters?!" Hana questioned.

"Fine, Kim, do you have the sticky lipsticks? If so, Hana, you go with her, I'll help Ron holdout the other one." Understanding her urgency I spoke.

"Will do! We got this!" Hana and Kim headed towards one of the sharks.

"Of course, let's give it a meal, it will never forget." Kim nodded.

Me and Ron both dove in and the shark was already close to us, moving much faster than I ever could before underwater, I almost clashed with the shark, but I was able to get the hang of it almost instantly and used this opportunity to kick it on the nose, a weak point even for sharks. This continued as I kept it occupied with Ron acting more so as bait.

What surprised me was my newfound ability to breathe underwater and the level of mobility I had, this was definitely something worth paying attention to, the changes caused by <Evolutionary Body> might be more efficient than I initially thought.

On the other side of things, basically doing the same, Kim then used the sticky lipstick almost immediately, sealing the shark's mouth with a pinkish goo.

After a bit, the second one was easily dealt with. Following this, we got out of the water.

"They won't just stay like that until they die, right?" Hana asked.

"No, it will dissolve on its' own s after some time, they should ultimately be fine." Kim responded, before pulling out a pocket mirror.

"Oh, what does it do?! Shot out lasers?!" Ron asked.

"No, it's just a pocket mirror... So I can see myself, you know." She responded as she began to use the mirror to adjust her hair.

"Can I use it as well? I forgot mine." Hana then also used it, after Kim said yes.

What a pity... I would at least get some experience points if they died since this doesn't seem to count as defeating the sharks for the system. Oh well, I'll just wait and see, I'm sure Drakken will have a bunch of goons for me to use as a farming ground.

"Let's get going." I say and everyone nods.

Moving on from that, getting out of the room.in which we were trapped, there were as I had expected many individuals waiting for us. They were dressed in red jumpsuits with green goggles.

"You're not going anywhere. The boss already won." One of them says upon seeing us come in.

"Why don't you three go on without me?" I suggest.

"What?! There's like... More than 50 of these guys!" Ron objects.

"Ron's right, I'm sure we'll be able to get through in time if we do it right." Kim added.

"No, it's best if I stay behind with Arik and you two go on, we can't risk them getting away with whatever they are planning." Hana says.

Looking at each other Kim and Ron then at me and Hana, both nodding. Kim uses her grapple hook gun to get herself and Ron over the frey rather quickly.

"Whoever takes the most of these guys out, has to do the other's chores for a whole week. You in?" I put up a bet to make things a bit more fun, and to reduce my work during the week, so I can focus on other things.

"Ok, just don't regret it later." Hana immediately agreed.

[A quest has been generated]

[Quest #2: Do The Chores(In Progress)]

[Description: A bet was made and you HAVE to win, after all, how could you lose such an easy match? Just destroy your younger sister and assert your dominance once and for all.

Objective: Defeat at least 55 of the 89 Drakken henchmen in this room.(0/89)

Failure conditions: Death, Hana defeats over 34 henchmen, You are defeated by the henchmen

Rewards: +5 Hana's respect; 10 exp; 50$

Punishments: -10 Hana's respect; 1 week of Hana's chores

Time Left: -]

Great! The rewards are overall pretty bad, but this allowed me to confirm the way quests generation works, and if I'm not wrong I can create quests just by setting challenges for myself or putting myself in situations that require at least some effort to overcome. The specifics are still muddy, but I'll definitely abuse this later.

"Don't choke on those words later." I respond before charging at the henchmen, punching the first one in my way right on the nose with what could be called a knockout punch.

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3) with a critical hit, and you have gained 1 experience point]

[The experience point earned has been affected by the unique ability <20x exp>. You have earned 20 exp]

That made me smile, though it didn't stop me from continuing as I got in there and began attacking the other henchmen around. Unfortunately due to their numbers, I didn't have the luxury to get critical hits in as often as I would have liked, forcing me to have to get in multiple hits while dodging and countering, before the enemies fall down.

