
Supreme Continent: I can Buy Anything/Everything from My Overlord Mall

A Mass-Transmigration Took Everyone From Arthur Planet To A Place Called Supreme Continent Where Everyone Will Fight For Supremacy and The Supreme Lord Tittle. Wealth, Power, Lifespan Everything Will Be In Arthur's Grasps After Awakening Two Super Strong Talent's. This Novel will not have Harem. My First Language is not English, So I'll apologize in advance if there are any mistakes in grammar. i will upload a QnA in Auxiliary so if you have any questions ask me in comments

ShaDow1 · Games
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7 Chs

5. Family List.

'is there anything in Mall that can summon female Soldier's if i use these Token ' Arthur thought for a moment then asked.

(Are you asking for yourself or your sister, Host. ) Silver asked his while giving his a judging looks.

'Of could it's for my sister, what are you thinking. ' Arthur hurriedly explain. Not wanting to accept these allegations.

(Then, you don't have to worry Host because the strongest person in the first batch will have the gender as the Lord due to some privacy and others reasons.) Silver Explained while still giving *i don't believe you* look.

'Stop looking at me like that, and upgrade one of those token to Tier 3 and the other's two to Tier 2 ' Arthur shook his head then said.

(Yes Host ) Silver Said.



[Do You Want To Use 1 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2. ]

[Do You Want To Use 1 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2. ]

[Do You Want To Use 1 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2. ]


'Yes. ' Arthur said.

[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2]

[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2]

[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2]


[Do You Want To Use 10 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 2 To Tier 3. ]


'Yes.' Arthur said again.


[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 2 To Tier 3.]


'Now send these three Summoning Tokens to Emily. ' Arthur said to Silver.

(Yes Host) Silver said then send those tokens to Emily through Family List as a gift.


<Arthur: Did you Got those Summoning Tokens, Emi.>

<Emily: Yes brother, is this your talent. Can you upgrade anything brother.>

<Arthur: Yes, now you don't have to worry about those Demonic Beasts.>

<Emily: Yes Brother, now I'm not scared.>

<Arthur: Now, Summon your subordinates then send them to kill those Demonic Beasts outside territory. But don't too far.>

<Emily: Yes Brother.>

<Arthur: you don't have worry mom and dad, they're safe somewhere. And remember to ask me if need anything. I'm gonna talk Alexander. See how's he's doing.>

<Emily: Yes brother>

<Arthur: Good take care, and what is your region number.>

<Emily: 57 It's number brother, what is your region brother.>

<Arthur: it's number 56.>

<Emily: Okey brother, take care :)>


Arthur smiled then shook his head after thinking about his mischievous little sister and serious little brother.


<Arthur: How are you doing, Alex>

<Alexander: Nothing Arth, just looking around my territory.>

<Arthur: Don't tell you have used your summoning tokens>

<Alexander: Not all of them, why>

<Arthur: how many do you have remaining>

<Alexander: 2 Just Summoning Tokens, why.>

<Arthur: 2 Good, now send me those Summoning Tokens.>

<Alexander: No, first tell me why you need them.>

<Arthur: damn it, why can't you be like out little sister, cute and obedient.>

<Alexander: whatever, here you go. Take them but better not mess up whatever you're doing>

<Arthur: you're gonna love them after I sent back.>


[Alexander From Your Family List has Sent You Two Summoning Token, It's Been Sent To Your Inventory. ]

' Now Silver, how many Promotion Points do i have remaining. ' Arthur asked after getting those Summoning Tokens from his serious but annoying brother.

(You have 20 More Promotion Points, Host. ) Silver said.

'Then Promote one of them to Tier 3 and the other to Tier 2. ' Arthur said.

(Ok Host) Silver said.



[Do You Want To Use 1 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2.]

[Do You Want To Use 1 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2.]


'Yes ' Arthur said


[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 1 To Tier 2.]


[Do You Want To Use 10 Promotion Points To Promote 1 Summoning Token Tier 2 To Tier 3.]


'Yes ' Arthur said.


[Congratulation Lord For Promoting Your Summoning Token Tier 2 To Tier 3.]


After Promoting those Summoning Tokens Arthur send them back to Alexander.


<Arthur: Did you Get the summoning tokens.>

<Alexander: Damn Arth, is it your talent.>

<Arthur: yes, what's your talent.>

<Alexander: i don't get a talent as strong yours but it's still A Grade Talent called Knight's Temple. It's place in my territory where could change subjects profession from basic or non-profession to an advance combat Knight's.>

<Arthur: How strong are these Knight's.>

<Alexander: 2 I don't know exactly how strong are they but a single knight can fight Demonic Beasts together without being losing it's ground.>

<Arthur: that's means you're knight is as strong two basic Soldier's.>

<Alexander: well you could say that, do know about the grading system of these professions>

<Arthur: i don't know, let me ask someone.>


'Do you know these Professions Grading System, Silver ' Arthur asked Silver.

(Yes Host, it's Basic, Intermediate, Advance, Superior and Peak Grade Professions but it's not highest level. There are more higher grades profession. ) Silver Explained.


<Arthur: the grading system for Professions goes from Basic, Intermediate, Advance, Superior to Peak Grade but it's not highest grade profession. I don't know about higher grades profession yet.>

<Alexander: Damn, does that mean my knights are strong. Atleast in this early stage. Buy the way what's your talent.>

<Arthur: well, it's SS Grade Talent called Instant Promotion. I can promote anything to higher level by using promotion points.>

<Alexander: Damn! SS Grade, isn't it the second highest grade talent. Damn Brother.>


'My Lord, we're back. Our surroundings around 500m is cleared. My Lord. ' Arthur heard Gabriel voice while he was chatting with his brother.

'Good job, where are the corpse's ' Arthur asked.

'Others are bringing them with them. ' Gabriel said in weak voice.

'Why do look so weak. ' Arthur asked after looking at him.

'We were ambushed by a Tier 2 Demonic Beast while i was fighting another Tier 2 Demonic Beast, so i have to use my talent to increase my strength. It's just a small side-effects due to losing some Qi essence. I'll be better after 30 minutes or after eating something that can recover my lost Qi essence, My Lord. ' Gabriel Explained.