
Supernatural Chronicles: Vampires and Werewolves....

I would love to lie and say that this book is nothing but fiction, but I really can't. I can't tell you my real name, and I can't expose the bloodlines. Infact, let's just call this book fiction. Africa hides some of the most complex, most powerful supernatural phenomena ever recorded or unrecorded. Being behind in technology, facial recognition software, network accessibility in remote areas and poor access to security, Zimbabwe is the perfect hiding area for the supernatural. I am an Alpha, my pack holds magic books and codexes, and this is the story of how I got where I am today. Feel free to research the places, and some of the theories, you'll be surprised if you did a little research. the world is a crazy place...

Killswitch · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Siren song

In his captivated state, Michael's eyes wandered to the base of the waterfall. There, amidst the rocks and swirling currents, he spotted a figure that made his heart skip a beat. A young woman bathed in the cool waters, her back turned towards him. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back, glistening under the gentle moonlight. Her silhouette, partially submerged in the tranquility of the pool, exuded an enchanting presence that drew him closer.As if nature conspired to bewitch him, the girl began to sing, her melodious voice reverberating through the air. The song, like a siren's call, held Michael spellbound. It was a voice that possessed an otherworldly quality, so smooth and breathtaking that it seemed to transcend the worldly realm. Each note she sang resonated with the serenity of the surroundings, adding a touch of magic to the already mesmerizing scene.Transfixed, Michael felt as if time had come to a halt. But, as fate would have it, the girl turned around and caught sight of him. Her eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his own awe-stricken expression. In that moment, the air felt thick with anticipation, as if the world dared not disturb this fragile connection.Suddenly, as if responding to an unknown instinct, the girl let out a piercing sound, a haunting cry akin to that of a whale. The forceful exhale disrupted the tranquil ambiance and shattered the momentary pause that had enveloped them. With a swift motion, the girl dove into the water, disappearing as if vanishing into thin air.The silence that ensued was deafening. Michael, still frozen in awe, struggled to comprehend the series of events that had just unfolded. The enchanting girl, who had captivated him with her ethereal beauty and enticing melody, had vanished without a trace. Only the persistent roar of the waterfall remained, serving as a melancholic reminder of what had been lost.In that fleeting encounter, Michael had witnessed a glimpse of enchantment. A convergence of the extraordinary and the mundane, their paths had intersected, if only for a moment, leaving an indelible mark on his spirit. As he looked back at the waterfall, the memory of the mysterious girl lingered, forever etched in his heart and mind.Unable to resist the pull of curiosity, Michael made a rash decision. Without a second thought, he descended the treacherous path of the waterfall, his heart pounding in his chest. Every step carried him closer to the base, where he hoped to catch a glimpse of the ethereal girl who had captivated his senses.As he reached the water's edge, anticipation mingled with trepidation. Michael peered into the crystal-clear depths, searching for any trace of her presence. But to his astonishment, the water reflected back only his own bewildered expression. No sign of the beautiful girl remained, as if she had dissolved into the very essence of the cascading falls.A chill ran down his spine, causing him to shiver involuntarily. A sudden unease settled over him, urging him to turn around and face the source of the sensation. And when he did, a sight unfolded before him that would forever haunt his memories.Standing there, amidst the dim moonlight, was the girl from the bus. Kiora, with her captivating gaze and enigmatic smile, now stood at the forefront, flanked by nine other girls, each as breathtakingly beautiful as the last. Their presence sent a shiver of both fear and fascination through Michael's being.Kiora, the senior among the girls, gazed at him with an eerie smile that sent chills down his spine. It was a smile that seemed to hold secrets, whispering of hidden depths and unknown realms. The other girls stood silently, their expressions blank, yet their beauty radiant.Michael's mind raced, trying to comprehend the inexplicable connection between the girl he had seen at the waterfall and these bewitching figures before him. Was it a mere coincidence or something far more mysterious? The air hung heavy with a strange energy, the depths of which he could not fathom.Unable to find words, Michael stood frozen, caught in a dance of fascination and fear. The senior girl continued to smile, her eyes drawing him in with an intensity that felt almost supernatural. It was as if she held the answers to the mysteries that shrouded that solitary encounter by the waterfall.In that moment, Michael couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something far beyond his understanding. The world seemed to blur around him, and the echoes of the waterfall faded into the background. There, amidst the presence of these alluring and enigmatic girls, he was forced to confront a reality that lay beyond the visible spectrum.As uncertainty and curiosity waged war within him, Michael made a silent vow to unravel the secrets concealed within their haunting smiles. Little did he know that this encounter was merely the first step on a path that he could never have anticipated, leading him into a world where enchantment and danger coexisted in equal measure.As Michael stood there, transfixed by the mysterious girls, a senior from their ranks emerged from the shadows. With an air of superiority, she approached him, a glint of mischievousness in her eyes. Without warning, she extended her hand and forcefully pushed him into the water below.Caught off guard, Michael tumbled into the pool with a loud splash, his heart pounding in his ears. Panic gripped him as he fought against the relentless currents, desperately flailing his arms to find a solid footing. The water enveloped him, its icy grip taking hold of his tired body. Instinctively, he kicked his legs, pushing himself upwards, yearning for the surface.After what felt like an eternity, Michael emerged from the depths of the pool, gasping for breath. His whole body ached from the struggle, and exhaustion weighed him down. He clawed his way to the edge, limbs heavy with fatigue, until he finally managed to find solid ground.Collapsing onto the ground, Michael lay there, panting heavily, his clothes clinging to his soaked form. Droplets of water cascaded down his face, mingling with the remnants of sweat. He felt a profound sense of vulnerability and frustration, his once exhilarating encounter now tainted by the unforeseen act of aggression.