
Chapter 08

"I don't understand." Peggy said to him so Clark took out his glasses and handed them to her. She was confused until she put them on and realized they had no prescription.

"I'm not near-sighted and I don't have asthma. I've never had it. In fact, I've never had so much as a cold my entire life." Clark told her.

"I don't understand." Peggy said so he took a deep breath.

"When Dr. Erskine was going over my eligibility for Project Rebirth, I told him that he should pick someone else because the procedure wouldn't have worked on me." Clark explained. "My name isn't Kalvin Elbert…it's Clark Kent. I'm from Smallville, Kansas and…I'm not from this planet."


"I'm an alien." Clark told her. "I was sent here as a baby, the last surviving member of my people which is when Jonathan and Martha Kent found and adopted me. They took me in and raised me as their own son but I'm not human. I'm not even from this galaxy. Everything I did against the Hydra spies isn't because of a second serum that Dr. Erskine developed, it's all me. I've always been stronger, faster, and different than other people."

"You're not—not joking." Peggy didn't know what to believe and she was not expecting this kind of confession from Kal. Kal, Clark or whatever he was. "But you—you look—"

"I look so normal?" Clark finished her sentence. "Yeah, I know. My people and humans are the same in a lot of ways. Physically and visually, there's no difference between me and any other man my age…it's what's inside and what I can do that's different."

Clark looked around to make sure they were alone and there was no one else around or looking their way so he walked over to a nearby car and lifted the front a few feet off the ground with one hand. "Oh my god…" Peggy muttered.

"When I was a baby, my parents told me I lifted a wagon over my head. When I was in high school, I could easily lift a tractor so my dad could make repairs. But that's not it. My skin's as hard as steel, I can run faster than a speeding train, I can leap over a field with ease, and I can hear a car horn from a mile away. I've always been this way." Clark told her. Her shocked and speechless reaction was expected but he was worried about how well she was taking this. "I know you have no reason to believe me or even what I'm saying but I wouldn't make something like this up. I'm telling you the truth, Peggy."

"I—I—" Peggy couldn't seem to find the words to continue.

"I know this is a lot to take in and I know you have no reason to believe that what I'm saying is real so it's better if I show you." Clark tapped his watch which turned into a liquid metal that floated up into the air before it reformed into a mini-drone. This was Kelex's mini-form since his main form was still in the ship.

"Greetings, Margaret Elizabeth Carter. I am Kelex, an artificial intelligence Kryptonian service drone in service to Kal-El or as you may know him Clark Kent or Kalvin Elbert." Kelex introduced itself.

"Kal-El?" Peggy muttered as Kelex returned to his disguised watch form on Clark's wrist.

"My birth name given to me by my birth parents who sent me away from my planet." Clark told her. "Peggy, this is true. All of this and I'm telling you now because you deserve to know. Dr. Erskine knew because I told him. I trusted him and like him you are one of the few people I can call a friend and I really trust with this secret."

"Dr. Erskine knew?" Peggy muttered, pacing around a bit before looking at Clark.

"Peggy, you have to understand that I've lived with this secret my entire life. No one ever knew the truth other then my parents. My father believed that if the world found out about me they'd reject out of fear. He was convinced the world wasn't ready and he died believing that. I mean, we know the stories about what Hitler and the Nazis have been doing. All my life, I've had to lie to the kids I went to school with. I was never able to get close to people because I had to hide who I really was. I've always had to be careful that I didn't break someone's hand by shaking too hard, I couldn't play sports because I could hurt someone and if people found out then my parents could have been in danger. If people found out about me then my parents could have been killed and I could have been locked up. I know it's selfish given what's going on with the war which is why Dr. Erskine said he made another formula. He lied to Colonel Phillips and everyone so that I could get a chance to use my powers to really help people because he believed that like Steve, I could really help." Clark explained. "I'm so sorry I've had to lie to you but you deserve to know the truth now."

"Why are you telling me this now?" Peggy asked him.

"Because I…I didn't expect…this. Us. Getting close." Clark answered. "Peggy, I've never gotten this close to someone in my entire life. I've never felt comfortable enough to tell her my secret. I'm sorry that I lied to you…but I wanted you to know the truth."

Peggy didn't seem to have an answer until she punched him in the face but all that happened was an audible crack and she cradled her hand in pain. "Bloody hell!"

"Peggy." Clark tried to help her but she walked away a bit.

"You used me." Peggy told him.

"No, Peggy I never used you. Everything that happened between us was real. It wasn't my real name or you didn't know the truth but I never let our relationship strive anywhere else in the SSR. I swear." Clark promised.

"How can I believe you? You've lied to me for months. You've lied to your country for months which is a crime. Everything I know about you is a lie." Peggy said with tears starting to build up.

