
An Upcoming Ambush!

"Let's carry on moving." Felix said as he walked through the passed-out juniors, who were lying on the ground.

Olivia took out a brand new tracker from her backpack and turned it on.

"Heheh." She couldn't help but chuckle after seeing some red dots moving in every direction randomly.

She knew that all of them had their tracker's batteries run out!

If it wasn't for so, they would have escaped the moment they noticed the twelve stacked dots near them.

The only reason she was still holding into an operating tracker was due to robbing a team yesterday, who managed to get the tracker from a brand new package.

After all, ten packages never stopped dropping every 24 hours. However, Felix and the rest never dared to approach one again even if it landed nearby.

They had no intentions to put themselves near tens of teams lest they ignore the package and switch their aggro on them after realizing the number of flags in their possession.