
Summer of Improvement

The weeks passed quickly. Every morning I would wake up and jog around the neighborhood to build more stamina, then it was studying politics with Arcturus, after that we'd break for lunch and an hour of down time before dueling practice started. I had told the rest of our group about Arcturus,

Mother was overjoyed. Her grand uncle was incredibly kind to her, and he was the only one. Her mother had arranged the marriage with Lucius behind his back and he was furious when he found out along with the other marriages. He had wanted to tow the line and play both sides but with these marriages he had to put the rest of his family in the Dark Lords camp. He would talk with her when she cried about being forced into an arranged marriage, and made assurances that she wouldn't be mistreated with the marriage contract in place. They sent letters back and forth for a while before he passed away last year, though she was always guilty about not telling him about the abuse she suffered. It was too late into the marriage and for him to rescind the contract would leave her children with no father. Plus, she didn't want to impose on him with his age and how sickly he had gotten in his later years.

Sirius was also excited to see him. Arcturus had always encouraged his prankster ways in secret because he said it instilled a Slytherin way of thinking to pull one over on someone. Though he was pretty miffed about him being sorted into Gryffindor, Sirius has always regretted not making up with him before he was locked away. With him distancing himself from the family and staying at the Potters, it had strained their relationship badly.

They all had a heartwarming chat and some serious talks that I wasn't privy too. Harry especially enjoyed meeting the older man and loved hearing about his grandparents Charlus and Dorea Potter. Apparently they had been war buddies and both fought to oppose Grindelwald before Dumbledore had defeated him. Arcturus then went on a rant about how much he despised the whiskered wanker.

Sirius had taken up to dueling with me under Arcturus's supervision and Harry had also joined every now and then but decided he enjoyed reading and learning more.

The last month before Hogwarts was filled with just as much excitement. Mother had insisted on bringing us on an expensive shopping trip and me and Harry grumbled all the way, she got us many different outfits and said that no child of the black family would look like some street urchin when Harry asked if he could just wear what he had.

When we were shopping for school textbooks however, we had a damper on our holidays. Standing in Flourish and Blotts doing a book signing was the idiot Gilderoy Lockhart. He was chatting up some moms that included Molly Weasley. He glanced over our way and as soon as he spotted Harry, a glimmer of greed could be seen in his eyes.

"It can't be… Harry Potter?" Lockhart said just loud enough to get everyone's attention. I slipped my wand from its holster and stared them down, I had grown rather protected of Harry over the summer after he told me of how bad it really was at the Dursleys. I wasn't about to let some fool use him for publicity. I glanced at Sirius and Mother and saw that they both were wearing frowns as well.

A man carrying a big camera hurried towards Harry and said, "Harry Potter! Come now we need a picture for the Prophet!" He said as he grabbed onto Harry's robe, trying to drag him over to Lockhart. A second later a hand locked onto the reporters wrist and a wand at his throat, he looked up to see me glowering at him as Sirius and Mother stood behind me wands drawn and pointed at him.

"Would you please unhand my friend sir?" I said in a chilling tone. The reporter paled and let go of Harry's robes like they were on fire.

"I just wanted to snap a quick picture. It'd do the boy good to get his picture taken with a wizard of Lockhart's caliber!" He said trying to make us see the big picture.

"Oh and you just decided to grab and drag the boy across the room to take a picture with this buffoon?" Mother said with a perfect Malfoy sneer adjourned on her face. "It's clear he's uncomfortable." She said gesturing to Harry, and indeed he looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

Lockhart seeing things going downhill, let out a nervous chuckle and said, "Yes good man, you shouldn't drag Young Harry over for a picture. I'm sure if you just asked he'd be more than happy to take a picture or two."

Everyone glanced back at Harry, who was starting to become annoyed of being the center of attention and said, "Actually is rather not, I was hoping to gather my things and eat lunch with my family." We all smiled at being called family by Harry.

