
Tick, but no tack?(1)

Arik POV

Soon I and Ron had reached our school, Middleton High School.

Walking through the corridors, of the school, we were approached by Bonnie and her followers Tara and Hope.

Bonnie is a brunette of average height with shoulder-length hair in a shag cut, teal eyes, and a slender but curvaceous figure. While Tara has long, wavy sunny yellow-blonde hair, turquoise eyes, and fair skin. Then there was Hope, who is a dusky olivine-skinned girl with black eyes and long straight black hair. She does not have a mole on her cheek.

(Images here)

"Would you look at that? If it isn't Kim's goons. Not tired of ass-kissing her to no end yet?" Bonnie smirked at us as she blocked our way with the other two.

"Do you honestly have nothing better to do? I would get bothered, but you clearly don't have the best life, so I'll let slide." I shrugged my shoulders as I responded, while Rufus, who was on Ron's shoulder, put his tongue out at her.

"Oh please, I'm just trying to help you. You're pretty ok, and if you didn't spend your time being Kim's bitch, you would be someone by now... Though I don't think anything could save the other one, however, I might be willing to help if you admit you were wrong, and properly beg for my forgiveness, right girls?" Bonnie continued to smirk with her smugness, while she spoke to us.

"Yeah, just give in while you have the chance." Hope added.

"Y-yeah! Just take the chance." Tara also agreed.

I and Ron looked at each other. ""Hahaha!"" then we bursted out laughing.

"I don't know who you think you are, but that would've been cute if it wasn't so sad. The reason why I'm not around you is not that I'm infatuated with Kim or something among those lines. I don't hang around you, because you're mostly insufferable. Though I don't hold it against you, it's clearly the result of some repressed trauma, so I advise you to go to therapy." I expressed calmly.

"Yeah, just stay in your lane, if you really are all that, why do you care that we're with Kim? Afraid more people will choose her over you?" Ron added while Rufus continued making faces at the girls.

"Hahaha!" Bonnies began laughing and the other two were in shock then awkwardly followed.

"You two, think you know what you're doing, but leave it at that. Don't regret it later. I have you can go die in your weird three away far from here." Bonnie declared.

"Three-way? What is going on here?" Brick a large body with muscular arms came in and asked. He has blond hair that goes around the sides of his head and blue eyes.

(Images here)

"Oh, Brick, you're here just in time. Kim's tinks came here just to bother me, can you teach them a lesson for me?" Bonnie put on puppy eyes as she casually spews lies.

"... I don't know, Bonnie, Arik's a pretty cool dude, are you sure you're not exaggerating or misunderstanding?" Brick questioned.

"Hurgh! You're useless, thank God you have a pretty face. I can't stand this anymore, girls let's go." Bonnie was dejected and left with the two other girls.

"Hey, sorry about that man, she's got one hell of a temper. How have you been?" After Bonnie left Brick came to me and greeted me with a handshake I took.

"All cool, how have the games been going lately?" I ask since Brick is a part of the school's American football team.

"Hi, Ron... Ah, the games have been a bit messy lately, I just don't see that much I can do to play any better, and what I'm dishing out right now is not enough." Brick explained with clear frustration on his face.

"Hum, I know how to help you with that. I've been learning more about exercises and such myself." I respond.

"Hi, man." Ron didn't say much as he didn't have the best relationship, since Brick bullied Ron at some point, but it changed when I became part of the equation.

"Then spill it out. I don't think that there's all that much I haven't tried, but it can't hurt to listen." Brick said.

From then on, began telling Brick about multiple exercises and then taught him the exact poses necessary in order to get the most out of it, the when process took a few minutes but we were early anyone, so it wasn't a problem.

[Due to continuous teaching, your unique ability <Prodigious Mind>, has glimpsed into the basics of Mentoring, and you have acquired the skill <Tutoring> and the title The Mentor.]

Just as it had happened for exercise, I was put in this trance state, where I witness things, and once again I saw the cave people doing things and more so telling each other what to do, and copying one another, rather than mentoring or teaching or coaching or whatever one wants to call it. The act of helping or facilitating others to learn, and master things.

