
I am a Big Boy...

Felix received many congratulation messages from Olivia and the others close to him. He was even invited to a party that was held in the UVR to celebrate it.

Seeing that it was being made by Olivia and his grandfather, Felix decided to take part.


"Do you think he will be mad at us?" Olivia asked with a worried tone while eyeing a three layers birthday chocolate cake.

"Don't worry, Felix has matured and experienced hell in his journey." Robert patted her in the head, "If he can slay a dragon, overcoming his trauma of birthdays should be doable too."

"Let's hope so...I don't want to upset him in his party." Olivia murmured while placing candles on the cake.

Unbeknownst to Felix, Olivia, and Robert were taking advantage of the party pretense to hold Felix a birthday party.

He would turn twenty-four in three days!