Lockhart sputtered for a moment before offering a sale on his overpriced books. That took most of the tension out of the air as everyone went back to their business. Afterwords, the Weasley's came by and Harry chatted with Ron. Meanwhile Molly was giving Mother and I a glare.

"I'll never understand why the ministry decided to entrust Harry with someone like you Mrs. Malfoy." She said with a disgusted tone. "You would think that someone of Harry's importance wouldn't be placed with someone so 'Dark'."

Mother kept her emotionless gaze but her hand was gripping her wand furiously. I also didn't take kindly to Mrs. Weasley's words so I drawled out, "And where else should they have placed him then if not with his family? You?"

"We'd certainly do a better job then you lot would, who knows what you're teaching him?" Molly said with a shrill tone. By now most of the people were watching the show, the Weasley children looked like tomatoes flushing with embarrassment, it seems they hate it when their mother yells in public like this.

"Oh, where would he even stay Mrs. Weasley, the floor? Merlin knows that you don't have enough rooms as it is. Oh, and it's Black now, my marriage to Lucius was dissolved so I'd appreciate not calling me a Malfoy any longer." Mother said in a heated tone. Sirius and I chuckled at her words along with a majority of the other occupants.

A too familiar voice spoke up next, "Quite right Narcissa, you are definitely no family of mine now."

We looked over and saw Lucius walking up with a young woman with blonde hair. I bit back a gasp as I recognized her as Rita Skeeter. Father must have decided to find himself another wife so he could get another heir soon. Though nothings been in the papers so I'd imagine they haven't had the wedding yet.

I smirked at him before saying, "Oh hello Lucius, did you decide to pay someone to sire you an heir? Definitely a downgrade, though I'm sure you tried your best since their was no contract to ensure she was up to your 'standards'."

Rita squawked in indignation and Lucius blew up at the barb, "Who do you think your are talking to me like that! Do you think I won't raise my wand to you now that you have the Black family for protection!" He said as he drew his wand.

At his words most of the people in the store screamed out and ran out the door leaving just us and the Weasley's along with the Grangers who came with them, looking like they didn't know who to support in this squabble. Arthur turned out to be a better man than his wife as he stepped out and said, "I believe that's quite enough Lucius. Not even you would dare fire a spell at a child in public."

Lucius found a new outlet for his anger, "Well well well, Weasley, busy time at the ministry? What with all the raids, I sure hope they're paying you overtime. Though, judging by the state of your children's clothes I think not." He said with a chuckle while he walked closer, "If your going to be a disgrace to wizards, at least they should pay you well."

"We have a verydifferent definition of what disgraces a wizard, Malfoy." Arthur said. They were now less than a foot from each other as they stared each other down.

"Clearly," his grey eyes looking over Granger and her parents, "The company you keep… and I thought you could sink no lower."

Instantly, it was chaos. Arthur socked Lucius and knocked him into a bookshelf. Ginny dropped her books as a result and the two rolled on top of them. The Weasley children were yelling things like, "Go dad!" and "Get him!". Rita looked like Christmas ha come early and had taken out her camera to capture the fight and spin it into an attack on the Weasley's. Just as she pulled it out of her robes a spell hit it destroying it. She looked over and saw me with a smirk on my face. Arthur had done a good thing standing up for me so I decided to repay him by not having his picture sprayed across her nasty newsletter.

Hagrid burst through the door, likely hearing a fight was occurring and said, "Alright gents, break it up."

He pulled them off of each other, both looking worse for wear with busted lips and Lucius even had a black eye from where a book had hit him. Lucius was also holding Ginny's books and shoved them into her hands saying, "Here girl, there the best your father could afford!"

He beckoned Rita towards the door and left in a hurry. Hagrid was telling Arthur he should have ignored him while my eyes were on the black book that Ginny was holding. It definitely wasn't there earlier and must be Voldemorts Horcrux. I knew it would appear this year but I didn't know how with how much I'm changing the plot. Now I just need to figure out a way to destroy it without having Harry fight a 50-foot basilisk.

