
Superpower Evolution

TRY MY NEW BOOK " Superpowers in Apocalypse" and support it for WPC 228. ........................ When Sam just woke up from a daydream, he found that the world changed suddenly. After the apocalypse, humanity fell! Countless fierce beasts and carnivorous plants invaded the humacivilianation through portals that broke open due to space distortions caused by heavy nuclear explosions in the Third Nuclear World War! Humans were caught unprepared when they were recovering from the loss of the war. Only some millions of the population remained alive. Moreover, due to natural disasters, terrains changed. Storm ragged, tsunamis and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions devastated the lands. One after another continents fell. Another thing was the appearance of the Underworld about which mankind still had least to no information. Different kinds of zombies with intelligence and dead beings sprang up from underground and started slaughtering humans. Mankind had no way to stop them other than to flee. The government collapsed, society crumbled and the military was too busy to slaughter the enemies. Crime rates increased. All these internal and external troubles almost lead mankind to extinction. To survive this, some humans had somehow evolved from the radiation and mana from the portals and obtained superpowers. All the abilities started at super weakening from and the only way to strengthen your innate ability was to undergo further evolution by battling other superpower users who may be humans, fierce beasts or ferocious plants. A person needed to defeat a beast or ferocious plant themselves to gain their gene points. It gets miraculously absorbed in the body leaving only a useless beast or plant body that could be used as a ration. Thus in this world where government and military-ruled strictly, strength mattered the most! Thus humanity finally found a way to survive... In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, will Sam be able to survive? .................................................................................. P. S: I'm just a novice writer and English is not my first language. — This is my first original book. So don't try to steal it or I will sue you!! — I appreciate healthy reviews and comments. —Don't like it? Then just leave! — Btw the cover pic isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it, please do tell me and I will do so. Ty~ .................................................................................. WORDS OF CAUTION: This story involves different kinds of art! But the representation of art in this story is purely FICTIONAL and is NOT meant to hurt any feelings of any person who pursues any kind of art wholeheartedly. This story is purely based on my imagination and I hope my dear readers can also be imaginative while reading this story!!! .................................................................................. Please support and vote for this book! This novel is the entry for WSA 2021 in superpower. Help this novel, please.

Xiaoru · Urban
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37 Chs


Sam didn't know about the uproar in the school forum until Olson mentioned it to him. Sam was gobsmacked at the numerous challenge proposal he got mostly from seniors with power level 5 and some from level 6.

These people shamelessly wanted to defeat a guy with a lower power level to prove their superiority!

Azzo was quite well known in their senior year, he had many friends as well enemies who were almost of the same strength as him! Even Azzo became a victim of cyberbullying after his defeat to Sam. So they thought it was an opportunity to prove their superiority to Azzo by defeating Sam, even low he was at level 3 power level!

Sam didn't care about anything happening in the school forum! But that didn't mean others won't! The news about his win in a fight with Azzo already spread to other high schools in the city! Students were shocked and confused. Many called it a stroke of luck!

Thus when Sam not responding to any challenges, students started hurling abuses towards him both in school forums and face-to-face. They labelled him as a coward who won the fight by tricks!

Things went out of control when Sam was leaving along with Olson after school, as a group of students both from Sam's school and other high schools blocked the gate and confronted Sam arrogantly.

"Will you accept the challenge or not?" asked a boy.

Sam just coldly looked at them and replied, " I don't have time for the games!"

"Game? Stupid, weak mutt, then just tell openly that you won by tricking Azzo! Just acknowledge publicly that you are a coward!" snarled another guy.

"Hehe..we all know that he is just a weakling. He got Azzo when he was distracted!"

"Yeah! After all, he finally got rid of his 'trash' title by sneak attack, so how can he be willing to acknowledge that he is a coward?!" laughed another guy as he looked at Sam provocatively.

Olson fumed and he glared at them.

"Hmph! Don't you have any sense of shame? Why are you bullying someone who is of lower power level?" yelled Olson angrily.

"Shut up trash! We ain't talking with you! "

"So what we are bullying? Come bite us..haha"

"Hmph! Just acknowledge that he won by trickery or accept the challenge!"

"You!!!!" Olson was on the verge of fighting them when Sam stopped him.

"I won't have time to fight any of you! Get lost and bark somewhere else!" replied Sam arrogantly as he pulled Olson away from the angry crowd!

"Hmph! Then wait for the reprisal!" said the leader of the boys sinisterly.

He eyed the rest and they went away to do something nasty.


By the time Sam reached his house, he was shocked to find the glass windows in pieces and the doors were broken! He hurriedly went inside the house only to find his house raided by burglers!

Panicking, he rushed towards the wooden cupboard to find the photo frame of his family broken and thrown on the ground. Sam hurriedly took it up to see the photo intact with the broken frame. He sighed with relief as it was the last photo of his happy family! After putting it in the system storage, he looked around the house to find furniture or expensive things stolen and many things broken! Blue veins popped out on his forehead as he clenched his fist, being unable to vent his anger.

The next day Sam woke up by foul stenches. He pressed his nose and went out of his house only to find his house surrounded by garbage!

Sam's expression was awful at that moment. He gritted his teeth as he called for a cleaning agency to clean the house.

When he got to school, his desk was filled with awful letters from others. Every one of them condemned him as if he was the deadliest sinner! Even his cupboard was filled with dead rats.

When he went to the cafeteria, everyone purposely lined up so that Sam was the last! When it was his turn, all the food was sold leaving some dry bread for his lunch.

Sam was so angry that he wanted nothing but to rip the heads off them!

What had he done to deserve this?

Throughout the school, everyone mocked and hurled insults at his cowardice.

Sadly that day Olson was absent. Sam was not sceptical at that but later Lucy ran to him and informed him that Olson was badly beaten today morning on his way to school. He had several broken ribs with badly injured organs. He is at present admitted to the hospital.

Sam was shocked at that! He knew who did these!

It was them! They were forcing him to accept the duels!

Sam's eyes were red as he rushed out of school at mid-class to the hospital.



The door of the emergency room in the hospital was a slide opened!

Sam looked at Olson who was asleep with a dip in his hands. His ribs were fixed by the doctor but due to multiple ruptures of his internal organs, it would take a few days to be back as before!

It was not life-threatening since they were just trying to warn Sam, but Sam felt deep hatred for them.

He only had Olson as his only friend who was also his sworn brother, so seeing him in the pathetic condition woke up his inner beast!

At present, he needed bloodshed!

He thought that teaching Azzo a lesson was enough to push away stupid brain dead people! But he was too naive!

Right now, he wanted to torture them cruelly and brutally to make them face the truth and make them acknowledge his strength.

Sam knew that this would make him vulnerable towards his hidden enemies but right now they pushed him to the end of the cliff!

Hurting and insulting him was fine! But doing the same to his close people was absolutely a big no!!

He was going to make sure that everyone paid a ruthless price for starting this game!

It was time to hunt again!

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