
Superman: Doomsday Future

[ALL CHAPTERS WILL GET A TRANSLATION UPDATE SOON!!!] Six years ago, invaders from Apocalypse brought a cloud of despair. When the heroes fell, the whole world was swept into a desperate situation; however, the invaders withdrew without warning. The Earth had survived the most brutal battle yet had also paid a heavy price. The remaining superheroes either died or escaped into the darkness. And people said that the Era of Heroes was over and their glory no longer existed. Now, six years later, when people look up at the stars, their deepest prayers finally seem to have an echo. A new superman has arrived in this apocalyptic future. Support me at [p atreon.com/Vankyer]. (without the space)

ScionOfDegeneracy · Anime & Comics
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111 Chs

Chapter 108 Will

The bald man ripped off the coarse cloth cloak, and was only wearing a sleeveless leather vest underneath. His muscles were disjointed, and his skin was covered with a dark red unknown substance. He stared with round eyes, the dark aura loomed around him, and kept making a slight "hissing" sound like a poisonous snake spitting out letters.

Mike swallowed. "Okay, I take my opinion back. I believe you're not a conjurer now."

The bald man held both palms together, and the massive undercurrent was drawn toward his palm in a spiral shape, like a tornado model held in the palm of his hand. He bent his knees and took a step forward, and the endless dark light seemed to dance with the huge amplitude of his arms, and the air flow was violently stirred. He swiped forward with his palm in the air, and the dark red light stream roared out like a roaring dragon.

Mike subconsciously raised his arm to protect his body, and the green light ring activated itself within a single thought of him, condensing an arc-shaped shield that was placed on his arm. The dark ray was like a torrent that hit the reef being washed away on the shield, and the energy jumped around, causing the ground around Mike to explode one after another.

The impact and corrosive power carried by this stream of light should not be underestimated. Even with the shield and force field buffer, Mike was still shocked to retreat seven or eight steps, and the green light condensed on the shield quickly filled with Crack, it is estimated that it will not be able to withstand the next round of impact. At the moment when the opponent's wave of offensive was over and he regained his energy to prepare to shoot the next ripple, he retracted his shield and threw it away.

But this time, his incomparably brave green light ring did not seem to be effective. The bald man waved his left palm wrapped in the light ball in the air, and the green light smashed into pieces the moment it hit the dark red trail left in the air. , turned into countless green light spots and dissipated.

Uh, well, maybe he should add a new one to the green light playbook - the light ring isn't everything, it doesn't work all the time.

But now the question is - what to do when the light ring doesn't work?

A more violent stream of dark red light hit his head and cover his face, with a low roar that ripped through the air. As soon as Mike's pupils closed, the conditioned reflex fit and fell, and the corrosive energy whizzed past the green light force field covering him, and suddenly exploded on the building behind him. A thick smoke screen diffused from the hole, mixed with a choking smell like something was lit.

The bald man was about to get closer to check, but suddenly he felt a huge black shadow rapidly approaching in the thick smoke. Just when he was alert, the black smoke had been torn from it, and a hatchback sedan wrapped in green light appeared from behind the thick smoke and fell down on the head.

The bald-headed man's face was stern, his right palm was slashing in the air, and the energy flow was stimulated from his forearm, like a spinning air blade that split the body into two pieces from the center. The two car bodies whistled past him on the left and the right, and violently crashed into two pieces of scrap metal from the sidewalk a few steps away.

The bald man rolled his eyes, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Mike who had unknowingly moved to the side to launch a sneak attack. At this time, he had already held a submachine gun that turned green light into a green light. Although the shape and appearance were still rough, as a weapon, it was still a lot better than the last fly swatter.

"Tu Tu Tu ~!"

The dazzling green bullets burst out at a rate of more than a thousand rounds, almost turning into a light curtain and pushing towards the enemy. But the bald man only turned his head to the side, and took another shot from the air. The energy flow immediately blew away all the bullets in the sky, forcing Mike to face the door and overturn him on his back, and the submachine gun in his hand flew out in a whirl. After several laps, it soon turned into a light spot and disappeared.