"No, Peggy everything I shared with you was the truth. My parents found me and my ship in a crater in Smallville, Kansas. They were never able to have children and they took me in with all the love and care any child could want when they could have easily called the government and turned me over. My father, Jonathan Kent was a farmer. He and my mother spent their entire lives protecting me and raising me as their own and I am their son. I spent my entire life helping out on their farm and trying to live a normal life in a small farming town but I've always felt different and I could never share that with anyone other than them." Clark bared his heart out to her.

"I told you things. Things I've never told anyone and there you were judging me and having a laugh while you worked me to get here." Peggy said, letting her anger at Clark drive her thoughts.

"No, Peggy. I never judged you for anything you told me. I know I lied to you and for that I truly am sorry but Peggy you are a good judge of character. If I really wanted to use you, you would have seen it coming. Everything between us was real. Please, you have to believe me." Clark begged her.

"I don't know what to believe. All I know is that I want nothing more than to turn you in but at the moment, the war and the SSR need you and what you can do more. If you're really being honest and can really do what you've told me then turning the tide of the war supersedes everything. Guess I'll just have to keep your secret. Don't ever speak to me again." Peggy walked away in a huff, cradling her injured hand, and leaving Clark defeated and without any friends. He grabbed the railing and let out a sharp exhale before he ripped the railing off and chucked it into the water with an angry yell.

His body seemed to go on autopilot and he mentally checked out, devastated at what just happened. He eventually made his way back to Camp Lehigh where he packed up all his bags and was dressed in his Army Enlisted uniform to leave but made on final stop to call his mother and let her know what was happening.

"Hello, Kent residence."

"Hey, mom. It's me."

"Clark, are you ok? You sound sad."

Clark rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "A lot happened since I last called you. Project Rebirth went off with a success and no one suspects anything."

"We've heard over the radio on what happened. German Spies in New York. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. The papers didn't get a clear image of my face so I'm still ok but…they did some damage. Project Rebirth is done and…they killed Dr. Erskine." Clark told her.

"Oh, Clark. I'm so sorry. I know he was your friend and from everything you told me about him…he was a good man."

"He was. He didn't deserve that. It was Hydra. They didn't want him making super soldiers that could stop their plans. Colonel Phillips is organizing the SSR to get into the war. I'm heading to London tonight. I wanted to call you and let you know I'm ok. I'll write every chance I get. Just don't worry about me." Clark told her.

"Oh, Clark I don't think I'll stop worrying about you but this is what you wanted."

"I know. Just kind of never imagined how it would feel now that it's here. Is it weird that I'm scared?" He wondered.

"No, it's not Clark. If anything, it's very human. You may be an alien but you are human at heart and I know you'll make me and your father very proud."

"Thanks, mom. Guess I just needed to hear that." Clark managed to smile a bit. "Mom, do me one thing."


"Head to the storm cellar and get Kelex. I'm gonna have him activate his drone form at the farm but keep him close so he can keep an eye on you. I just want you to be safe and Kelex can do that in case someone shows up." Clark told her.

"What's wrong, Clark?"

"I took your advice…and I told Peggy the truth about me. Everything." Clark answered, before taking a deep breath. "She didn't react well."

"What did she say?"

"Well, she punched me and was beyond hurt that I was lying to her all this time. She didn't want to listen to anything else I said and would have liked to arrest me for lying to everyone but said I was needed more. She pretty much told me to go to hell." Clark explained.

"I'm so sorry, Clark. It's my fault. I shouldn't have pushed you."

"No, it's not your fault mom. I found someone that I really like and thought could have had a future with but that's easier said than done. A part of me would like nothing more than to find someone and settle down but that part forgets I'm not normal. I'm an alien and I'm not even sure I can have kids with a human. Maybe it was fates way of saving me the heartache further down the line." Clark relented.

"Listen to me, Clark. Don't you dare think about that. You deserve to be happy and even if it takes the rest of your life you owe it to yourself to find someone you'll want to spend the rest of your life with. And if Peggy is that girl then you fight for her. From what you've told me about her, maybe she just needs some time. Your secret is a big shock which takes some time to get used to. Don't give up on her yet."

"Well, at the moment that's the furthest thing I want to keep my mind occupied with. Make sure you have Kelex close. I don't know when or if I'll get a pass to come back but with him we can keep in touch."

"I will. Stay safe, Clark. Give the Germans hell but most important…come home safe."

"I'll do my best. I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Clark."

Clark hung up the phone and walked through the base to the buses when he passed by the church. He wasn't sure what made him stop but he walked in and took a seat. He looked up at the stained glassed window and the crucifix before taking a deep breath. Clark did grow up going to church and Sunday school but always felt kind of weird being there. He enjoyed the stories and the pastor in Smallville was a very kind man but he wasn't sure if it really meant anything to him. He had no objection against religion or anyone's right in belief but most if not all religions deal with man…not an alien. He was pretty sure that his existence could be considering sacrilegious or proof of the devil in certain groups. He wasn't sure if there was a god and if there was…how did he fit in but he just needed to talk.

