
Supernatural Chronicles: Vampires and Werewolves....

I would love to lie and say that this book is nothing but fiction, but I really can't. I can't tell you my real name, and I can't expose the bloodlines. Infact, let's just call this book fiction. Africa hides some of the most complex, most powerful supernatural phenomena ever recorded or unrecorded. Being behind in technology, facial recognition software, network accessibility in remote areas and poor access to security, Zimbabwe is the perfect hiding area for the supernatural. I am an Alpha, my pack holds magic books and codexes, and this is the story of how I got where I am today. Feel free to research the places, and some of the theories, you'll be surprised if you did a little research. the world is a crazy place...

Killswitch · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Kiora and the sisters

As he mustered the strength to rise, his tormentor stood towering above him, a mocking smile gracing her lips. She seemed to revel in his struggle, her superiority palpable in the air. Michael's pride wounded, he attempted to get up but faltered, his legs buckling beneath him as he fell back onto his bottom.In that moment of defeat, Michael looked up at his tormentor, his eyes filled with a mix of exhaustion and defiance. He could sense that the encounter by the waterfall had taken an unexpected turn, lingering on the precipice of something far more profound and dangerous. Gripped by determination, he silently resolved to rise above his current tribulation, to uncover the truth behind these beguiling girls and the mysteries that they held.Fear coursed through Michael's veins, stirring every fiber of his being, urging him to flee from the chilling presence of the tormentor. Yet, an invisible force held him in place, his body frozen with a mix of mesmerization and terror. He was trapped, unable to escape the unsettling fate that loomed before him.As the girl drew closer, Michael's trembling intensified. The moonlight revealed her features in stark clarity—her piercing eyes, her porcelain skin, and something else that sent a shiver of dread down his spine. He noticed, with a sense of impending doom, the faint glimmer of elongated fangs protruding from her mouth. It was a sight that defied rationality, a visual confirmation of the unearthly nature he had suspected all along.Before he could react, the girl closed the distance between them, her presence suffocating. Her breath brushed against his skin, a chilling caress, as she leaned in, her predatory instincts unmasked. In that split second, time ceased its march, and Michael felt the world collapse around him. She leaned over his body and moved her body against his, their skin brushing against each other, he was the one who had fallen into water but her skin was colder. Her lips plum and juicy moved in closer to his, inches away to collision she averted sideways.Pain seared through his neck as the girl sank her fangs deep into his flesh. The initial shock gave way to an excruciating mixture of pleasure and torment, as if his very essence was being drained away. His mind reeled, overwhelmed by a horrifying realization—he was being fed upon, his life force diminishing with every passing second.Michael's cries of agony were stifled, muffled beneath the weight of the encounter. His body weakened, limbs growing heavy, as his vision blurred at the edges. A profound darkness encroached upon his consciousness, threatening to consume him entirely. The girl's grip tightened, her lips tugging at his neck, draining him of vitality like a predator in the night.In those agonizing moments, Michael understood the consequences of his fateful encounter. He had stumbled upon a realm where darkness reigned, where beauty concealed a sinister secret. The enchantment that had drawn him closer now held him captive, as his life essence ebbed away into the abyss.As his consciousness flickered on the edge of oblivion, Michael's eyes met the girl's with a mix of defiance and resignation. A single tear escaped down his cheek, a silent acknowledgment of his imminent fate. In that last fleeting moment, he vowed to uncover the secrets that had led him to this hellish encounter, even if it meant succumbing to the darkness that now consumed him.And as the girl released her grip, leaving him on the precipice of existence, Michael succumbed to the void. Darkness enveloped him, his consciousness slipping away, leaving nothing but the haunting echo of his encounter at the foot of the waterfall. The scene erupted into chaos as the girl released Michael from her grasp, her screams of agony piercing the air. Fear mingled with confusion as she desperately tried to spit out the blood she had taken from him, her efforts in vain. The very essence that sustained her seemed to burn like fire, causing her to convulse and writhe in pain.Backpedaling in shock, Michael's eyes widened as he witnessed the torment unfolding before him. He sat up, pushing himself backward with trembling hands, unable to comprehend the turmoil that had transpired. The girl's screams reverberated through his being, their anguish etching itself deep into his memory.In the midst of the chaos, Kiora, the girl from the bus, fixed her gaze on Michael with a mixture of disbelief and fury. Her piercing eyes bore into his soul as she spoke, her voice shaking with rage, "What are you? What did you do to my sister?!"The weight of Kiora's accusations hung heavy in the air, threatening to crush Michael's fragile understanding of the situation. His mind raced, struggling to make sense of the inexplicable events that had unfolded. Is she a vampire, why does his neck hurt so much? What is she?, Wait, wait, where is the pain, where is the neck bite? How could he have caused such agony to her? What dark secret lay within him that had triggered this reaction?Fueled by her rage, Kiora turned to her sisters, eyes blazing with a command that sent shivers down Michael's spine. Pointing accusingly at him, she screamed, "Kill him, kill him now!" The other girls, equally as beautiful and fearsome, extended their fangs, prepared to carry out their leader's command.Yet, as the air crackled with an impending threat, an indomitable force froze the girls in their tracks. A mysterious power seemed to emanate from Michael, stalling their deadly advance, as they stood, the glow began to slowly fade. The sisters, unable to carry out their murderous intent, hesitated, held back by an unseen force.Wide-eyed with disbelief and trepidation, Michael absorbed the unfolding tableau. He realized that there was more to his existence than he had ever envisioned; a hidden power lay dormant within him, oblivious to his own understanding. His heart pounded, torn between fear and a newfound sense of awe.As the silence threatened to swallow the moment, Kiora turned to face Michael once more. Her gaze bore into him, a mixture of anger, confusion, and curiosity. The demands of justice wrestled with the desire for answers within her eyes. Michael met her gaze, his own filled with a blend of fear and determination, silently vowing to uncover the truth that lay buried within the enigmatic realm he found himself entangled in.