
Hogwarts Sorting

The train stopped by a dark platform. After everyone had left the train Harrid had appeared and guided us to a lake.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Harrid called, as we all piled in to the little boats on the shore.

I looked around trying to decide to sit with, mostly everyone was full until I spotted an extra seat on a boat with two pretty girls and a dark skinned boy.

As I climbed in the girl looked over with a frosty gaze, "Daphne Greengrass Heiress to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Greengrass. A pleasure I'm sure."

The cheerful girl next to her went next and said, "Tracey Davis of the Noble House of Davis. Don't mind Daphne she's mean to everyone." Tracy said with a laugh.

"Blaise Zabini heir to the Noble House of Zabini." Blaise said in a friendly tone. I shook his hand and replied to them as expected of an heir.

"Ares Malfoy heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy." As soon as I had introduced myself they looked at me a bit weird but said nothing. Eventually we eased into small talk and I became fast friends with Blaise.

When we pulled up close to the bank Hogwarts came into view and it was magnificent. Truly one of the greatest feats of magic for it to have survived this long and still retain its beauty. Professor Mcgonagall arrived and escorted us to the the Great Hall. We entered at a brisk pace and soon they were sorting us. I chatted with Blaise while keeping an eye on the notable names that came up.

"Hannah Abott!" Professor Mcgonagall called and the blind girl walked up and placed a worn hat on her head. A few seconds later, "Hufflepuff!" It cried as she ran over to the table

And on it went with students getting sorted. I tuned out most of it until I was called, "Ares Malfoy,"

I got up and started walking over, listening to all the students murmur about my name and how I am destined for Slytherin. They may be right but they don't have to say it. I sat down on the stool and placed the hat on my head.

'Oh now this is a surprise. How rare for other worlders to visit our realm. Well it looks like you've already decided we're you want to be and I agree that's were you should go, but you do realize that what you are trying to do is exceedingly difficult. Would you not rather go to Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff?' It spoke in my mind.

'No, I'm quite aware that it's difficult but I need to at least try I'm not ready to give up on my brother just yet and with enough power I can cripple Voldemorts armies when he returns. Just put me in Slytherin.' I say to it in my mind.

'Very well that ambition shall serve you well in "Slytherin!" That hat spoke with the last word being out loud. The students looked confused on why it took so long to sort the evil junior death eater into Slytherin but soon forgot about me.

While everyone focused back on the sorting I observed the teachers for the first time. Quirrel looked like he was about to have a panic attack and I had to remind myself not to look at the back of his head. Snape looked as greasy as described in the books and seemed to be shooting a hate filled glare at one Harry Potter. Dumbledore looked as jolly as ever but I can't tell if it's an act or if that's just how he is. I hadn't heard good things about him from Father, and normally I would ignore that, but it's different if Mother also agreed that he is dangerous. Nothing changed according to canon even though I kind of hoped Harry would join us in Slytherin. After the sorting, Dumbledore gave a speech, basically saying that the forbidden forest was indeed forbidden and not to use magic outside the halls. Then he said no one could travel to the third floor corridor on the right-hand side unless you wanted to die a painful death. Even if it wasn't my first time hearing that it still blows my mind that Dumbledore would say something like that to impressionable teenagers.

Soon we all filed out as we made it towards the dungeons I admired the beautiful artwork and cool living paintings. When we reached a stone wall at the end of a corridor the prefect said the password to open the wall, "Serpentine!"

As we came in Snape went over the rules for us and told us if we were caught not following these rules the punishments would be severe. There were only three of them: Always present a united front outside the common rooms, don't get caught, and be in bed by 9:00 unless you were a 5th year or above.

We had to pick someone to share a room, and of course I picked Blaise. We soon filed away for bedtime and I dreamed of all the spells I would learn here.

The next morning we ate breakfast in the Great hall and soon classes started. We had Herbology first and though it was a bit boring I still enjoyed growing the magical plants. Charms was amazing, Professor Flitwick had us start with some theory and moved us to trying out the Lumos Charm. Of course, I had already mastered it and managed to earn Slytherin 5 points. Transfiguration was another favorite as we transfigured a needle from a matchstick this was more difficult as transfiguration is a more complicated branch of magic but I still managed to finish third. DADA was a complete waste of time as I don't even think Quirrel managed to finish the roll call much less the lesson. I just decided to do some independent reading and study some magic theory.

Potions was the last subject of the day and we had it with the Gryffindors. This is where I will be making my first power play. You see Slytherin is a lot different than the other houses there are unspoken Princes in every year and one King, usually a 7th year, but not always, that controls the others. I want to make my play for Prince of the first year so that I can change the flow of how things are run and maybe root out blood supremacy entirely in Hogwarts. Hopefully they don't involve the upper class men but if they do I reckon I can still give them a reason not to try to mess with me. As we walked in I looked around and noticed everyone separated by their house, I looked over and nobody wanted to sit with Neville Longbottom who looked like he was about to faint with fright. I made my way over to him. He sees me walking over to him and fear rises in his eyes. I hate to use him like this but I need to provoke a reaction out of the majority of the first-year Slytherin so I have a viable reason to put them down without it looking like I'm a tyrant.

"This seat taken?" I ask him to his amazement. I asked Neville because he's one of the only Gryffindors that would maybe give me a chance, also he's a bit too timid to deny me. He nods his head quickly and I sit down beside him. I would have sat by Harry but he would want to sit next to Ron, so this was the next best option. I chatted with a nervous Neville and he eventually started relaxing and talking back, though if you could count mumbling talking I don't know. Harry looked over and I caught his eye and gave him a smile, then I looked over to Draco who looked as if he was going to blow a gasket.

Just before he could jump up and start hexing me Snape struts in with his billowing robes and all. As he looks around the class he sees me and one of his eyebrows raises but says nothing. He starts by taking roll, stopping to say, "Ah, Harry Potter our new— celebrity." But continues on with his speech that he must have said a thousand times.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potionmaking. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you to really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquid that creeps through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses… I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death— if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

I snickered at his little joke even though no one else had the courage too. He started by berating Harry with question after question, I knew them because I had been reading potion books as apart of my studies at home, but how was a muggleraised 1st year supposed to know. It really showed the hate boner Snape seemed to have for Harry. After taking a point from Gryffindor, he told us to start brewing a simple boil cure. I looked over to my partner and Neville looked as if the Grim Reaper had entered the room. Apparently, Snape is a bit scary to young Neville which makes sense considering he is Neville's Boggart down the road. I calmed him down telling him that everything would be fine and told him to start chopping the ingredients and I would add and stir them. I figured if he's such an expert in Herbology as they made him out to be in the series he should be fine with at least that part. Everything progressed smoothly, I made sure to double check everything he gave me and he only made 1 error which wouldn't have really changed anything to the potion.

As me and Neville turned in our completed potion I glanced at Harry and saw his below standard potion. I gave him a playful mocking look and he bristled a bit but he ended up chuckling when Seamus's cauldron blew up. Somehow Snape blamed it on Harry when he saw him laughing, and took another point from him.

I looked over to Draco and grimaced as most of the Slytherins were glaring at me for daring to sit with a Gryffindor. I knew that I had gotten the reaction I wanted and now I needed to enact the second part of my plan and see if I can cash the check my actions wrote.

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