
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Fighting rank-two demonic beasts

As the python slithered toward Li Tian, he remained calm, looking at it with disdain. He held no inherent hatred for the serpentine races, but something in this python's eyes told him that if left to grow, it would bring harm to many. Thoughts of justifiable reasons to kill the demonic black python swirled in his mind, but he grew tired of searching for excuses. In a burst of frustration, he blurted out, "Damn it, it's simple—I just don't like you. Whew, what a relief. I don't want to play the role of a heaven-sent enforcer. It's exhausting. I'll leave that to the heroes."

His outburst momentarily confused the python, but it didn't deter the creature from attacking. With fierce momentum, it lunged forward, its mouth wide open, aiming to bite Li Tian. Swiftly, Li Tian dodged to the side, carefully observing the snake as it whipped its tail like a weapon. The snake's battle experience surprised him; he hadn't expected it to be so formidable. Nevertheless, his reflexes kicked in, and he countered with the Dragon Claw technique. A clash between his hand and the snake's tail ensued, accompanied by hissing sounds as the serpent writhed in pain. Blood flowed from its tail, and Li Tian felt a numbing sensation in his hand.

"Damn it, I forgot that I'm fighting across realms. I mustn't underestimate my enemy. I need to be cautious and remember that I'm not as powerful as I was in my previous life," Li Tian realized, his thoughts urging him to take the situation seriously.

With renewed focus, Li Tian intensified his use of the Dragon Claw technique, launching fierce attacks at the snake. Each clash resulted in wounds inflicted upon the serpent, leaving it weak and bleeding. It had attempted to bite and poison Li Tian, but to no avail. As the snake lay there, looking feeble, Li Tian understood that this was when it would be most dangerous. Sensing the urgency to conclude the battle swiftly, as the noise would attract other demonic beasts, Li Tian decided to seize the initiative. He launched himself towards the serpent, anticipating its movements, and managed to evade its cunning attack. He noticed a malicious black mist emanating from the snake's mouth, which engulfed a nearby tree trunk, causing it to rot and disintegrate. This revelation filled him with fear and a deepened understanding of the snake's intelligence.

Frustrated by its failed attempt to lure and poison Li Tian, the snake hissed in anger and lunged towards him once again. However, its agility had diminished, providing Li Tian with an opportunity. He swiftly evaded the attack and delivered a powerful claw strike to the snake's side. The impact created a massive gash, causing blood to gush out. Li Tian had intentionally targeted the snake's vulnerable abdomen, aware of the weakness inherent in such creatures.

Despite the snake's desperate attempts to retaliate, its body was too damaged to move effectively. Li Tian approached it confidently and swiftly crushed its head with a stomp, ending its life. The fight hadn't drained much of Li Tian's energy, but the thought of what could have happened if he had been struck by the poisonous mist sent shivers down his spine.

Taking a moment to rest and prepare for the next encounter, Li Tian stood there, anticipating the arrival of another demonic beast. As expected, it didn't take long for a rank two demonic lightning tail tiger to appear. This majestic creature possessed innate control over lightning, evident from the flickers of electric lights on its tail. Although still young, it promised to become a formidable force in adulthood.

Without hesitation, Li Tian initiated the attack, making sure to avoid the tiger's electrifying tail. He marveled at the strength in his hands, a testament to the power bestowed upon him by the system. The battle raged on, and after numerous clashes, Li Tian emerged victorious, having slain the beast. He retrieved its core, as he had done with the others before, and resumed his vigilant wait.

As half a day passed, during which Li Tian successfully defeated over 20 rank two demonic beasts, he decided it was time to find a place to spend the night. Assessing his own strength, he concluded that only the three beasts they had been warned about might pose a real danger in the forest. Curiosity piqued, he eagerly looked forward to encountering them.