From then it went all the way to the time of Ancient philosophers, like Socrates, Confucius, Plato, and many others, as they conveyed their knowledge to others in their lessons, even religious sermons came to my eyes. Things continued to advance and I was then taken to the middle ages, where things were a bit more organized in some sectors and a lot more chaotic in others, as I watched this go on. Blinking, I then saw various small changes were made, but the system would stay the same.

Eventually, modern times came with many different systems existing, most of them still have the same core structure that had come from way before, while a few places began to change to new more versatile things.

"Knowledge is power... But also a curse." I commented as I found myself digesting everything much more easily than I did last time only needing to focus for a few minutes, and it was done.

"Huh?" Ron turned to me hearing me say something suddenly.

"It's nothing important, let's get this done with so that we can complete that mission later." I say, and after leaving Brick to his own devices, we each went through our lessons.

As usual with lessons, nothing too interesting happened. After that, during one of the breaks, I met up with Ron and Kim.

"Had another lesson with Mr. Barkins, why is a substitute teacher present so often... That man sends chills down my spine." Ron complained, while Rufus agreed with him on his shoulder, nodding to Ron's words.

"Don't ask me, I don't know, and honestly don't want to know how this place is run, or might worse about it. Also, while Mr. Barkins can be a little hard to deal with, I'm sure he's not that bad." Kim responded.

"He usually doesn't bother me. Aside from the occasional times when he talks about Ron or the fewer occasions when I fell asleep in class. Then again, is it really my fault that things got that boring? I don't think so. Anyway, is Wade going to give us the rundown of the situation?" I respond to Ron before moving on to something else.

"Oh yeah, let's do that now." Kim opened her locker and inside there was a sort of blue old-looking computer, and soon the screen turned on.

On it was a short and overweight. He has light hazel-colored skin, brown eyes, frizzy black hair, and dark brown freckles on his cheeks.

(Images Here)

[Yo, Kim! Ron, Arik, and how's Rufus? You called a bit early, I'm very close to recovering the footage of the day of the incident. Oh and don't forget that in 2 hours you'll have to leave with Gustavo to go meet Professor Acari.] Wade said as soon as he came up.

"Gustavo… Gustavo… From the flood! I remember him." Kim smiled, then she turned to us and.

"Ok, we'll be on it... But we have a bit of a problem... I was put on detention by Mr. Barkins for being tardy the third time this month." Kim replied.

"Isn't that a bit much?" I asked as it didn't really seem like that big a deal at all.

"And you still saying that he might not be that bad?" Ron shook his head.

"I'll have to sneak out, it was the plan from the beginning anyway. Already talked to all the parents and they will have us covered." Kim expressed.

"I still don't know how you do it. I have to promise to do way too many chores before they even consider it." Ron commented.

"She's got a weapon we can only dream of obtaining. Puppy eyes, simple but effective." I respond.

From there we talked a bit more and then had our other lessons, before moving on with the plan and quite easily leaving the area, then I went to get Hana since she really wanted to come. Once that was done, we found places to change into the mission clothes, which consisted of a black T-shirt and gray cargo pants, black gloves, and shoes.

Kim's was a bit different as she was basically wearing a black long-sleeved cropped top instead, and Hana followed up wearing the same.

The plane soon took off and we had a pretty long ride, spending most of the time talking a bit until we finally reached the Amazon forest in a few hours. As we landed Kim began talking.

"Thanks for the lift, Gustavo."

"After you rescued my village from the flood last year, Kim Possible, I honestly wish I could do more." Gustavo the man giving us the plane ride responded.

"No biggie, it was just like swimming practice." Kim replied.

"Except, the Middleton pool doesn't have pirenas." Ron chimed in.

"It wasn't that bad, it could have been a place with crocs instead." I comment.

"Don't even make me think! Of that possibility." Ron retorted.

"Don't be like that, it actually sounds like such an experience. Aren't you happy you get to think back on it?" Hana asked.

"Think back on almost having my fingers bitten off... Or worse... Much much worse." There was true despair in his words and as I man, I could understand that.

