
Supernatural: Heroic.

In which the daughter of God is asked to watch and help the Winchester's. You really thought Jesus was the only one? Well yeah. Jessie Duncan wasn't your average girl. She was the kind of girl who would take down anyone in her way. She was stubborn and wouldn't give up easily. So when her father, God, tells her to watch the Winchester's, she is in for a big surprise especially when a new angel joins the mix and a case causes her and the older Winchester to grow closer than they'd like.

Travis_LaRowe_6049 · TV
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2 Chs


Chapter two:

Jessie leaned down on her knees, knotting her hands together and letting out a sigh. Dear Heavenly Father, I am beyond confused on why you'd choose me out of all the angels in Heaven. Everything I seem to touch or have contact with either run away or die. Maybe it's my lack of people skills, but I'd like to know why you chose me. Just paused and shut her eyes for a brief moment before continuing.

Let's hope I don't screw this up too. But thank you for giving me a chance, I appreciate it, so um. Amen. Jessie finished and made her way back into Bobby's house. They all still seemed unfamiliar with her presence and were still quite unsure about her intentions. But she wouldn't be bothered by them, so she made herself comfortable on their couch.

Did you guys hear about Castiel? She questioned the boys as she was still facing the T. V. They all looked at her in wonder.

Got a bit bossy, turned into one of those Leviathans, believe it or not, Jessie lamely announced, picking at her nails.

The brothers faced each other and they gave each other a knowing glance. You don't feel all that sorry for your brother? Sam asked as she shrugged her shoulders and propped her feet up on the couch.

He'll be fine, for now. Anyways, theirs the Winchester brothers that can save the day, Jessie lazily states. The brothers roll their eyes before Dean states, this is going to be a long ride.