
The Game Rules!

In short while...Felix was teleported to the game Hall just like the rest of the players.

Unlike the previous game halls he was in, this one was held in a forest with trees penetrating the sky.

All of the teleported players had opened up their eyes to the birds' chirps and chilly atmosphere.

They were standing in an empty area of grass field while in front of them there was a small tree with purplish leaves.

'It seems like the MC is going to be species who prefer living in nature.' Felix thought while looking around him.

He believed so because the MCs in the UISG platform ranges from all races in the SGAlliance.

If a human was going to be their MC, there was a high chance of him picking a closed-off assembly hall.

Soon, Felix stopped bothering with the environment after he realized that all the players were focusing on him either openly or discreetly.