
Superman in Modern World

A boy from an average family in 2021, named Logan died due to COVID. Not accepting his fate, he breaks his reincarnation cycle and was offered to be sent to back to Earth with a single wish, to which he said, “I want to have all of Superman’s powers every mentioned but without any weakness”. Author Note: I would try to make this novel as interesting as possible. I don’t have any idea where this story will end up. I will not nerf the MC, but I am thinking that he will see increase in his strength overtime. This way I can show him working towards gaining the full strength of his power, but I will not nerf the MC, because what’s the use of him being strong. Also, not all the events mentioned in the novel would have happened in real life, majority would be fictional, but I would try to add some real incidents. Tags: Action, Reincarnation, Superman, Fight Against Crime, Romance, R-18, Harem

Tushar_Vashishta · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Mansion! Butler!

Logan was so confused right now because he knew these two weren't his parents but from the looks of it, it seems that he really is their child. Even though Logan knew that they were now his parents he still felt sad thinking about his parents in his previous life, "I hope they are doing well ", said Logan in his mind and tried to pay attention in front of him. The man looks to be in his forties, blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled face, and from how the clothes fit on his body, he is in good shape; "He seems to have good genes.". On the other hand, the women have black long hair and black eyes, while having the most beautiful face he has ever seen. From looks of things I am born from the quite the gene pool ". While he was again lost in his thoughts, they seem to reach a car, and a very luxurious and expensive to boot. Looks like they are very rich.", thought Logan while sitting in his mother's arms but even unknown to Logan, he didn't even regard them as parents as instead of 'My parents' he used 'they'. This is to be expected as Logan was born in a middle-class family but a loving one, hence his attachment to his family in his last life was immense. In fact, one of his greatest regrets was leaving his parents alone, that's even if he didn't want to he was worried about his parents and wanted to know what they were doing. And that's what he plans to do once he can walk and talk, he will look online for some information about his parents.

While Logan was again in his mind, Marie and Jason were observing their child carefully one could only see love, worry, and expectation in their eyes. Soon, all three of them arrived at their mansion, when Logan looked out the car window and saw the mansion his eyes almost bulged, he knew these people were rich but had no idea how much. When they entered the house, he saw something that he only saw in movies, anime, and TV Series, a Butler, his name seemed to be Sabus. He has silver hair, a clean face, black eyes, and a moderately built body while wearing the black and white attire of a butler from movies. Beside him were five to six maids, two chefs, four gardeners, and quite a few guards. As logan was checking out the staff of Hubert House, they were doing the same, but it was Sabus who came up first and bowed and said, "Sir, Ma'am, Congratulations. If you, would we all be very eager to know the name of our young master". Hearing this Marie and Jason were awkward at this moment, because of the scene in the room they totally forgot to name their child, seeing their expression Sabus understood their meaning and being an excellent butler, he diverted the topic. "My apologies, you both must be very tired, I have prepared your room and a warm bath for Ma'am," said Sabus quickly but in an obvious tone.

Hearing this even Logan was curious what will be his name in this life, but more importantly, he was very satisfied with this fiction-like butler. Soon, Marie and Jason reached their room and looked at each other when no one was, except little Logan who they didn't think could understand them. "What should be the name of our son?" asked Jason with some confusion and embarrassment on his face, seeing Marie giggled a little and said, "I just thought of a name, tell me if you like."

Jason hurried Marie to tell him the name she has thought of, "Logan?" asked Marie with an expectant gaze, seeing Jason sighed and said, "It's a good name, it suits him more than any of the names I thought of". Hearing this Marie's face was bloomed with a smile, while she quickly looked down towards baby Logan in her hands and said, "Did you hear that? Your name is Logan, do you like it." However, she only saw surprise in her son's eyes which was soon changed to some levels of joy, while seeing this interaction Jason smiled and had a love-filled gaze on his son and wife. Instead, baby logan was surprised to have the same name from his past life, but soon she showed a sweet smile, happy because he has something that was given to him by his last parents.

(Early morning, next day)

Marie and Jason announced their baby son's name to all of the staff in their house, and also created a sensation on the internet, because world's richest man had his first son yesterday, named Logan Hubert. Unaware of his popularity, Logan was currently trying to not think of the snow-white breast in front of his mouth in any dirty way. Seeing his funny expression Marie couldn't help but laugh and thought that baby Logan feared her breast and tried to patiently feed her son. If not anything, Logan had to agree that Marie is one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen in his both lives. While Jason can be considered quite handsome as well, this gives him the confidence that his looks in the future would be above average for sure. The thing Logan was unaware about was that because he is constantly nourished by sunlight, starlight and cosmic energy, he is getting stronger day by day. Although this progress is slow, it is there even today when Marie came to the car to send off Jason to work, even after his insistence for her to rest, Logan intentionally showed his likeness towards the sun, so that his new parents would expose to sunlight as much as possible. What's more is that with this progress not only his strength or abilities are increase but his other characteristics such as charisma, looks as his skin looks white as jade and soft to the touch, coupled with his parents' genes he is extremely cute while his future potential in looks is beyond amazing.