Mike shook his head and sat up: "This trick again? Can't you be a little more creative?"

The bald man didn't say a word, and continued to slap in the air, and the dark red light stream slammed into the mountains.

Mike rolled to avoid it and launched a counterattack again. As a Green Lantern who just hit the road, his comprehension is really incredible, of course, this is not unrelated to his worship of Green Lantern for so many years. In the short time of this battle, he has basically mastered the realization of energy, and at this time, he has fully used his imagination. He tried his best to project his imagination through the ring in his hand. The imagination gradually upgraded from knives, guns and individual rocket launchers to tank missiles, and then quickly upgraded to things that did not exist in reality. The particle cannon has been used in a mobile suit, and almost every animation weapon he can think of has been used, but it still has little effect.

When a mobile suit represented by Mike was also smashed into pieces, the dark red energy condensed into a long whip-like shape and stabbed into the cabin, wrapped around his limbs and waist, and yanked him out, hanging in the air. In mid-air, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

More and more dark red energy climbed up his body like vines, and hounded him tightly, almost unable to move a finger.

"I said it, Green Lantern." The man's face was expressionless, and the five fingers of his right hand volleyed into the air to make a pinching gesture, as if it really affected the energy bundle tightly wrapped around Mike's body, "Your light is about to go out."

More and more energy canes climbed up the body, so tied that Mike could barely breathe. The gradual suffocation made his vision blurred, and the terrifying face of the man in front of him seemed to be abstracted into a tall demon, impossible to defeat at all.

So, do you just give up?

The thought only flashed for a brief moment, because the word "give up" was hardly in his dictionary.

But what should we do next? He has exhausted his imagination and has created almost every weapon he can think of, but even his Gundam has been easily dismantled by the opponent. What else can he conjure up next? Star cruiser?

How can it be...

At this moment, he suddenly recalled something.

He was a kid at the time, and Seaside had not lost the city's greatest Green Lantern. He was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to ask questions when the Green Lantern participated in a charity event and interacted with the children, when he asked, "I heard that you can create anything you can imagine, is that true?"

The lantern smiled and looked directly into the child's innocent eyes, and replied, "Yes, almost, most things."

"Wow, that's really cool." The child was in awe. "Then there must be no bad guy winning you."

Green Lantern tilted his head and thought for a while: "Actually, it may be a little different from what you think. Look, I'm not fighting the enemy with my imagination, but with something purer."

"what is that?"

"Willpower." Green Lantern smiled and touched the child's little head with his white-gloved hand, "It exists in my heart, as well as in your heart, everyone has this powerful power Maybe one day in the future, when you have enough will and courage, you will also have your own green light ring."


At the last moment when his vision was completely blocked and his chest could not breathe, Mike finally remembered - Green Lantern never relies on imagination to fight, only your will determines how strong you are.

He gritted his teeth, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile at this moment of life and death.

He closed his eyes and began to read lightly: "The day is bright, and the night is vast. There is nowhere to hide. (In brightest day, In blackes evil shall escape my sight.)"


The bald man frowned, beginning to feel that something was wrong.

"...Let those who worship evils might."

"What are you mumbling about?" he finally couldn't help but ask.

Ignoring it, Mike clenched his fists tightly, his eyes suddenly opened, and a thousand feet of green light shot out from the eyepiece.

"Beware my power, Green Lanterns light!"

Just like the eruption of a green supernova, green light burst out from the tightly entangled layers of dark red energy, tearing the cane to shreds. The bald man was suddenly blown away, and the brand-new Green Lantern clenched his fists and landed lightly on the ground, his whole body burning like a sacred green flame.

Mike grinned and slapped his palm with his fist: "Those just don't count, the game has officially started now!"