
60. We're Renagading

"Now, baby. Don't make me wait. I want you to fuck me through this heat. Get me back on my feet with your magnificent cock."

Lena was at a loss for words, but let out a rumble-growl from deep in her chest. Kara was working away at the buttons of her shirt, opening it to reveal Lena's breasts, nearly bursting from the top of her bra due to her position of leaning over Kara while supporting her own weight on her hands.

Kara's eyes went wide with delight at the sight. She slid her fingers under the top of the bra to cup Lena's breasts, then stretched up to lick each nipple, causing Lena to moan in pleasure.

While Lena was enjoying the attention to her super-sensitive breasts, she was also sliding her hand under Kara's shirt, reaching one hand behind her back to release her bra. Once it was loose, Lena grabbed the hem of her shirt and tugged upward, forcing Kara to release her breasts so she could get it over her head. Next she removed the loose bra so that they both had what they wanted - being completely naked together at last. Kara shivered so Lena lowered her body to make her warmer, bringing their breasts together. Each moaned at the feeling of their bodies coming together.

"Oh god yes." Lena husked. She grabbed Kara's hips and moved them lower on the narrow bed to get her in a better position. Kara bent her knees and opened her legs wide to allow Lena to slot between them. Their hot centers came together, with Lena's cock pressed tightly against Kara's soaked folds, causing pressure on her clit. The ache deep inside her only got worse as she got closer to what she wanted. Kara to let out a needy whine, longing to feel Lena's girth deep inside. And she knew nothing would help but Lena's knot.

"It's OK, baby. I'm going to take care such good care of you."

"It hurts, Lena." Kara maneuvered her body and reached down to grip Lena's cock, positioning the head to line up with her entrance. Her eyes closed as she sunk further into her desire to be filled. "You don't need to go slow."

"You know you can have anything you want. But you know my knot...I'm nearly fully inflated now." Lena held her hips still, as much as she wanted to drive them forward. "Need to take it slow so I don't hurt you."

Kara gripped Lena's tip then moved her hand further down, gently squeezing around the base at her bulging knot. She couldn't fit her hand around it, but kneaded gently to try to give Lena some relief. Lena was barely able to stifle a loud groan that nearly burst from her throat.

"You must be hurting, baby. Come inside me. I'm going to make it all better."

Lena looked down at Kara. Seeing the sincerity and concern in her face, even in the full cycle of heat, she felt overwhelmed with love.

"I know you are, sweet girl. You're so, so good." At that Lena began to rock forward, steadily pushing deeper centimeter by centimeter.

"Yesss...Yesss." Kara encouraged, her cunt undulating to pull Lena deeper. "So good...so big...my...my alpha...fill me..."

"Ummpfh. Yes..." Lena was reveling in the feeling of getting deeper, the tight squeeze of Kara around her as she gasped. "Yours..."

Moments later she was fully hilted, her knot pressing the clenched lips of Kara's cunt, stopping her from going any deeper. A growl of frustration slipped out. She began steady thrusts but wasn't getting deeper.

"It's OK...You're...going to make it fit...I know you will." Kara gasped between thrusts, which were getting rougher. She tried to send calming pheromones despite feeling desperate herself. "Harder...god yes...want it so bad."

"Don't want to hurt you." Lena said, gritting her teeth.

"You won't. You couldn't."

Lena tried to shift further but Kara squeezing her so tight, clenching down on her shaft. Kara started to whine anxiously despite trying to stay calm.

"I want you on your knees!" Lena growled suddenly. As much as she wanted to see Kara's face, she knew it was the best and safest way to knot her at this stage and she didn't have the patience to move slowly.

"Yes daddy." Kara said without conscious thought, nearly melting at the rare command that sounded like it came directly from Lena's alpha.

Lena slipped out quickly and moved off the bed. A moment later Kara was on her hands and knees before Lena.

She caught her breath at the sight of Kara, looking so wet and ready, presenting for her in a breeding position. She couldn't pause long though and in the next moment Lena was on top of her, mounting her from behind. She gripped Kara's hair and moved her into the position she most desired. In the next moment her cock was again rubbing hotly against Kara's soaked cunt.

Lena thrust back and forth through the wetness, each time pressing roughly against her clit, each time drawing a moan from Kara.

"So...fucking...good..." She moaned. "Come inside me baby. Please...come inside..."

At that Lena gripped her cock and pushed roughly, moving in deeply as Kara cried out. Lena released her hair and reached around to cover her mouth, then whispered into her ear.

"I need you to be quiet. I'm going to split you open with my knot. Stretch you more than you've ever been stretched. And you have to be quiet." Lena demanded as she bit down on her earlobe. The pain got Kara's attention. "Can you do that for me, baby?"

