
Supreme Ascension

Li Tian, a university student with very limited potential due to his trash talent dies and is replaced by another Li Tian from a cultivation world. As the two souls merge and the super ascendency system is awakened, Everything becomes possible as receives numerous rewards from the system. Be it bloodline, pills, cultivation methods, battle techniques, weapons Li Tian has it all. what obstacles Lies before them on their path to becoming supreme

anduril_soft · Fantasy
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50 Chs

beast tide 2

The battle in the air raged on with booming sounds reverberating through the battlefield. Demonic beasts of various sizes and strengths attacked, some soaring through the air, while others remained grounded, but their combat prowess was not to be underestimated.

Amidst the chaos, Li Tian, who had already surpassed all other Foundation Realm cultivators, moved through the battlefield with ease. His every step resulted in fallen demonic beasts. Li Tian's Spirit Finger technique, augmented by the power of the system, was exceptionally potent. With a pointed finger, dragon Qi transformed into a snake-like form, shooting towards his enemies. This technique had grown stronger alongside Li Tian's cultivation, and its destructive force was remarkable.

The number of beasts that fell by Li Tian's hand was already in the tens, garnering attention on the battlefield. He seemed unstoppable, and his Spirit Sense, which rivaled that of a Core Realm cultivator, made him virtually invincible. Li Tian could not be easily overwhelmed or caught off guard.

Suddenly, an incredibly fast monkey appeared in the sky near Li Tian, wielding a staff. In a swift motion, the monkey struck Li Tian, sending him flying. The monkey, a Rank 4 beast capable of human speech, taunted Li Tian, "you are strong for a human. Too bad that you have caught my attention", recognizing his power as a problem on the battlefield.

Li Tian, regaining his balance, couldn't help but find the monkey's smile repulsive. He wondered if the monkey thought that smiling like that added to its charm. However, the monkey's expression filled Li Tian with disgust, as it clearly looked down on him.

The monkey's staff began to spin, conjuring a terrifying flame that engulfed the area around them. The spectacle drew the attention of everyone on the battlefield. The intensity of the heat from such a distance indicated that a formidable Rank 4 beast had joined the battle.

Undeterred, Li Tian released his aura to its fullest and unleashed a powerful Dragon Fist, summoning a dragon that parted the flames and attacked the monkey. The monkey waved its staff, causing flames to clash with the dragon and resulting in a thunderous explosion. Flames scattered in all directions, causing casualties among both humans and demonic beasts.

Li Tian ascended higher into the sky, pursued by the monkey. Finding a vantage point where the damage would be reduced, Li Tian struck out with a claw technique as the monkey approached from below. The monkey was astounded. How could a cultivator at the Foundation Realm be a match for it? It wasn't alone in its disbelief. The powerhouses observing the battle from the tower were also shocked. Initially, they had considered sending a Core Realm cultivator to intervene, but seeing Li Tian withstand the monkey's attack with only minor injuries, they decided to see how far he could go. To their astonishment, he not only held his own but even took the offensive.

A manifestation of a dragon claw rushed towards the monkey, clashing with the staff in its hand. The clash unleashed a torrent of flames, turning their part of the sky into a blazing inferno. The monkey was pushed back momentarily but swiftly reappeared above Li Tian, swinging its staff. A colossal staff materialized, hurtling towards Li Tian's head.

The cultivators below could hardly believe their eyes. Was this a battle between Core Realm cultivators? If it were to take place on the ground, the devastation would be unimaginable.

The monkey's timing left Li Tian with no room to dodge. However, Li Tian's towering figure ascended, and he produced a pagoda emitting a red light. As soon as the pagoda appeared, the dragon might in the surroundings surged, causing many demonic beasts to feel compelled to kneel. This tower augmented Li Tian's abilities and bolstered his defense.

Li Tian used the pagoda to clash with the monkey's staff, and an image of a pagoda appeared in the sky, opposing the staff. A thunderous bang echoed as both Li Tian and the monkey were sent flying.

The observers were in disbelief. They couldn't comprehend what they were witnessing. How could this Foundation Realm cultivator possess such power? This went beyond talent; it was outright astonishing. They understood that Core Formation had nine levels, with every three levels marking a qualitative change in power. The first three levels were known as Hollow Core, the middle three as True Core, where cultivators could form domains, and the final three as Golden Core. At the Golden Core realm, cultivators gained divine abilities with each turn of the core, with a maximum of nine turns. Those who achieved the nine turns of the Golden Core were as rare as phoenix feathers and qilin horns. To break through to the Rebirth Realm, one had to achieve at least three turns of the Golden Core, although their combat prowess would pale in comparison to those who achieved nine turns before advancing.

The monkey was clearly on the verge of establishing a Fire Domain, an area where fire would burn eternally as long as the monkey willed it. Yet, it struggled to defeat Li Tian, a FoundationRealm cultivator. This was a sight that would be remembered throughout the cultivation world.

Li Tian and the monkey continued to engage in an intense aerial battle, their clashes shaking the heavens. Each strike was accompanied by a burst of elemental power, whether it was fire, dragon Qi, or other forces. The battlefield became a spectacle of power and destruction.

The battle raged on, and Li Tian's endurance allowed him to gain the upper hand. However, just as victory seemed within reach, two enormous apes appeared in the sky. It was as if the titanoape had brought its entire clan with it.

Without wasting a moment, the apes unleashed a barrage of attacks on Li Tian. One of them manipulated gravity, making it difficult for Li Tian to move. Simultaneously, the other ape struck him in the chest with its staff.

Despite the overwhelming assault, Li Tian's determination surged. He transformed into a colossal, towering behemoth with shimmering green scales, standing at an impressive height of five meters. The strike sent him flying, but he quickly retaliated.

A massive claw descended from the sky, striking the flaming monkey with overwhelming force. Caught off guard, the monkey could do nothing to defend itself against Li Tian's newfound strength. Blood splattered as the monkey was pulverized.

Sensing numerous auras locking onto him, Li Tian swiftly employed his movement technique, evading the imminent danger. The spot where he had stood exploded, engulfed in attacks from all directions.

In the sky opposite him, various species of demonic beasts emerged, including pythons, apes, and wolves. Nearly a hundred of them glared at Li Tian with killing intent.

Suddenly, a group of cultivators appeared in the sky, positioning themselves in front of Li Tian. Their auras suppressed the atmosphere, leaving those below feeling the futility of their struggle against such overwhelming might. They could barely move.

These cultivators were all at the core realm, their formidable presence matching that of the demonic beasts. Li Tian, standing among them with his foundation realm cultivation, stood out conspicuously. However, no one dared to look down on him. In the face of such a dire situation, everyone present recognized his strength and knew he deserved their respect.