
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

one-strike extermination saber strategy

Li Tian, Zhang Wei, and the three others were captivated by the radiant light emanating from the room ahead. It was clear to them that this room held something of immense importance, quite possibly the most valuable treasure within the entire manor.

Without hesitation, they exchanged determined glances and sprinted toward the room, their eagerness pushing them forward. Zhang Wei, still recovering from Li Tian's blow, lagged slightly behind but caught up in no time. Together, they entered the room, their eyes widening in awe at the countless treasures that lay before them.

Natural treasures of all kinds filled the room, some so rare and precious that even cultivators of the Core Realm and Rebirth Realm would fight tooth and nail for them. Amongst the group, only Li Tian and Mu Bingyun recognized the true value and significance of these treasures.

Mountains of spirit stones adorned one side of the hall, seemingly endless in their quantity. Shelves were filled with manuals on cultivation and battle skills, and various herbs of different varieties were scattered throughout. The sheer abundance of wealth within this room was beyond measure.

Tensions ran high as they surveyed the room, each aware of the potential power and prosperity that lay within their grasp. Li Tian, like the others, could not help but feel the excitement welling up within him. These treasures could undoubtedly propel him to greater heights in the cultivation world, their value surpassing anything he had encountered thus far.

Even Mu Bingyun, known for her frosty demeanor, furrowed her brow, understanding that her status and reputation would not dissuade the others from coveting these treasures. In this moment, strength would be the deciding factor, and she knew she would have to rely on her own power.

Li Mei, aware that engaging in immediate conflict would be unwise, quickly formulated a plan. She spoke up, her voice echoing through the room, "Fellow cultivators, engaging in a fight now will only lead to our downfall. How about we divide the treasure equally among the five of us? That way, everyone gets their fair share."


Lin An, who had remained silent until now, voiced his thoughts, and Li Mei recognized his potential to be persuaded. seizing the opportunity, she began to explain her proposal in detail.

"There are treasures here that can be divided evenly, such as the spirit stones. And then there are unique items that we can take turns selecting. If anyone is interested in a particular treasure, they can trade with another person after we have completed the equal distribution. What do you all think?"

Li Tian, upon hearing these words, detected a scheme beneath the seemingly fair plan. After a moment of contemplation, he saw through it. If anyone present refused the five-way split, the others could join forces to suppress and prevent them from obtaining anything. The threat of the other four cultivators would force everyone to reluctantly agree to the deal or face the consequences. However, the problem lay in the word "trade." After the treasures were divided equally, what would stop them from forming alliances and forcing the lone individual to trade? It was an open scheme, visible to all, yet impossible to prevent.

Observing the dynamics among the present cultivators, Li Tian realized that Zhang Wei, Lin An, and Li Mei were acquainted and had formed an alliance from the moment they began discussing their plan. If not for the presence of Mu Bingyun, whose allegiance remained uncertain, they would have already launched an attack against him. Li Tian did not doubt that Li Mei and Zhang Wei, in particular, would have already made a move, but he was unsure about Lin An's intentions.

He understood that once the treasures were shared equally, they would not target Mu Bingyun due to her mysterious background, which Li Tian himself was unaware of, although the others seemed to know something. They would come after him, forcing him to "trade" whether he liked it or not. However, he remained unfazed by these schemes. He was confident that even if they all attacked him simultaneously, he could hold his own.

As each cultivator agreed to the division of treasure, the suspicion in Li Tian's mind was confirmed. Without further delay, they began to distribute the treasures among themselves. With the aid of spatial rings found within the room, they swiftly collected and stored away the vast array of items. In less than six hours, every treasure within the room had been claimed, including weapons, scrolls, and various other valuable artifacts.

Internally, Li Tian felt a surge of elation, though he maintained a composed exterior. He had managed to secure a scroll containing the true inheritance of the manor, which he purposely kept separate from the items to be divided. With a thought, he transferred it directly to the storage within the system.

Upon examining the contents, Li Tian discovered a cultivation technique and a powerful battle skill, both at the immortal level. While the cultivation technique was appealing, it was the battle skill, known as the "One-Strike Extermination Saber Strategy," that truly excited him. Li Tian could sense that his destiny was intertwined with the path of the saber, his preferred weapon even in his previous life. He eagerly anticipated delving deeper into the intricacies of this skill upon his return, knowing it would greatly enhance his combat prowess.

Just as they stood there, a small altar situated nearby suddenly emitted a shimmering light. An image materialized before them—a wise-looking old man with long gray hair, clad in a black robe.