

It's not so easy to make it as a superhero these days. In the golden age of heroes, it didn't matter what kind of ability you had. If you had an ability, dressed up in bright colors, and came up with a crazy name; you had it made. You were a hero. The world isn't so simple anymore. Kyle Kane is finding life as a teenage superhero to be worse than a pimple on prom night. Eliminated from his team and forced into normal classes, Kyle's F class powers have doomed him to harassment and mediocrity. Then one day, he gets a cranky message from a system. "I'm your system, congratulations, blah blah blah." Is this Kyle's chance or just another new way to be humiliated?

straythought · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
72 Chs

Miras the Training World

Kyle felt his body being pulled through a vortex, much like when he met Gramps for the first time. Only this time, it seemed like he spent much longer going through the vortex.

After several minutes, Kyle landed on a grassy hill in a new world. He stood up and looked forward and could see the shadow of a town or city or something. He couldn't quite make it out.

As he stood there trying to decide what to do he finally received a notification from the Grandpa System.




- 3000 XP




"Hey, kid, let's start your training. I have assigned a mission to you," Kyle wasn't sure if this was Gramps or the robotic system Grandpa.

"Is that you Gramps?" Kyle asked the air.

"No, it's not me. Just focus on the system messages, accomplish your mission, and come home for lunch," Gramps said annoyed.

"What's going on?" Kyle asked still really confused.

"What do you mean what's going on, can't you tell? I told you I brought you to the Center to train you, and now you're being trained."

"But, where am I," Kyle asked.

Gramps let out a helpless sigh at Kyle's barrage of questions. "Kyle, you need to pay attention, big boy, especially if you don't want to get eaten.

Didn't you learn anything from your previous two dreams?" Gramps asked.

"You caused those dreams?"

"Obviously," he said as Kyle seemed more and more shocked. Kyle's eyes looked big and innocent they had a pleading look like a little puppy who was just spanked and didn't understand why.

"Why did you make me dream for the first time on the toilet? Why did I even need to go to the toilet?" He asked.

"Obviously I slipped you a laxative," Gramps said very matter of fact.

"Why would you do that?" Kyle's voice got whinier and whinier.

"Because it was hilarious! Who falls asleep and experiences a training dream while going number two on the toilet? You do! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha," Gramps' laughter filled Kyle's ears.

The more he laughed the more incensed Kyle became.

"Now listen, kid, you need to make it over to that village as quickly as possible.

That's your starter village. It's called Star Tear Village. Now listen, this is important.

Between you and that village are all sorts of beasts and evil people who want to stop you from getting there. You need to use your brains and your brawn to get there before the sunsets.

My advice to you, start reviewing those manuals I gave you and figure out how to use them ASAP.

I'm done talking to you, from now until you get to the village, the system Grandpa will be the only one to talk with you.

If you want to talk with him just think the phrase "System Grandpa, on!" Oh, don't forget to take the system tutorial.

Alright, good luck and try not to get killed." Gramps says as his voice faded away.

"Gramps, Gramps, Graaaaamps," Kyle tried to call Gramps back but he was completely ignored.

The last words Gramps spoke rang in Kyle's ears. "Try not to get killed," he already experienced getting killed in those dreams and it wasn't pleasant. He decided not to wait around get eaten.

"System Grandpa, On!"

<System Grandpa is on, how may I help you?> The system was much more polite than Gramps, but it was clearly a robotic voice lacking any intelligence.

"I would like to have the System Tutorial," Kyle spoke into the air as if he were speaking to someone hard of hearing and a slow brain.

He was very uncomfortable with this technology and didn't know how well it understood him. In the end, he looked very silly.

"System Tutorial Beginning>

Kyle patiently listened to the tutorial and quickly understood how everything worked. It was similar to most MMORPG games he had seen.

He never played them that much since he was typically very busy, but he was familiar with them.

The first thing Kyle did was sit down and practice the Immortal Body Cultivation Art. Once he made some progress with that, he planned on practicing the Monkey King's Fist.

If he could make a little progress in both of these, he should be able to protect himself when traveling to the village.

Even though he had super strength, invulnerability, speed, and flight, his powers were very weak compared to the beings in the valleys he would travel through.

He learned from the system, his current ranking was E-, while the enemies he would face were at E+.

It didn't seem like a big difference, but It really was. The reason he didn't study his other manuals is that he didn't feel like he had enough time.

He knew he didn't know how to fight and his speed wasn't bad as it was.

He needed to know how to fight, but in order to know how to fight, he had to learn how to make his power flow properly through his body.

According to the system clock he arrived at 8 am and the evening began at 8 pm. He had a total of twelve hours to get to the village.

He spent four hours learning the essentials of his cultivation and combat technique. He had 8 hours left to get to the village.

His first plan was to fly over the hills and avoid the "bad guys." He quickly discovered that wasn't going to happen.

Every time he flew up into the sky, he was chased down by huge birds of prey. He wondered if they were what attacked him on the desert planet.

The birds forced him to run through the valley. For the first hour he didn't come across any enemies, but about fifteen minutes into the second hour he came across a group of mercenaries.

Kyle steeled himself for battle and hoped the little bit of the manuals he learned would be enough to get past these guys.

He waited for them to make the first move, and when they did, Kyle launched his own attack.

Kyle was so nervous since this was his first real battle and his opponents had weapons but he didn't.

A warrior with a Warhammer hit Kyle so hard he couldn't breathe. Kyle crashed into the earth and looked up while clenching his teeth in pain," not good," he gasped.

Hey everyone!

We are still fluctuating between second and third place. If you like the book, please show some love by voting on it.

If I can hit 200 power stones this week I will write to additional chapters.

If we hit 300 power stones I'll write a total of four additional chapters!

I'll release all of the extra chapters on Sunday.

Thanks for your help and please let me know what you think of the book so far.

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