
Supreme corruption: I corrupt every good woman into villainess

As mentioned in the name theme of the story, the central figure, driven by a twisted desire for dominance, methodically corrupts impressionable young women, weaving a web of control that extends far beyond mere physical enslavement. These women, once vibrant and free, are reduced to mere pawns in his elaborate game of conquest, their autonomy stripped away as they become instruments of his malevolent will. What truly sets this tale apart is the enigmatic presence of the antagonist, the very creator of the story itself. Trapped within the confines of his own narrative by an ancient curse, he grapples with the consequences of his own hubris. As he orchestrates the downfall of his characters, he simultaneously navigates the murky depths of his own psyche, confronting the darkness that lurks within. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, casting doubt upon the nature of existence itself. As the story unfolds, parallels emerge between the protagonist's struggle against the villain and the author's own internal conflict. Each move on the narrative chessboard reflects a deeper existential battle, as the characters' fates intertwine with the author's own quest for redemption. Ultimately, the story becomes a haunting meditation on the nature of creation, agency, and the profound impact of our choices, both within the confines of fiction and in the vast expanse of reality. In conclusion, an author writes a cursed story. The curse is so strong it consumes the author and he's getting trapped inside his own story. But he gets a chance to decide his character. The author chooses to be the villain who can never be defeated. He becomes the main character of the story as the villain, he corrupts good women into evil and makes them fight the hero and the heroines.

minatoflash · Fantasy
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140 Chs


With the newfound courage she started reading it again. As Alice delved back into the contract, her newfound courage buoyed her spirits, allowing her to tackle the dense text with renewed determination. Despite the length of the document, she remained steadfast in her resolve to present it thoroughly and confidently.

Meanwhile, Bruce gracefully made his way to the table, his movements fluid and purposeful. With practiced ease, he retrieved two glasses and a bottle of wine, a gesture that caught Alice off guard. She watched in awe as he effortlessly poured the rich crimson liquid into the glasses, his actions imbued with an air of sophistication and elegance.

As he extended one of the glasses towards her, a mixture of surprise and gratitude washed over Alice. It was a small yet significant gesture, a token of camaraderie amidst the intensity of their negotiations. With a grateful smile, she accepted the glass, her fingers brushing against his briefly as their hands met.

The warmth of the wine spread through her body, calming her nerves and easing the tension that had gripped her moments before. In that shared moment, as they sipped their wine and resumed their discussion, Alice couldn't help but feel a sense of connection blossoming between them, a bond forged in the crucible of their professional collaboration.

She was not the type to drink any kind of alcohol. Despite her reservations, Alice took a hesitant sip of the wine, the unfamiliar taste tingling on her tongue. It felt stronger than she had anticipated, its potency sending a shiver down her spine. Accustomed to abstaining from alcohol, she found herself struggling to mask her discomfort as she attempted to swallow the liquid.

Sensing her unease, Bruce offered a reassuring smile and gently encouraged her to drink, his insistence tempered by a hint of concern. Reluctantly, Alice forced herself to take another sip, her throat burning with each swallow as she battled to overcome her aversion to the unfamiliar beverage.

With each passing moment, the glass grew lighter in her hand, its contents dwindling as she struggled to keep pace with Bruce's steady consumption. Despite her discomfort, she couldn't bear the thought of disappointing him or creating a negative impression.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, Alice persevered, determined to push through her discomfort and maintain a facade of composure. As the last drop of wine slipped past her lips, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mingled with a lingering sense of unease. In that moment, she resolved to tread more cautiously in the future, mindful of the pitfalls that lay hidden beneath the surface of seemingly innocent gestures.

Moments passed. She continued reading the contract. Her confidence increased but also her body temperature. She started to feel warm even in a closed room with fine airconditioner. As Alice delved deeper into the intricacies of the contract, her confidence surged with each passing moment. The words on the page seemed to come alive under her scrutiny, her understanding of the document growing with each line she read. Yet, as her focus intensified, she couldn't shake the growing warmth spreading through her body, a sensation that seemed to defy the cool air of the air-conditioned room.

Her gaze inadvertently met Bruce's, and in that fleeting moment, she found herself captivated by the intensity of his gaze. There was a magnetism to him that she couldn't deny, an allure that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing glance. Despite her best efforts to remain composed, she couldn't help but feel drawn to him in a way that defied explanation.

As their eyes locked, Alice felt a surge of heat rise within her, her cheeks flushing with a blush that she couldn't conceal. His presence seemed to fill the room, enveloping her in a cocoon of warmth and desire that left her breathless.

In that moment, Bruce appeared more attractive and charming than ever before, his features illuminated by a soft glow that seemed to accentuate his magnetic charm. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the true depth of his allure, and Alice found herself utterly entranced by the man before her.

Bruce got up again. As Bruce rose from his seat once more, a sense of anticipation hung heavy in the air. Alice watched in silent awe as he gracefully collected both their glasses and carried them to the nearby table, his movements fluid and effortless.

Despite her instinct to retrieve her own glass, Bruce insisted on taking care of it himself, a gesture that spoke volumes of his chivalry and consideration. With a grateful nod, Alice acquiesced, allowing herself to be guided by his gentle insistence.

Feeling the beads of sweat forming on her brow, Alice couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her as Bruce granted her permission to shed her coat. With a grateful smile, she thanked him and quickly slipped out of the confining garment, reveling in the newfound freedom of movement.

