
Supernatural Beast Tamer

Join Chris as he tries to overcome all obstacles and emerge Victorious in the onset of the supernatural. Chris's Hot Night with his girlfriend Anna ends up, with him almost losing his soul, travelling into another world, and a transmigration into the body of a lowly Demon avatar. How will he escape from one of the most impenetrable spaces in the universe, and handle the Dungeon breaks threatening to tear apart his castle? Will he ever make it back to earth? What will happen to Anna now? P.S - A bit of Smut and Sensitive content read at your own risk.

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30 Chs

Retrieving Memories 1

Anna was in a state of shock. She had suffered all kinds of humiliating things at the hands of The great one. She had all but given up, 'there must be a way.'

'I have to escape.'

'I need to find Chris.'


The door open again, the great one stood in front of Anna, his beautiful skin glistened in all of his dark glory. Anna couldn't help but marvel, the great one was always handsome to look at, he had a gentle charm that not only attracted her but enchanted her, he seduced her with every breath and every inch of himself. Yet, Anna knew, she knew that the moment he had her, he would get tired of  her, thus she never gave in. She hid her longing and her passion at the bottom of her heart. No matter how much her heart stirred and burned as he kissed her, no matter how many times he would smile at her asking her to confide in him, she never gave in. It was like making a deal with the devil, the more you gained, the deeper you fell.

She wore a crest fallen look on her face.

The great one tucked his hands in his pockets and stared at her languidly.

They stared at each other in the quiet cell.

He was boiling on the inside.

'I should kill her,' he didn't understand.

'Why isn't she professing her love to me?' 'Is that guy Matt any better?' He had tortured her in very inhumane ways, sexually abused and mutilated her, yet she wasn't forthcoming. Her mind was broken yet she held on.

She should give in. Now she should be weak. She should come to me. He hated it. He had done his best to lightly torture her. Just enough to get what he wanted. It had worked, but she wasn't very forthcoming. 

'Should I torture her a little more?'

'Will she be able to take it?'

'Will she die?'

'Would she live?'

'Should I stop?'

'What is this unexpected outcome?'

'What is this feeling?'


'Should I leave it be?'

His eyes glimmered.

His eyes slanted as he wet his lips.

He was getting excited, very excited.


"Have you found the kid?" the middle-aged policeman Mart, asked his colleague.

Rogers stopped working on the computer and handed him the documents. "No, we haven't found him."

"Where on earth is that punk, did he leave the country illegally? Otherwise I don't understand how he could have remained missing until now. We already told his old man that he was dead, but his old man seems to think otherwise."

'Maybe, could this all be just a ruse.'

'Well if it is he undeniably is one hell of a genius,' he planned it so well that even the leader is stuck on this case.

"It seemed like he disappeared into thin air."

"Well, judging that he was involved with that witch it wouldn't be a surprise if he actually did, what's even weirder was that the witch had also disappeared."

'What if they were in cahoots with each other?'

"Damn, if they were going to disappear they should have done it quietly, why get everyone involved and leave us with a pile of work to do. So insensitive."

"Right Rogers?"

"How about we go grab some beer after this?''


"Why the cold shoulder? Can't you hear me?"


"Hey, I'm right next to you, no matter how much I bother you, you can't out rightly ignore me like that, I'm still your superior."

Roger turned to find the leader staring at him dead in the eye.

He dropped his head immediately avoiding eye contact.

"See me in my office"

Stomp, Stomp, Stomp

He walked away.

"Ah … I'm screwed."


◆ ◇ ◇

"Screw me, babe screw me,"


He was high on drugs and in the arms of his secretary; one of his many sex slaves, he was the head of the Assassin guild which doubled as an Information guild, Matt.

He shoved the petit woman off him when he was done and stared at her with disgust, the lady in question bore a striking resemblance to Anna, she could pass as her twin, save for the difference in body structure. She was just a copy.

He clicked his tongue.


'Why can't I have her? What's not to like about me?' It vexed him that he couldn't have Anna in his grasps. 'I'm tall, handsome, and rich. Everyone wants a piece of me.'


'What's not to like?'

"Damn it, this was supposed to be it. What went wrong? He was so sure that this time his wish would come true, she would finally give in to him.