"Guys! You might want to see this." Kim called us.

Everyone moved to go and look at the Kimmunicator, a device created by Wade so that Kim can talk to him during missions since he's our man behind the screen.

[Hey guys, I can finally stream the footage from the security camera now.] Wade said.

"Please and thank you." Kim answered.

Then playing on the screen of the Kimmunicator, was a green woman wearing a green and black suit, with a curvaceous and voluptuous body attacking the camera and almost immediately destroying it.

(Images here)

"Rewind and Freeze, Wade." Kim ordered.

As Wade did, we got a better image of the green woman, and my eyes didn't deceive me.

"Who is she? She's good." Kim commented.

"She's green?... Is that some sort of makeup?" Hana was confused.

"Light green, it seems." I correct her.

While Ron was occupied finishing the snacks he brought with him together with Rufus.

From then, we said goodbye to Gustavo for now and ventured through the Amazon forest. The vegetation was very dense, and the air was humid and hot. I could see some small insects or Animals moving every few seconds, but that's probably due to my senses always working at their best ever since I got the Martial Abobe body physique.

'System, show me the effects of the Martial Abobe body.' I communicated with the system through my thoughts.

[As you wish]

[Martial Abobe body: This Physique pushes the body to always work at its absolute best, while also providing the means to substation such a state. As your body gains a new level of optimized energy consumption, giving high stamina, and making it possible to work wonders with little energy. A physique made to make the training of one's body extremely effective.]

'… later, I should look into the effects of other things like my titles, jobs, and extras…' I concluded.

As we are moving, Ron stumbles on one of the plants, and Rufus ends up caught in a spider web, but before they could get to him, Hana pulled him out of there as Ron is scared of insects after an incident when we were camping way back. Can't really blame him, insects are quite something, and if they weren't so small humans would have lost the fight for the dominance of this planet. Even now, insects can cause a large amount of destruction as is.

Eventually, we finally reached Professor Acari's house, which was at the top of a tree, so I guess there are individuals with tree houses.

"Kim Possible, thank goodness!" A short old wearing glasses came to greet us as soon as we climbed, who was obviously Professor Acari.

"Can you take care of your garden? It has a real big insect problem!" Ron complained.

"Damn... And I thought I got lost in my research..." Hana was surprised as she looked inside the house, and it was completely full of insects of all kinds.

"This place is... Hum... Interesting..." I couldn't exactly find the words to describe this. To each their own, I guess.

"A little help..." Ron said as he was paralyzed, having an insect on his head.

"Don't harm them, Team Possible has come to help us." Professor Acari got the bug of Ron as it called it down.

"Team Possible?" Hana questioned.

"We are a team, and calling it team Stoppable wasn't exactly viable, plus, I don't really care too much and Kim was the one who started this in the first place, so it just stuck." I explain.

"Professor, what exactly was stolen from you?" Kim asked.

"That's why I called you, I don't know. The gang is still all here." Professor Acari answered as he pointed at his insects.

"Is that a butterfly screen saver?!" Ron inquired as he pointed at the computer only to find out that they were in fact real butterflies.

"Screen saver..." Kim mumbled as she pulled out the Kimmunicator.

"Have you checked your research though?" I asked Professor Acari.

"My research..." Professor Acari began to think about it.

"What's on your computer, Professor?" Kim questioned having rewatched the robbery footage and apparently noticed something.

"Oh my! I have this experimental project." Professor ran to his computer and checked for a CD only to find it gone. "My tick! They took my tick!"

"A tick?" I asked.

"Hum, yes, I made the blueprint of a cyber genetic tick which would be virtually identical to the real thing, and it was on the stolen disk." Professor Acari clarified.

"So, you made a robot-tick, a robotic tick?" Hana questioned as almost everyone rolled their eyes at her for that one.

"Hahaha! Precisely!" The professor said in response.

"Why?!" Ron posed another question.

"I have a lot of free time on my hands." Professor clarified.

"... But who would want or need a robot tik?" Kim was equally confused.

Next chapter