As she settled back into her seat, the cool air of the room washing over her exposed skin, Alice felt a sense of gratitude towards Bruce for his thoughtfulness and understanding. In that moment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with him, a bond forged through their shared experience and mutual respect. With a renewed sense of comfort and confidence, Alice turned her attention back to the task at hand, ready to tackle whatever challenges lay ahead with renewed determination.

As Alice continued to pore over the details of the contract, she was caught off guard by Bruce's sudden shift in conversation. His personal questions veered sharply off course from the professional tone of their meeting, leaving her feeling uneasy and uncertain of his intentions.

The inquiry about her romantic history sent a jolt of discomfort through Alice, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she hesitated to answer. With a forced smile, she replied that she had never had a boyfriend, hoping to deflect any further probing into her personal life.

However, Bruce's next question caught her completely off guard, his inquiry about her virginity leaving her speechless. A wave of incredulity washed over her as she struggled to comprehend why he would ask such an intimate question in the midst of a business meeting.

In that quick moment of uncertainty, Alice couldn't help but entertain the fleeting thought that perhaps Bruce was about to ask her out. Yet, she quickly dismissed the notion, convincing herself that such a stroke of luck was too far-fetched to entertain.

Despite her efforts to maintain a professional facade, Alice couldn't shake the discomfort that lingered in the air between them, her mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken doubts. In that moment, she resolved to tread cautiously, wary of the hidden motives that lurked beneath Bruce's charming exterior.

As Bruce approached from behind and gently rested his hands on her shoulders, Alice felt a rush of conflicting emotions course through her. His touch was warm and reassuring, his fingers deftly massaging away the tension that had settled in her muscles.

Part of her wanted to resist his advances, to maintain a professional distance between them. After all, he was just a man she had met in the course of her work, and allowing him to touch her in such an intimate manner felt unwise.

Yet, despite her reservations, Alice found herself yielding to his touch, her crush on him clouding her judgment and blurring the boundaries between professionalism and personal desire. With each gentle stroke of his hands, she felt herself relaxing into his touch, a sense of comfort and security enveloping her in his presence.

In that moment, Alice realized the true meaning of cooperation with a client. It wasn't just about fulfilling the terms of a contract or meeting business objectives; it was about forging genuine connections and building trust through mutual understanding and empathy.

As Bruce's massage worked its magic, Alice found herself surrendering to the moment, her earlier reservations fading away as she allowed herself to be carried away by the undeniable chemistry that simmered between them. In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, she understood that sometimes, cooperation meant embracing the unexpected and allowing oneself to be swept away by the currents of fate.

As Bruce lifted her effortlessly and gently settled her onto the plush couch, Alice found herself locked in a gaze with him, her heart pounding in her chest as she met his intense stare. In the depths of his eyes, she saw a flicker of burning desire, a primal lust that stirred something deep within her.

Despite the voice of reason urging her to resist, Alice found herself unable to tear her gaze away from Bruce. His magnetic charm and undeniable charisma had cast a spell over her, clouding her judgment and drowning out the nagging doubts that lingered at the back of her mind.

In that moment, the good girl within her waged a silent battle against the intoxicating allure of Bruce's presence. She knew she should resist, that giving in to her desires could lead to consequences she wasn't prepared to face. But the pull of his charm was too strong to ignore, and she found herself surrendering to the overwhelming temptation that surrounded her.

As she gazed into his eyes, Alice made a choice to embrace the passion that burned between them, allowing herself to be swept away by the irresistible force of attraction that bound them together. The uncontrollable lust consumed them both. In that moment of surrender, she silenced the voice of reason and gave herself over to the intoxicating allure of Bruce's embrace.

As Emma paced impatiently outside the office, her mind abuzz with worry and anticipation, she couldn't shake the nagging fear that Alice might somehow jeopardize the crucial contract they had been working so tirelessly to secure. With each passing moment, her anxiety mounted, fueling her sense of unease as she awaited Alice's return.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Emma's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Alice emerging from the room. To her astonishment, Alice appeared transformed, a radiant glow emanating from her as she stepped out into the hallway, her attire hinting at the intimate encounter that had transpired behind closed doors.

Caught off guard by the sight before her, Emma's initial shock quickly gave way to a sense of awe and admiration. It was as if Alice had shed her old self and emerged anew, transformed by the experience in ways that defied explanation.

Despite her lingering concerns about the contract, Emma couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the sight of Alice standing before her, a testament to the transformative power of seizing opportunities and embracing the unexpected.

In that moment, Emma realized that whatever had transpired behind closed doors, Alice had emerged stronger and more confident than ever before. And with that newfound confidence, there was no doubt in Emma's mind that they had succeeded in securing the contract they had worked so tirelessly for.

As Emma approached Alice, her eyes filled with concern and curiosity, she couldn't help but wonder about the outcome of the meeting. With bated breath, she posed the question that had been weighing heavily on her mind: "How did it go?"

With a radiant smile, Alice reassured Emma that everything had gone exceptionally well. "It was great," she replied, her voice filled with satisfaction and confidence. "And yes, the contract is signed."

Relief flooded over Emma as she accepted the files from Alice, her heart swelling with pride at her colleague's accomplishment. "You've done an amazing job," she exclaimed, her admiration evident in her voice. "After all the hard work you've put in, you deserve to take a well-earned rest."

Touched by Emma's words of praise, Alice returned her smile and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice tinged with gratitude. "And don't worry, Bruce is waiting for you inside."

With a final nod of affirmation, Alice turned and made her way out of the office, a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction radiating from her every step. As she stepped out into the world beyond, her face reflected the contentment of desires fulfilled, a testament to the transformative power of seizing opportunities and embracing the unknown.