
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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30 Chs

Retrieving Memories 2

He found himself watching an unfamiliar terrain, the world was shrouded in a red veil, there was no sun in sight and the sky beckoned an evil glow.

Chris could barely see, yet at the same time everything was clearer than ever.

His senses felt heightened.

{The Challenger has accepted the memory of the former host, the demon avatar of Perversion.}

{The Challenger will experience things through the eyes of the demon avatar of Perversion.}

{You are not required to participate or change anything, this is just a play back of his memories.}

{Changes also cannot be made to the memory, you will be rewarded at the end of the trial.}

"Why did it just call the demon avatars memories a trial?"

"Was this some kind of sick joke?"

Pesh, Pesh, Pesh.

A character started heading for the horizon, there was no end insight. He continued his march for a few hours, he came upon a strange building reminisent of a castle, in the middle of no where. It was erringly quite as the wind howled stronger than ever, the sky had gotten brighter and night time had arrived.

"Waiter, give me one of the main dishes, l I'll be at the six-star room as usual." He said heading up the stairs.

"That would be a hundred golds," said the waiter.

"Put it on my tab," he seemed to be a regular here.

He quickly hurried up the stairs, he started to take off his clothing as he got closer to his destination.

His coat, his hat, his suit, shirt, heck even his shoes disappeared.

He pushed open the door and entered into a room full of naked women of all shapes and sizes, he calmly walked towards them with open arms as they stared lust fully at him. He began to pleasure them as soon as he made contact with them, in fact it seemed that pleasure radiated from his body.

The sheer number of women in the room wasn't something to scoff at, even as Chris counted he kept losing count. Chris was shocked, his rationality suffered from a fright when he saw this.

"The demon avatar of Perversion sure knows how to enjoy himself. "

Even if he was the demon Avatar of Perversion could he really bed all these women? It didn't make any sense.  Chris lost count at two hundred as the women were constantly moving and vying for the demon's affection.

"Come to me my damsels. I'll satisfy you all and leave you wanting more."

"It's a promise, ah." The demoness' were swooned by his words. They seemed to lose control over everything, there was nothing that held them back, they stuck to him like glue and took turns pleasuring him. The Demon even spread his Brio across the entire room to drive every one of the frantic demoness' to the ever perverted dream land he had desired, based on each of their unique tastes.

The demon avatar of Perversion took his time with each demoness as if he were exploring a new toy, time, and time again. At this rate, one would have thought that he would get bored with sex, but alas not the demon avatar of Perversion, he was just getting started.

He had a variety of techniques as expected, he switched from one style to the other. He performed the crudest styles, he performed the most refined styles, he took them with love, some with passion others with lust, anger and aggression. He coerced, cuddled and manipulated a few, he performed styles one didn't even know existed and styles that weren't thought to ever be possible, he wasn't afraid to get dirty and the girls were just as ecstatic as ever to his touch, he even became a submissive bitch and gave in to their sexual fetishes and desires, like it was a normal thing to expect, his hands went through backs, slacks and sacks. Yet, it wasn't over, in fact to Chris's dismay it was still just getting started.

We're just getting started the demon avatar of Perversion yelled.

"Yes more."


"Hit me baby."

"Take me deep... daddy."

"Screw it, right... yeah that's right... right there."

"Come honey."

"I didn't even finish yet."

"Don't stop, please."

"Huh, it's getting bigger."

Worst of all he was edging everyone to hell, it didn't help that he was unnecessarily good at it. He had them all begging for mercy.

A few days went by, then weeks then a month, yet it didn't stop.

Finally, Chris was starting to understand why this was called a trial, he was already damn tired of watching all these orgies. He had almost thrown up a few times at the sheer horridness of the situation, each time he thought he had seen it all more fuck began to happened.

"Too much s*** isn't good either you fucking avatar of Perversion."

"Fuck, get a room."

The problem was he was already in the room, and he couldn't leave.

