
Supreme (The rise of the supreme)

"Nether Absolute, Nether Emperor, Old man severance, the creator, the desecrator, Ruler of The Nine, blah blah blah, I have been called by so many names that it's hard to keep track of all of them, but the single constant has always been that no one no matter how great they may think themselves has ever shown even a hint of disrespect towards my magnificent self, then how in the nine Hells did I end up here, a servant to a bratty spoiled young miss, how did this happen, how???

Dagan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
136 Chs


"Fireeeeeee"bellowed the angry Murong Ba .When his soldiers and followers heard the power and conviction in their leaders voice ,their resolve was strengthened .Their were not about to give up their home to a demon.They would rather die than bow down to evil,

Such thoughts of bravery and courqage ran rampamt in the minds of the soldiers .They would soon learn how wrong they were.They would soon come to the understanding that when one sees a demon ,one ought to flee with all their limbs powered by all their might.

The soldiers on the wall pulled out their spears and threw them at Xerxes .The spears were covered in flames as the forcefully separated the air creating a path of destruction towards the demon.

Xerxes was nolonger in the mood to play with his food ,he was hungry and needed his food immediately.

He swang his right hand horizontally towards the army and their incoming spears .The force generated blew most of the spears to the side but some reached him .

Some of the spears penetrated his skin and dangled from his flesh .

He roared at the city before he teleported into the city .

When the soldiers saw this ,they realized the error in their thoughts .They realized that this was the day they met their deaths .

The wise ones had already turned on their heels fleeing for the hills .When the first soldier ran 'the entire army fell apart creating chaos with everyone trying to get out of the city as first as possible .The four gates to the city were crowded to the point that some of the civilians had already been trampled to death.

Tears flowed down the face of the earth monarch. Although he could sense that the cultivation of the demon was just at the peak of the life realm ,he could also sense that the demon's cultivation could not be thought of in the normal sense 'He could sense qi so vast and powerful that even he ,an earth monarch was out classed .

He looked down at the city his ancestors had called home for hundreds of thousands of years and he could not stop himself from crying in sorrow at its destruction.

When his sorrow surpassed what he could handle ,he started laughing in sorrow then in hatred and profound anger .

"I, Murong Ba ,descendant of the sword emperor ,will not die a coward's death .All my enemies shall perish ."He shouted as he releasd all his qi .

His body was ignited with flames from head to toe .The air around him was set ablaze and space rippled at he power radiating from the enraged earth monarch.

Murong Ba had always thought himself unworthy of his lineage .Ever since the death of the sword emperor some fifty thousand years ago, the Murong family had been on the decline and nothing could be done to stop the down ward trend but hope was finally born in the family .This hope was in the form of the heavenly genius Murong Zi,son of Murong Ba, Thought to be the reincarnation of the sword emperor. His talent was so profound that by the time he was five thousand years old ,he was already a heavenly monarch ,a single step away from reaching the emperor realm.