
Supreme corruption: I corrupt every good woman into villainess

As mentioned in the name theme of the story, the central figure, driven by a twisted desire for dominance, methodically corrupts impressionable young women, weaving a web of control that extends far beyond mere physical enslavement. These women, once vibrant and free, are reduced to mere pawns in his elaborate game of conquest, their autonomy stripped away as they become instruments of his malevolent will. What truly sets this tale apart is the enigmatic presence of the antagonist, the very creator of the story itself. Trapped within the confines of his own narrative by an ancient curse, he grapples with the consequences of his own hubris. As he orchestrates the downfall of his characters, he simultaneously navigates the murky depths of his own psyche, confronting the darkness that lurks within. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, casting doubt upon the nature of existence itself. As the story unfolds, parallels emerge between the protagonist's struggle against the villain and the author's own internal conflict. Each move on the narrative chessboard reflects a deeper existential battle, as the characters' fates intertwine with the author's own quest for redemption. Ultimately, the story becomes a haunting meditation on the nature of creation, agency, and the profound impact of our choices, both within the confines of fiction and in the vast expanse of reality. In conclusion, an author writes a cursed story. The curse is so strong it consumes the author and he's getting trapped inside his own story. But he gets a chance to decide his character. The author chooses to be the villain who can never be defeated. He becomes the main character of the story as the villain, he corrupts good women into evil and makes them fight the hero and the heroines.

minatoflash · Fantasy
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140 Chs

The one who seeks the truth

Alice was in stress, she got an impossible case to crack. As Alice grappled with the weight of the impossible case before her, a sense of frustration and anxiety gnawed at her from within. She knew all too well the formidable obstacle that lay in her path: Gregory Shios, the lead detective whose disdain for her talents was no secret.

Gregory's rise to power had been fueled not by merit, but by nepotism, his position as lead detective owed more to his familial connections than to his investigative prowess. With his mother-in-law Sara Shios holding the reins of political power as the mayor, Gregory had wielded his influence with impunity, determined to see Alice fail at every turn.

Despite the odds stacked against her, Alice refused to succumb to despair. She had earned her reputation as the best through hard work and dedication, and she wasn't about to let Gregory's personal vendetta derail her from her mission.

With a steely resolve, Alice set to work unraveling the complexities of the case, her mind racing with possibilities and strategies. She knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she was determined to prove herself once again, no matter the obstacles in her path.

As she delved deeper into the investigation, Alice remained ever vigilant, wary of Gregory's machinations and determined to outmaneuver him at every turn. For Alice, this case was more than just a challenge to overcome; it was a test of her mettle, a chance to prove once and for all that true justice could not be swayed by the whims of nepotism or political favoritism.

The clerk came and gave her another file. It was another case similar to the one she's handling. As Alice received the additional file from the clerk, her initial shock at seeing her own name listed as the victim quickly gave way to a sense of unease. It was a strange and unsettling coincidence, one that left her feeling oddly unsettled.

But it wasn't just the name that troubled her; it was the nature of the case itself. The reports of people acting irrationally and seemingly losing control of their faculties struck a chord of concern within her. It was a phenomenon that seemed more suited to the realm of mental health professionals than to the jurisdiction of the police.

As Alice pored over the details of the case, her mind buzzed with questions and doubts. What could be causing these sudden outbursts of irrational behavior? Was it a result of some unknown external factor, or was there something more sinister at play?

Despite her misgivings, Alice knew that she couldn't simply ignore the case. Lives were at stake, and it was her duty as a detective to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to justice. With a deep breath and a renewed sense of determination, Alice set to work unraveling the mysteries surrounding the bizarre phenomenon, determined to uncover the truth no matter where it might lead.

Thinking about it didn't help, so she decided to go to the Stain industries. Suddenly she felt shocked because someone grabbed her breasts from behind. She was in her office and there was no one else. Quickly she tried to turn around but the one held her. It was Gregory.

As Alice recoiled in shock from the sudden violation of her personal space, a surge of panic and outrage coursed through her veins. Her heart hammered in her chest as she struggled to comprehend what was happening, her mind racing with a thousand questions and fears.

With a swift movement, she attempted to break free from Gregory's grip, her instincts screaming at her to defend herself against this blatant assault. But his hold remained firm, his grip tightening with each passing moment, trapping her in a nightmarish tableau of fear and helplessness.

In that moment, Alice's mind flashed with a dizzying array of emotions: anger, fear, disbelief. How could Gregory, the lead detective, the supposed guardian of justice, stoop to such despicable behavior? And in her own office, no less?

Despite her shock and indignation, Alice knew that she couldn't let fear paralyze her. With a steely resolve, she summoned every ounce of strength within her and prepared to confront Gregory head-on. She would not allow herself to become another victim of his abuse of power.

With a defiant glare, Alice met Gregory's gaze, her voice trembling with rage as she demanded an explanation for his actions. In that moment, she vowed to herself that she would not rest until justice was served and Gregory was held accountable for his reprehensible behavior.

No matter what she thought she could do, she was hundred percent sure he would easily get out of trouble because of the family he was from. This is not the first time she has had a reaction like this from Gregory. So she controlled herself and let him do whatever he wanted.

As Alice grappled with the unsettling realization that Gregory's familial connections could shield him from the consequences of his actions, a sense of resignation washed over her. It wasn't the first time she had faced harassment from him, and she knew all too well the futility of trying to hold him accountable.

With a heavy heart, Alice made the difficult decision to suppress her instincts to fight back and instead allow Gregory to have his way. It was a painful concession, a surrender to the harsh reality of a system that often favored the powerful and privileged over the vulnerable and marginalized.

As Gregory's unwelcome advances continued, Alice forced herself to steal her emotions and maintain a facade of composure. She refused to allow him the satisfaction of seeing her crumble under his oppressive gaze, even as every fiber of her being screamed out in protest.

In that moment of surrender, Alice made a silent vow to herself. She may have been forced to endure Gregory's abuse for now, but she would not remain silent forever. Someday, somehow, she would find a way to hold him accountable for his reprehensible actions, no matter the cost. Until then, she would bide her time, gathering her strength and waiting for the moment when she could finally break free from his oppressive grip.