Ares Cassius Malfoy was born the twin brother to Draconis Lucius Malfoy. Born as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, Ares must dance around his family’s political views and change the Slytherin house for the better. His secret? This isn’t his first life!
Amelia looks at me funny, before scoffing,"Freedom? You are heir to one of the richest families in the world! Your father has allegedly committed multiple crimes and has never so much as gotten a fine because of his 'donations' to Fudge. You could do whatever you wanted and daddy would make sure no one could touch you. Your quite literally the most free person in this school."
Anger courses through me as she described me like I was a spoiled prince, "You know nothing of the life I have led, what I have sacrificed for others only for it to come back on me, who do you think anonymous dropped those files of the muggle raids in your on your desk?"
Amelia looked shocked at me, "That's right, it was me. The only reason I'm even telling you is that it has now become common knowledge that I've 'betrayed' the pureblood movement. Every dark family now knows that I have information that could bring scrutiny on to them." Amelia visibly paled as she thought of the repercussions of angering all the dark families and instantly felt pity. While she could get away with it, not everyone has an Auror army on standby.
"That brings us to the next part of this meeting, I want two trusted Auror guards on me, I have information that could inspire panic into the world." I say hyping myself up enough to try and lie my way through this. Since Sirius hasn't written us back we can't ask about Pettigrew without anyone getting suspicious. So that means I have nothing to trade for protection but one thing.
"And what information is that Mr. Malfoy?" Amelia said in a more polite yet stern voice.
"Professor Quirrel has been possessed and Headmaster Dumbledore hasn't done a thing about it." Harry looks at me like I'm crazy but Amelia looks like she's close to believing me, "Explain to me why you believe one of your professors is possessed when Dumbledore hasn't mentioned it to me."
"Well, for one his general smell is quite artificial, he maybe trying to sell his vampire story but you and me both know that he doesn't need to bathe in it. Now one might chuck that up to his nervous breakdown or one of his quirks, but when you add in his fake stutter that he forgets to use when he's excited, or the fake way he fainted in the Great Hall in Halloween, something more sinister seems to be at work." I explained what happened in the Great Hall, and Amelia looked to almost have a fit.
"A troll lose in the school and no one was called, has Dumbledore gone out of his mind! That's why Dumbledore met up with someone from the Disposal of Magical Creatures department. Standard protocol is to contact the ministry so that all of the grounds can be searched and made sure that nothing else like this can happen." Amelia said in a fury.
I continued by saying, "After I became suspicious of Quirrel I started following him, for one he doesn't have a stutter in private which disproves that theory, and two I haven't seen him take it off, but I've heard him talking to something under his turbin. What leads me to believe that it is a possession is that the garlic is simply to powerful and I believe he is using it to mask his stench. If you can get it off in public, it may jam up Dumbledore and make him look foolish for not paying attention to what's happening in his own school. This could allow you to leave an Auror presence around the school for the rest of the year."
Amelia nods along and figures out the rest, "And by leaving my Aurors I make it so that anything that happens here, I can use as another foothold and slowly ingrain Aurors here for a safer school. While you get an extra layer of defense against attacks. The only problem is Dumbledore is quite politically powerful, he's not likely to lay down and take it for long."
I nod and sigh, "It's the best I can come up with, I need protection, you want to have eyes in ears in Hogwarts, I believe that this is the only way we can do it."
We agreed and hashed out the details, afterwards I left Harry with her and let them talk about his home situation, though I did decide to throw him a bone for helping me, "You know Harry, Tonks is family to you as well, Dorea Potter is your grandmother and was originally, Dorea Black. That makes you and Tonks like second cousins or something, just in case you needed a place to stay if your current home becomes inhospitable."
Harry's face bloomed at that and started a heated discussion with Tonks about everything about her. Tonks just listened cheerfully and patiently answered all of his questions.
Walking down the hallways, I make my way to the Great Hall to catch the show that will happen when Amelia exposes Quirrel. Just as I turn the corner and start to make my way down the stairs, a spell strikes me from behind. My heart jumps out of my chest as I'm hit with the stunning spell, and start to make my way down the stair's painfully. When I reach the bottom I have at least two broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. I grunt as breathing has become painful and I look up to see Adrian Pucey standing over me.
"You should have just broken your neck you annoying blood traitor!" He yells and his wand starts to glow green and I feel ice flowing down my veins. I had gotten to cocky and didn't ask for an escort back to the hall, and now I'll pay for that mistake with my life.
Just as he was about to finish the spell, another Unforgivable fired through the air. Adrian's screams filled the air as footsteps steadily creep up from behind me. Finally the turban head of Quirrel comes into my vision and my newly settled heart picks up once more.
"Well Mr. Malfoy, I believe we are in need of a dire talk. How about we make our way to a private meeting room, say somewhere on the Third Floor?" Quirrel asks with a smirk. He then looks over to the sobbing form of Adrian and scowls, "But first let's take care of the annoyance. AVADA KEDAVRA!"
Adrian's body lay still as scared tears fill my eyes, I couldn't help it. Whether in this life or the past one, I'd still never seen a dead body, and to have someone die right in front of me terrified me to my core.
Quirrel levitates my body as he walks away. As we pass the room Amelia and Harry are in I use my holster to shoot my wand into my hand and grunt out painfully, "BOMBARDA!"
The door blows open and Quirrel jerks towards me and yells, "Why you little bastard, calling for help won't do any good everyone's at the Great Hall. Now allow me to punish this little defiance of yours. Crucio!"
Pain unlike anything I had felt surged through my body. Lucius may have been good at using the disgusting work of magic, but he had nothing on Quirrel when he's being fueled by Voldemort. I could feel my mind palace cracking as blood starts dripping out of my nose, I hear Quirrel speaking, "You thought I wouldn't have noticed you following me? Then the next day Amelia Bones shows up and asks you and that filthy half-blood Potter for a meeting. Now you should know what happens to mess with my masters plans, to believe the Heir Malfoy woul-"
The last thing I hear before falling into unconsciousness is a bone-breaking curse firing and Harry yelling my name.
A/N: Please support me on Patreón: