
Risky Option/Safer Option.

While Commander Bia was preparing the troops, Quantix Prime's eyes never left her. He was waiting for her to slip and show what she was hiding behind his back.

In a sense, he could easily force her to admit it on her own. But, he knew she was a flight risk.

Regardless of what he did, all it took was one command from Commander Bia and she was out of here, returning to the matter universe in the blink of an eye.

With all his strength and might, there wasn't much he could do about her returning to her original size unless he killed her in an instant, but that would defeat the purpose.

"Shadow." Quantix Prime suddenly uttered calmly.


A featureless humanoid entity arose from his shadow and knelt in front of him. It was covered in an aura of darkness and mystery.

"Trail Bia wherever she goes outside of the city and keep me updated." He ordered.