
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

revealing his true colours

During the course of the auction they had already paid Li Tian a visit make sure he had the finances to continue bidding, so ending the auction with Li Tian left the Bell auction house with no doubt that he had the means to pay.

The young girl that was sent to escort Li Tian to the exchange room was another beauty. He concluded that this people carefully selected their employees based on looks but as he was evaluating the girl it didn't show on his face.

The girl was very enthusiastic as the bids made by Li Tian had made them have a more productive day than any other. Even the manager was very happy with this. News of this auction was going to spread attracting more people here during the next auction.

"Do you guys sell information here?" Li Tian who had been thinking about this girl suddenly turned and asked her this question immediately it came to his mind.

"Yes we do" the girl replied

Li Tian lifted his brows in delightful surprise

"Oh, that is very good news" he said

"How much does it costs?" He asked again

"Well, it depends on the type of information you need. The price will increase the more sensitive the information is. You will have to ask the manager for more details when you meet him later" the girl explained

Li Tian nodded. He understood she was just an ordinary employee here at the auction house and she did not have access to a lot of the auction's operations. He would just have to ask the manager. He went back to his thoughts as they walked in silenced and soon came to a door. She opened the door and inside was seated a man who looked like he was in his 50s.

He had a broad smile on his face as he enthusiastically welcomed Li Tian. His excitement could not be contained. He knew he was definitely looking at a small promotion in his near future due to the success of this auction. All the items had gone way pass their value which means their profits were very high.

"Welcome, sergeant Li. I am the manager of Bell auction house--E city branch. The things you bought today are all in here" he said handing Li Tian a space ring.

"Thank you manager" Li Tian responded then nodded to Shi Ruo who took out a space ring containing the payment and handed it over. The manager collected it with a wide smile on his face.

"Manager I heard you people offer information services?" Li Tian asked

"Yes, we do. There are somethings that can not be put online to avoid it being open to the general public. It's those kinds of information and also personal info on different individuals or creatures"

When the manager heard Li Tian's question he knew another opportunity had come so he quickly explained as much as he could in one breath.

Li Tian was very happy with his reaction as he knew he might get the information he is looking for seeing as the manager explained with such confidence.

"Yes, I am looking for any demonic beasts in the Rank-3 demonic beast and the key point is that it should at least have a trace of dragon bloodline" Li Tian said

When the manager heard this he nodded and then told Li Tian that the information was worth 1000 spirit stones. Li Tian happily paid and even gave the manager another 1000 spirit stones bonus. The manager hurriedly researched the information and then returned to Li Tian.

"Sergeant Li, the information is all saved in here he said as he handed over a flash drive "

Before the great awakening this world's primary focus was technology and even now with the coming of and it's magical effects they still haven't given up on it.

Li Tian thanked him and exchanged some pleasantries before leaving.

Stepping outside the auction house, he saw a familiar figure standing in a corner and this time around the person was not alone however he behaved as though he did not see them and completely ignored him.

This time around lord Zhao had come personally to collect what was rightfully his according to him.

Both he and the familiar man walked straight towards Li Tian and blocked his path.

"Now that you have had time to think it over, have come to your give me back what is rightfully mine?" Zhao Yumin asked

Li Tian however turned and looked at Shi Ruo with a confused look asking

"Do you know him?"

She understood what Li Tian was up to and although she thought it wasn't smart to toy with this people she still played along

"No sir, I don't think we have ever seen them before" she responded

Li Tian was quite pleased with her performance and nodded approvingly within himself.

He turned looked at them and then asked

"I'm sorry, do we know you?"

Zhao Yumin was already loosing it at this moment

"Listen punk, this is lord zhao. Watch they way you talk to him" the subordinate interrupted with anger written all over his face.

Li Tian didn't even look at him. He only kept staring at lord Zhao with a grin on his face.

"If that's all gentleman, excuse me" he spoke then attempted to continue on his way but was once again stopped lord Zhao.

Li Tian looked at him and from then aura the man released Li Tian knew that he could not possibly defeat the man however his strength was far from making him stay here.

He looked at the man in anger and all the lessons the system has been teaching him immediately went out the window as he went back to his ways and vulgarities started coming out of his mouth

"Bastard who do you think you are to block this Lord's path?, did your senses leave you?, it seems all your reasoning faculties decided to dodge you today. Motherfucker if you don't get out of this Lord's way, do you believe you will not live to see tomorrow?"

All etiquette was out the window and the image of the polite gentleman facade he had been trying to play was broken. He was now showing his true face.

Shi Ruo standing by the side was shocked, what happened to the polite and respectable lord?...this person in front of her was no different from a street thug.

Li Tian however had not noticed this at all and kept talking, spit flying everywhere and as people started to notice lord Zhao decided to leave before people saw arguing with this mad man. This was too embarrassing, an error of judgement on his path. His research was wrong he didn't know who he was dealing with.

Shi Ruo standing there was so embarrassed that her face started turning red. She quickly pulled Li Tian who was still fuming into the nearest available car and it drove away.