"I'm not even sure why I'm here but uh…god…if you can hear me…please keep my mother safe. If my father is up there with you then he's probably regaled you with tales about how great she is and what I can do and how special I am." Clark said, not really sure what to say or why he was saying anything but knew he just needed to say something. "I'm not sure about your stance of belief on me or what's going on…but if you are there…some guidance would be great. I could really use it. And I know that I'm strong and tough and I will do everything I can to help end this war but please…please keep my friends safe. And help me end this war sooner…even if by one day."

Clark made his sign of the cross before standing up, grabbing his bag, and walking out of base onto the bus that would take him to the airport where the SSR would be flying out of the country and on their way to London. It was time for them to get into the war.

Germany Occupied Poland

With the war starting to slow and given the recent setbacks in North Africa, Hitler ordered his men to begin further development into more weapons and such to help increase Germany's push against the allies. One of the Nazis research facilities was in Morasko, Poland dubbed Projekt Endstation, headed by Oberführer Wolfram Von List and Doctor Ulrich Vogel. The two worked under Heinrich Himmler and were currently tasked with developing new technology and weapons for the war headed by Von List's personal SS battalion-Die Wahrheit. Von List was part of the Thule Cult Society so he, much like the other members, was intrigued with the tales of old and myths of their fabled Aryan race whereas Doctor Vogel was the Nazi regime's preeminent engineer and biologist.

The two were an odd combination but Von List's intrigue with the occult led him and his battalion to scour the world for antiquities or anything the Nazis could use to win the war and it proved to bear fruit. His journeys around the world led him to the discovery of unique rock deposits made by meteorite falls centuries ago. Civilizations in Europe, Africa, and Asia that were separated by thousands of miles each were visited by the same meteors. They were told stories that these mysterious meteors fell from the sky with some of the civilizations crafting them into remarkable weapons and artifacts but one thing each story seemed to share in common was that these rocks affected the people who lived near them. Some died sudden and strange deaths while others seemed to be gifted with abilities that let them accomplish great feats of strength. There was one story about a man in Mongolia who had kept one of the rocks on his person for years and was able to tear apart men with his bare hands. The stories were enough for Von List who sacked and took every rock and meteor he could find and had Dr. Vogel begin working on them.

Von List walked through the base and all his soldiers stood at attention. The two soldiers guarding Vogel's lab saluted him as they opened the door so Von List could see the doctor working.

"How goes our progress, Doctor Vogel?" Von List asked him. He saw various notebooks of research and chalkboards of equations and designs scattered throughout the laboratory.

"It is in good standing, Oberführer. My research these past four years has been slow but patience is dutifully rewarded." Vogel walked over to special glass containment case that held a glowing green rock. "Whatever kind of meteor this is, its affects are well known to me now. It would appear to emit a form of energy, a radiation that had detrimental effects to the subjects I have tested it with. Given enough time and exposure, the subjects contract a unique sickness that the other doctors have been unable to cure or aid. The subjects with the most exposure pass in several weeks."

"Interesting doctor but the Fuhrer will not like a weapon that will kill its victims in weeks." Von List pointed out.

"Which is where the rest of my research has come into play." Dr. Vogel showed him schematics for new types of grenades, explosives, and bombs. "While its affects will kill its subject given enough time, the meteor is also an excellent accelerant and chemical agent. It is able to provide three times the effectiveness of traditional explosives and chemicals with only a quarter of the amount."

"Impressive, Dr. Vogel." Von List looked over the schematics and was intrigued. The meteor would provide better bombs and bullets so maybe there was something in its energy properties they could further develop.

"Thank you but my greatest breakthrough has come after I exposed the meteor to additional radiation. Come." Vogel brought Von List over to another glass display case that was covered by a tarp. He removed it show to another meteor but instead of green this one was red.

"Red?" Von List was curious what this one would do.

"My initial tests show that when samples of this rock are ingested or injected into a subject, it grants them an incredible boost in natural strength and abilities." Vogel told him and Von List was very interested now. "The process still needs to be refined. Some of the volunteers died shortly after exposure due to heart failure. But given more time, I believe I can develop a process that will turn our men into the true Übermensch we are."

"Keep working, Dr. Vogel. I will inform the Fuhrer of your progress. Mark my words Doctor. The time of Schmidt and his Hydra division are over. With your weapons…we will truly rise in the eyes of the Fuhrer and wipe out the allies." Von List stated with demented pride and Dr. Vogel smiled enthusiastically. Both of these men kept a hundred percent confidence in their plan and time would tell if it would actually work.

The war will only get worse from this point onward.



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