He had also realized one small fact, the demon Avatar of Perversion seemed to be overly getting harder.

It hadn't gone down since he stripped himself at the door, regardless of what he did with it, and to make matters worse he seemed to be catching steam. It was as if he was just getting started.

Chris held his hair threatening to tear them out from the roots.

It was really hard to believe.

The months went by as the demon avatar of Perversion ravaged his endless supply of beauties, sometimes a few women would drop by and join in the fun, after all the door was always wide open.

"Tsk, its already started."

"Dear me, I'm late," they would say while stripping and joining the fray, and of course the demon avatar of Perversion gave them first priority. He would attend to them like they were the apple of his eyes, and drill his way through them as if he hadn't already just screwed up a storm.

 There were both married, unmarried and first timers in the fray as they made such riveting conversation.

"You do this better than my husband."

"Take care of me, with your big d"

"Your dick is spectacular so much better than my ex."

"Aha … yes that's the spot."

"It's so wet aha ..."

The giggles never ceased in the room, this made Chris even more adamant to be celibate after watching this ordeal. Finally after eight months of watching the biggest season of the play-demons. The orgy finally stopped.  The women had all fallen asleep and the demon avatar of Perversion had just satisfied the last demoness,  they couldn't take it anymore, yet his rod was ever so hot and hard.

"I need more, he moaned before spilling off on a petit inconspicuous babe."

Chris mouth dropped open.

"Fuck, what more do you need. Eight months, it's been Eight Fucking months."

"I've been stuck here with you watching you Fuck a mountain load of whores for eight fucking months." Chris yelled at the top of his lungs, but of course he wasn't heard.

The demon avatar of Perversion put his clothes on and walked out of the room to the reception hall, he didn't forget to tip the waiter. Once he was out, he walked back in the direction he came from, except that the journey back home had taken longer than the journey coming, as he had left every girl in sight dripping wet from between their legs. A lot of the demons recognized him and walked up to him, others actively seduced him, landowners called him as a form of entertainment and others just had him in a corner at the street.

After a complete year of travels he finally arrived at his mansion. The mansion was left the way it was before he came back, in a messy state.

As the demon avatar's power was constantly growing, he needed to satisfy himself, there were signs for sex everywhere, accompanied by drinking bottles and other weird stuff as if the room were hit by a sex tornado.

"Did he have a sex-con?" Chris was right, the demon organized a sex party once a year, and everyone was invited in fact, he had even once incognito silently bedded the queen of the demon realms, the demon avatar of Perversion came from just the thought alone, "that was so good, who knew the queen had such a feisty side to her."

He brought out one of his numerous sex toys and pleasured himself, when he was done, he finally got the Minigidons to clean the place up.


He finally tried to sleep, but sleep eluded him. As his power kept growing, his love and need for sex kept multiplying. He couldn't even sleep any more, he even ate sex these days, the demon avatar of Perversion was distressed. He cast his worries aside and tried an even stronger source of stimulus, his brio, after all, what could be better at putting him to sleep than more sex. After a few rounds worth, he finally fell asleep.

The Minigidons looked at their master with pitiful eyes, not only is master's future terrible, master can't even be with the one he truly loves.

The Minigidons could see snippets of the future, they were a one of a kind race in the demon realms. That enjoyed servitude and had the power to back it up. No one dared to insult them, they choose who they worked for, and how they were paid. They were the only subclass in the entire Demon world of Arkasifrenia, and beyond who valued servitude as absolute power.

"What better way to rule people than to make them dependent on you?" Was their motto.

Coupled with the fact that their monarch was ranked as the second strongest in De-ville and that the race was rank 3rd in the realms would make anyone who dared to harass them dead.

They prided themselves in the fact that they learned their tribal arts from the womb, and would always be the strongest sub-race, as well as the top 3 races despite their tiny appearance.

After all, it was only the strong that could serve, and not get harassed or treated like a slave.