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3), and you have gained 1 experience point]

[The experience point earned has been affected by the unique ability <20x exp>. You have earned 20 exp]

Thud! Another one was knocked out unconscious.

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.4), and you have gained 2 experience points]

[The experience points earned have been affected by the unique ability <20x exp>. You have earned 40 exp]

Unfortunately, I noticed that by the time, I was done with 3 enemies, Hana was already fighting her seventh. Not having any real martial arts knowledge, it seems I'm at a slight disadvantage, which is partially due to me holding out on honing my body at all for so long. However, that's not something I regret since it is more beneficial in the long run.

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.4), and you have gained 2 experience points]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3), and you have gained 1 experience point]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.5), and you have gained 3 experience points]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3), and you have gained 1 experience point]

By the time I had defeated 7 of them, she was already on her 12th henchman, and it seemed, I could actually lose this if things kept going this way. So, let's up the game.


Third Person POV

Drakken was finishing the construction of the robotick andthen turned around to Shego, before saying. "I wager that you are wondering how I can use a robotick in my evil plan, aren't you Shego?"

"I'm sorry, what?" Shego who was focused on her nails didn't seem to care the slightest bit.

While that was happening, sneaking up on them were Ron and Kim, who were moving towards the computer, where Professor Acari's blueprint disk could be found.

"When I join the robotick to a nano explosive of my own brilliant design, I'll be able to-" Drakken rolled his but continued his explanation, until he was interrupted.

"Nano? As in tiny?" Shego questioned.

"Yes! What else would it mean?!" Darkken inquired.

"Then, why not just say tiny? Is the sciency lingo really necessary?" She go insisted.

"Of course it is! I'm a renowned mad scientist and an evil genius! Why do you insist it complicatecating things?!" Darkken asked.

"I just wanted to catch the rats off guard." She responded.

"Rats?..." Darkken was confused, and before he could ask anything Shego's hand lit up with a green glow as she threw a blast of green energy right at Kim and Ron, which Kim allowed both to avoid with a tin air.

"Hahaha! So you've already escaped... Too bad, but I'll have to inform you, that you are a tad too late." Darkken took a more serious tone and acted as if he had planned for this, as far as whether he actually did or not was something only he knew. Then he pressed a button and a bunch of remote-controlled lasers popped up from the ceiling.

Before the lasers were shot, Kim pulled out her pocket mirror and then used it to deflect the lasers by positioning the mirror before the laser was shot, and it ended up blowing the laser up, something she did for the following ones.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

"Well done, I guess there is a reason for your reputation, but I wouldn't celebrate just yet. Henchmen and Elite Henchmen! Show Possible and her chum! The genius of my technology! Oh and Shego, please make sure Possible stays down." Drakken ordered.

"With pleasure!" Shego smiled as she lit up the green energy in her hands, and went in to attack Kim.

While that was going on, Drakken walked to his computer and input a code, before pressing two buttons, one did apparently nothing, while the other opened a compartment from which he got a key that he kept in his jacket. Only then did he walk to his robotick and continued to give it the final touches.

Kim and Shego were fighting in what seemed like an evenly-matched battle, however, Shega had 3 henchmen with black jumpsuits instead, and the last 4 had white jumpsuits. A total of 7 henchmen were on her side, trying to put Kim down.

Meanwhile Ron, had 3 henchmen with black jumpsuits on him, and was mostly just outrunning them.


Arik POV

I was 20 goons in and Hana was 26, I had already reached level 9, and things were starting to seem a bit against me, as I continued to fight.

[Due to excessive continuous fighting for your current body, your unique ability <Evolutionary Body>, has adapted, and you have gained a basic Land body physique, greatly increasing your terrestrial combat abilities.]

[Due to continuous fighting, your unique ability <Prodigious Mind>, has glimpsed into the basics of battle, and you have acquired the skill <Battle Instincts> and the titles Battle Genius, and Combat Apt.]

This is what I was waiting for!