I decided to think it over for the rest of the summer, and we abruptly left for home. Things calmed down for the rest of the summer after that. I still exchanged letters with the others and enjoyed hearing about Blaise's time in Italy with his extended family, or hearing about Daphne griping about her sister asking if she had a boyfriend yet.

Me and Sirius became closer, he apparently saw a lot of himself in me with our similar situation with how we were raised. He even started teaching me and Harry how to be true Marauders, though I plan to surprise him when I master becoming an animagus. I had already started meditating to find my inner animal but it's slow going, the farthest I have gotten is hearing distant roar that sounds like a bear of some kind.

After finding my animal, I need to take a Mandrake leaf and hold it to the roof of my mouth for thirty days. After that I need to spit it into a potion of multiple expensive ingredients, and drink it in the night if a thunderstorm. I hope to have it done before third year but I don't know how fast my progress is since in all of Sirius's notes, it says they took up to three years to find their inner animal.

The day before we were to return to Hogwarts, Sirius called me down from my room saying he wanted to talk to me. I started thinking if I had done something wrong while I followed after him, before he turned and walked into Arcturus's office. I entered and noticed that everyone was sitting there waiting on him.

"Now Ares, I know that we've become closer, and I hope you've been enjoying your time learning about your mothers side of the family." Sirius starts and I nod to him honestly. I really had enjoyed being with Sirius and Harry and think that the Marauders might be making a return to Hogwarts soon.

Sirius sighed before picking up a box that was lying on the desk, "Arcturus has been talking to us recently and has brought up a lot of good points, I'm not able to have children anymore and the House of Black needs an heir. The vote could really help us if we decide to become political, and we want to know if you would like to be the Heir to the Black family."

I was shocked. I really thought that he would make Harry his heir. I glance over to him and Harry just shook his head and said, "They've already talked to me about this and I quite agree, I'm already the Heir to the Potter House, if I was to take another it would be overkill. Plus, I'd have to take two wives for both families and I don't even want to have to take the first one." He looked a little green at the end.

I laughed at his expression before looking back at Sirius and saying, "Are you sure you want me as an heir, what with my old family?"

Sirius grinned in a mischievous way and said, "Honestly, it wouldn't bother me if you drive the family into the ground for all I care about it." He laughed as mother admonished him and even Arcturus had a slight twitch in his lip, "But, seriously I believe you are exactly what this family needs to lead it. You've been raised as a pureblood, you know how they think and you don't follow their dogma. I believe you can make this terrible House into something great."

A warm feeling fills me at his praise, it hadn't been easy over the years to stay as stable as I am. The years of indoctrination left a mark on me no matter how much I ignore it. It showed when I broke Draco's arm. I nod my acceptance and Sirius opens the box and pulls out a beautiful ring that has an inscription which reads, "Toujours Pur!"

Sirius drew his wand and said, "Ares Cassius Black, do you accept this ring, knowing to uphold yourself to the standards of House Black and keep yourself as pure as our motto in your intentions."

"I do!" I say with a determined expression.

"I welcome you Heir Black and hope you continue to embrace our traditions in a way befitting of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. So I say, so more it be!" He waved his wand and I slipped on the ring. A bright light shown before the ring settled and sized itself to my size.

"This ring will protect you from any potion and compulsion charm as is standard with every heir ring. It also gives an added benefit of blocking Legelimancy. I guess the Blacks of old where worried about someone ripping their secrets from their heads. Additionally, it can't be removed by anyone but the heir, anyone who tries will receive quite a shock until their knocked out." Arcturus said when describing the features of the ring.

I smiled down at the ring when I feel a cool wave of approval course though it. The magic of the ring felt right on my hand and I kept stealing glances at it well into the night before I went to sleep.

A/N: Please support me on Patreón:
