
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

dangerous battle

The wolf phantom that had engulfed Zhao Shengmin howl facing the direction of the moon and as it did his aura continuously grew.

The bloodline of the Zhao family, the howling moon wolf was a very powerful one. They were relatively a new clan which is why their influence was still limited to city E.

In the mouth of the giant wolf a ball of energy started concealing and compressing.

The energy gathered to a terrifying degree then was released Like a cannon towards Li Tian.

Looking at the ball of energy that was flying towards his direction with a mighty destructive power he wanted to dodge but the ball was so fast that not even his movement technique could take him away safely.

He crossed his arm Infront of his chest and took the impact directly. It sent him flying backwards, the scales on his arms were broken and some had fallen off.

Blood could be seen oozing from under the scales.

This is the first time he had received injuries since he gained the ability to undergo dragon transformation.

His hands felt numb and were trembling, still he could not help but wonder what would have happened if he did not have the dragon scale's defensive power.

It took only a second for these thoughts to run through his mind as before he could even have the time to process his situation properly he was already under attack again. The three who had also released their bloodline power attacked from all angles at terrifying speeds.

Normally this level of speed would be nothing for Li Tian but he was still under the pressure from the previous attack and had decided to pay special attention to Zhao Shengmin.

Li Tian who only had the opportunity to release the scales on his hand knew he had no choice but to go all out if he hoped to survive the battle.

He released his dragon transformation to the limit of his current bloodline power. His arms transformed into dragon claws and scales covered his arms up to his shoulders. His legs were covered in dragon claws and the muscles had become thicker and his height had increased slightly.

The green scales were all under his dress and only his arm could be seen at this moment as his sleeves had been destroyed during Zhao Shengmin's attacked.

The attacks of the three people arrived. He swung his arm using the dragon claw technique and it formed tears in the energies that was about to hit him.

He looked at the wind attack that was torn and dispersed and to his surprise another attack was just behind it. A spike from the earth was piecing directly towards him.

He used the dragon fist technique and as they clashed a shockwave was released in the surroundings. All the surrounding vegetation within the forest had been destroyed.

He suddenly felt a sense of danger and used the rising waves-departing winds technique to run forward and immediately he did a claw flew past where his head was.

He jumped into the forest to try to get a clearer view of the entire situation.

He soon had a clear picture. The wolf image that engulfed Zhao Shengmin was devouring the spiritual energy from the air and everything around it. Compressing it into balls of energy and launching them at Li Tian.

Zhao Yumin's subordinate who had threatened him before had now summoned a black panther. Light could be seen flickering in its claws as they glowed silver. It was this panther that made the attack that threatened Li Tian. The man was now with a sword in his hand though Li Tian had yet to see him make a move with it.

For the other two wind was blowing around one of them. It was very fierce but Li Tian could sense that his control over the wind element was not as strong as Zhang Wei's. On the other's body you could see dense yellow energy which seemed to have formed a barrier around him.

Li Tian knew he had to take this battle very seriously. The people that could do the most harm to him now were Zhao Yumin and that panther so he had to get rid of the weaker ones.

The booming noises and energy fluctuations had already attracted the attention of others and the opposing sides were trying to keep everything a secret.

They knew It was only matter of time before people start arriving here. They had to finish this quickly.

Li Tian suddenly disappeared from their vision as his speed reached a terrifying level. When they finally saw a glimpse of him, all they saw was a shadow with no discernible pattern of movement. It was as though he had blended with the wind.

His body very swift and agile. This was the effect of reaching small completion in the first level of his movement technique.

He approached the man with the wind control. All the man felt was a disturbance around him but there was no time to react. Li Tian was already about three meters closed to the man, the appropriate distance for his dragon claw technique. He swipe his claw in the air and blood spurted toward the air as the man was already slashed to death. On his torso, one could see claw marks which ran across his body.

Li Tian did not delay after that because he already sensed that Zhao Shengmin had locked onto him. He tried to use his movement technique again but found that all the wind in his surroundings had disappeared. He turned and realised that they were now for into the shape of a ball in the wolf image's mouth.

He ran toward the man surrounded by earth Qi and punched him. Hoping to stop Zhao Shengmin's attack by using his ally as cover. To his surprise however he soon saw the ball of wind envelope him at the man. He only heard a cuddling scream as the man was torn to pieces and died on the spot. He only survived thanks to his exceptionally strong physique.

He did not have time to examine his body as Zhao Shengmin was already above him falling down with a hammer. He used the departing winds technique but this time instead o dodging he rushed to his opponent at the same time unleashing the dragon fist.

The combination of speed and power increased his power output greatly as they clashed. Li Tian was sent flying back down and immediately he landed he felt a slash on his thigh. He had already noticed the panther but could not dodge.

However he was ready to retaliate in kind as a kick flew hitting the panther on the side sending it flying.

Li Tian did not stop even for a second, using his movement technique, he dived towards the last subordinate.

This was the only man he recognised in this group through whom he deduced the identity of his assailants. He had met this man for the third time now but didn't know he had a special bloodline like the beast taming bloodline. Too bad he was on the opposite side and Li Tian had never had mercy for his enemies in his previous life and this life was going to be no different.

He took out his Saber and slashed toward the man, however for the first time since he got the one-strike extermination Saber strategy, his move was blocked. He looked at the man sword and understood that the man had practiced using sword techniques to cover his weaknesses as a summoner.

The man released several consecutive strikes at Li Tian which were all blocked. It takes a long time to explain but all this happened very fast.

Li Tian knew he had to kill this man fast before his beast or Zhao Shengmin catches up otherwise he would have no choice but to retreat. Saber beams were released consecutively from him as they clashed with the man. He soon found a chance and entangled the man's sword while using the dragon claw technique simultaneously. He tore open his Abdomen and exactly at this time his beast arrived.

Li Tian withdrew as he knew thean was done for. Zhao Shengmin landed beside the wounded man and was glaring at Li Tian with hatred. This was a servant but a very special one. If groomed properly his worth would be equivalent to two or more powerhouses of the same cultivation realm as him. This was a great loss to the clan.

He knew now that they had greatly misjudged Li Tian even though they thought it was overkill when coming here. Fear had been born inside him and he gradually thought of retreating. Six of them came here, now only two were left and one was on the verge of dying.

Li Tian did not want to give the him time to think so he immediately launched an attack at Zhao Shengmin who Upton now was the strongest opponent Li Tian had to face. Even more dangerous than the draco-lizard.

Within the forest clashes could be heard continuously. Part of the forest was already destroyed. It went on for about ten minutes as they revealed all their skills. During this time the summoner even close to death had made some attacks which took Li Tian by surprise and left him in a desperate situation. His panther died before him thanks to Li Tian. Now only Li Tian and Zhao Shengmin were left standing. Their Qi had been exhausted.

Li Tian now had the upper hand as he used the advantages of having a strong physique.

The wolf phantom had long disappeared. Soon Zhao Shengmin was laying on the ground Infront of Li Tian, his body lifeless.

Li Tian hurriedly took their storage rings and dived into the forest when when he sensed that people had arrived. He disappeared without a trace.