
Supernatural: Heroic.

In which the daughter of God is asked to watch and help the Winchester's. You really thought Jesus was the only one? Well yeah. Jessie Duncan wasn't your average girl. She was the kind of girl who would take down anyone in her way. She was stubborn and wouldn't give up easily. So when her father, God, tells her to watch the Winchester's, she is in for a big surprise especially when a new angel joins the mix and a case causes her and the older Winchester to grow closer than they'd like.

Travis_LaRowe_6049 · TV
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Chapter one:

Is this Bobby Singer? Jessie had asked through the mobile phone she'd received.

Yes. Who is this? Replied Bobby Singer from the other line. Jessie only rolled her eyes.

It doesn't matter who it is. Is Dean and Sam Winchester with you? Jessie questioned. She currently stood out the front of Bobby's house.

I'm afraid I can't tell you that, Bobby had said with uncertainty. If only he knew who was on the other line. Jessie had grown annoyed by his anticipation and simply opened the door to his house, stepping inside. The men inside immediately sprung up from their seats with surprise. Bobby was still on the phone with a bewildered expression on his face.

Sorry for the interruption. I'm kinda late. So let's cut to the short, I'm your guardian and if anything comes after either both of you, Jessie elucidated, pointing to both Sam and Dean as she spoke. I'll kill them or I'll just let you kill them . Depends if I think you're up to it.

Jessie finished explaining, making her way over to the couch.

Who are you and what do you mean by guardian? Sam had demanded.

The names Jessie. Jessie Duncan. I'm the daughter of God and I was sent from the man upstairs to keep you safe, she explained simply. Jessie hoped it was enough for no more questions.