He wanted nothing more than to be with her all day. He would even be willing to give his soul to her if they were a couple.

What use was his soul when he didn't have her, for starters he didn't even believe he had a soul, so it didn't matter.

Yet she had rejected him again, he was sure she would come back, yet she didn't?  'She isn't even going to give me a chance to play hero?'

'Was that it?'

'It felt ridiculous,'

'I can't believe I feel this way because of a mere woman.'

He called for another slave, "bring me the blond bitch and have her show me some tricks."


The girl was immediately brought and forced to her knees.


He forced a kiss on her lips.

After a while he couldn't ignore it anymore.

'It didn't feel the same like Anna.'

At the height of his remorse a man in grey suit walked in.

"Sir, we have a report."

"What is it? Hurry, speak?"

"The district we manage is suffering from a Strom of locust beasts. It requires urgent attention."

"Sigh," being the only one who could handle such a natural disaster in the guild made him mad.

'I can do all this, and yet, she wouldn't even look at me,' today he didn't feel like handling the plague of beasts.

"Tell the defence team to do what they can to reduce the damage, they should fend for themselves."

"Sir, they will be obliterated."

"Do I look like I'm in the mood?"

He was really angsty. "If you don't want your head blown off your body, it'd be best you disappear."

He went back to his intimate activity with his slave, more intense than ever. In the end it was all a hard struggle to forget about Anna.

"Make sure you handle the media properly, or you'll have a great deal to answer." He sent his final command before getting lost in his lust.

"Yes sir." The secretary was aware that any further objection would result in his death, so he could only bear with it. After all, countless secretaries had lost their lives for not knowing when to stop. He always became like this after being rejected by Anna. He was especially angry this time around.


His secretary took a deep breath and left.

On his way to quell the upcoming outrage.

"It's going to be a stormy night."


Chris sat down on his hay bed.

One of the rewards he had gotten from the dungeon was the memories of the previous demon avatar of Perversion. He fiddled with his hands as he contemplated on what to do.

'Do I accept?'

'What if things go wrong?'

'It's dangerous after all, what if this is all a ruse to steal my soul like the last time?'


He didn't understand why, but it appeared that his soul was particularly valuable, and that people would do anything to get it.

He tried his best to convince himself.

"This time will be different."

'She isn't here, and it's just me taking a peek into his memories, nothing could possibly happen. I'm feeling on edge because it hasn't been long since Anna tried to steal my soul.'


'Just thinking about it is enough to make my stomach churn, so how could she possibly do this kind of dirty stuff everyday?' It didn't make any sense.

"Hum," he let out a deep breath.

"Alright, I'll go in." After all he needed to get the over the trauma now than gave it a chance to knock him down from under him in the future, especially in a savage place like this.

'I'll view the memory after making thorough preparations. I need to make adequate preparations, in order to avoid traps.'

"Now, what do I need to do to view the memory. Do I go in like that or do I fall asleep?"

He spent the day preparing for his memory retrieval exploit, he knew the dungeon was harsh and unkind, so he didn't intend to be stupid this time.

"I'll buy ever item I need this time around." He bought items from the kiosk and put them in his bag. He began to wish he could magically store his belongings away or carry them around conveniently in miniature forms.

"Just why does my life have to be this way?"

He decided to get a good night of rest to start off fresh with a strong mind-set.

"Even if he's the demon avatar of Perversion, I shouldn't underestimate him too much."

Chris got everything ready and immediately went to sleep.

Sim observed him from her perch, she stared at him intently, as if trying to peer through his essence. 'How could you be so calm to catch a sleep in such a situation, when you might never return.' Shouldn't he be attempting to move as quickly as possible to leave the dungeon?

'Hah, well at least he isn't careless.'

'It would be a bum if you were slow, unconcerned, and careless. I would seriously have had to reconsider my plans,' all in all, he might be slow, but he was doing well. If only he weren't so stupid and didn't curse as much. She was a demon and yet, even her ears were starting to rot.

'I hope you do well. It would be a shame to lose you.'

The next day Chris woke up at the crack of dawn; according to the system. He made sure he had everything he needed and accepted the memory of the demon avatar of Perversion.