
Superman: Doomsday Future

[ALL CHAPTERS WILL GET A TRANSLATION UPDATE SOON!!!] Six years ago, invaders from Apocalypse brought a cloud of despair. When the heroes fell, the whole world was swept into a desperate situation; however, the invaders withdrew without warning. The Earth had survived the most brutal battle yet had also paid a heavy price. The remaining superheroes either died or escaped into the darkness. And people said that the Era of Heroes was over and their glory no longer existed. Now, six years later, when people look up at the stars, their deepest prayers finally seem to have an echo. A new superman has arrived in this apocalyptic future. Support me at [p atreon.com/Vankyer]. (without the space)

ScionOfDegeneracy · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

Chapter 44 Biological Experiments

Jay walked behind Helena in the invisible underground water pipe for more than 20 minutes, and there was a roar-like roar at the end of the line. The two walked to the outlet of the pipeline and looked down, only to see that the groundwater below had turned into a rushing river, the white water was pumped into the whirling fan blades of the turbine, and the sound echoed in the entire empty pipeline.

"This means that we are almost at the end." Helena pointed to the opposite bank, more than 30 meters away, and the bottom was cut off by the rushing torrent, "The opposite is the bottom floor of the world federal government, the entrance to the 'restricted area.' "

Jay glanced down at the rushing groundwater and asked, "Do you need me to take you there?"

"Do not."

Helena answered calmly and simultaneously took out the hook gun, shot the rope to fix it on the upper pipe, and swayed lightly to the other side. Jay shrugged and floated after her.

"You know I can make this a lot easier," he said.

Helena ignored it, and the two continued on their way. Further ahead is the territory belonging to the world federal government, which is entirely unknown to them.

But the enemy never showed up, not even the basic electronic security system. They entered a low and long passage, and the blades of the ventilating fan let out a quiet, hoarse neigh, pulling out all the turbid air from the sewers. The two walked along the only path for a long time, turning an unknown number of times. Jay still tried to use X-ray vision to see through, but the walls on both sides were doped with lead elements that interfered with X-rays, just like the government building itself. He couldn't help but think that they might have entered an endless labyrinth, going round and round only to keep spinning in place.

Fortunately, they finally ended and did not encounter any traps along the way, but the road was longer and harder to walk. At the exit, a room with a completely different painting style was waiting for the two of them. The moment Jay stepped into it, he felt like he had stepped from a movie scene in the 1990s into a modern sci-fi movie. This room is insignificant; the floor is covered with silver-white alloy full of laboratory atmosphere, there is no window on the four walls, and there is only a vast biological water tank in the center. Countless wires are connected to the periphery of the tank from all directions, and the liquid inside is a deep blue, which looks very deep.

The blue light below the liquid surface is the only light source in the room, casting the entire room into a deep blue color. Helena approached the tank and shot the flashlight towards the dimly lit water. Jay glanced at the depths of the water, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly reminded: "Huntress, get out of there!"

When Helena heard his voice, she retreated, but it was already a step too late. A pitch-black giant quickly floated up from the depths of the water, and the black outline rapidly expanded on the liquid surface. The dark water surface suddenly burst open. The giant beast rushed out with violent water splashes all over its body, opening its spine-chilling blood basin and biting Helena's head. It was seven meters long, and a few shocking bones on its back pierced out of its skin, emitting a dazzling blue light like a glow stick—that was the source of the light in this room.

The sharp fangs bit down on Helena's head, and it came so fast that Helena could not dodge at all, and the shadow of death shrouded her instantly.

At this moment of lightning and flint, Jay suddenly grabbed him like a blue whirlwind. He grabbed Helena's arm and dragged her far behind him, and at the same time, he fearlessly flew towards the vast open mouth as if a bullet was being shot into the evil mouth.

The vast monster's mouth slammed shut as if it had swallowed Jay whole. It let out a roar full of anger and pain from its throat, and its body twisted violently, causing a snow-white spray on the water, and then it sank sharply.

The ripples on the liquid surface gradually returned to calm, and the faint blue light source slowly drifted away and soon sank back into the depths. Helena, who had just passed the god of death, was in shock, looking at the water anxiously, and couldn't help worrying about Jay's safety.

After more than ten seconds, the black giant shadow surfaced at an astonishing speed. Helena stepped back subconsciously, pressing her right hand on the multifunctional belt she hid at her waist. The black shadow jumped out like a rocket, and the snow-white water waves rose several meters high with it. The giant beast left the water as a whole and fell heavily on the metal floor, its long body struggling in pain, like a live fish out of water.

Its upper jaw was propped up with brute force, the waist had broken its fangs, and it was visually estimated that it had been swallowed into its stomach. Jay opened its mouth with one hand and flew out, half-kneeling with a pale face, muttering, "No way, I think I'm going to die."

Feeling guilty, Helena hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked, "Are you okay? Did it hurt you?"

"Hurts? It almost killed me with that disgusting smell." Jay said with an ugly face, "Can you imagine how stinky its mouth is? God, I thought World at War had enough garbage dumps before that. Smelly, it looks like I'm still too young."

Helena was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help rolling her eyes at him - after a long time, it turned out that it was just smelled by the smell, causing people to worry in vain.

Jay pinched his nose. "I think the smell in the sewers is like perfume now."

"Then you can put a bottle back and wipe a little when you get up every day," Helena growled.

Jay smiled. "Really? Would you still be my partner if I did that?"

"Partner? Think beautifully." Helena also smiled, "How far will I hide."

She glanced disgustingly at the big guy who was still twitching on the ground and said, "What the hell is this? Do all alien animals look like this?"

"I could see its DNA," Jay said. "It looked . . . as if it was just a fish, from Earth.

So what happened to turn a fish into such a vast carnivore? They hardly want to think about it.

"The door is over there." Jay pointed forward. The two temporarily left the fish question and walked into the next room. At this moment, they couldn't help gasping for breath. Compared with what they saw now, the mutated fish was simply a cute Chihuahua.

This room was many times wider than the previous one, and the strange and dark green light filled the whole room, and that light came from the biological cultivation tanks that stood in the room. They were innumerable, lined up in neat, endless square arrays across the room. A hideous-looking monster is floating in each culture tank, some of which can be seen as human beings.

Jay felt his breath stagnate and could hear Helena's breathing getting heavy. He couldn't help but whisper: "God, it's just... it's just..."

"Hell," Helena said the word he wanted to say and then shut up.