"Yesss. I promise. I'll be quiet. I'll do anything you want. Just give me your knot." Kara said, sobbing. "I'm begging you..."

"Such a good girl." Lena said, pulling back and thrusting in again. Kara bit down on Lena's middle finger to stop herself from calling out. Lena was so deep into her rut she hardly registered the pain. All she cared about was getting deeper, fucking and filling Kara up with her knot so they could both get some relief.

"Take it, baby. You can take it. Open up for me." Lena closed her eyes and let out a low rumble. "Take my knot."

Lena gripped Kara's hair and pushed her further down, pressing her head down on the bed to get a better angle as she continued pumping.

"Please...please...please..." Kara was sobbing and begging Lena for more. Kara began to thrash, which was making things more difficult.

Finally Lena bit down hard on Kara's shoulder, causing her to freeze like captured prey. She concentrated on controlling her strength, resisting the desire to bite through the skin.

"Do it! Fucking do it, Lena!" Kara begged.

Lena let out a frustrated growl, battling against her desire to give Kara what she was asking for, to make Kara her mate for life. Through her rut-hazed brain she knew this wasn't something Kara should decide when she was in heat. She had to hold back, even though this was what she wanted most in the world.

Lena released her shoulder. "Open for me!" She rumbled, then bit down on Kara's neck, over her pulse point. As she bit harder she finally felt Kara let up only slightly, but it was enough for her to thrust deeper. At last she was fully hilted, her knot deep inside as Kara muffled a scream into her pillow.

Kara felt her mind go white, like a blinding flash of relief and light and pleasure. She knew she was pulsing around Lena's cock, releasing hot juices as Lena sunk into place. Everything suddenly felt so right, and perfect, and safe. It was like an out-of-body experience, and all she could feel was pleasure and light, at last getting relief from her body's primal demands.

For her part Lena's alpha rejoiced at the feeling of being fully gripped inside Kara's womb as she released inside, what seemed to her like the most she'd ever cum. She eased off the bite she had on Kara's neck, and released the grip on her mouth, then quickly wrapped both arms around Kara's waist as they both gasped and tried to catch their breath. Lena wanted to keep her as close as possible so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable from any movements that could separate them.

Kara was crying happy, relieved sobs as her body jerked and squeezed against the large intruding member. She had no control of any of it as she rode out her orgasm, then rolled into another, which seemed to trigger Lena again as well. She began to release into Kara deeply again, though their tie was limiting her movement.

"I'm fucking filling you, Kara." Lena hissed as she bent down to her ear and Kara let out a muffled sob.

"Some day you'll be round with my pups. I'm going to breed you like the beautiful omega you are."

"Yes..." Kara sobbed, then let out a series of sounds that weren't quite words, but Lena understood what she meant. Kara wanted that too, and Lena felt her heart expand in joy at the thought. Some day.

Lena was a bit shocked and overwhelmed at the realization and the joy and pleasure coursing through her. Their tie was like nothing she'd felt before.

The thought that it would be impossible for her to pull out caused Kara's omega to purr with joy, but she was helpless at communicating her thoughts verbally, and only tried to convey her feelings through their physical connection. She held Lena deep inside, and felt like she would never be ready to let go.

Lena sensed they would be tied for quite a while. "I'm going to lay us down. Try not to move, I don't want to hurt you." She said as she moved them onto their sides as gently as she could. Still, it caused Kara to clench tightly and they both groaned at the feeling. Kara felt like she was suspended in a multi-orgasmic state, with every movement stimulating her as Lena's cock stayed sheathed inside. Kara let out a deep sound of contentment. Lena could sense the pleasure and joy vibrating and radiating from her body.

"I don't think I've heard you make that sound before." Lena mused. Was it even a sound? Lena wasn't sure.

"I don't think I've ever made it before." Kara said, taking a deep breath to fill her lungs with Lena's scent. "I was just thinking that it's impossible for us to separate right now. And I felt a wave of bliss like...well, like nothing I've felt before."

Lena ran her lips and the tip of her tongue against the back of Kara's neck, tasting her heat hormones and the salt from their exertions. "You taste exquisite. I'll never be able to get enough of you."

Kara closed her eyes at the intense sensations. She was tingling all over her body. Lena began nibbling at her neck and ear lobe. Her hand reached to tease Kara's breasts, running her fingernails over her sensitive nipples.

"Jesus, Lena." Kara gasped as she clenched harshly around Lena's cock again.

"Sorry. I should let you sleep." Lena said, kissing her chastely and settling down. "If we're accelerating then we'll be going again as soon as we untie."

Kara closed her eyes and moaned at the thought.

"Is that what you want?" Lena asked. "I don't want to do anything that might hurt you, you're still injured and have..."

"Shhhh! Stop, Lena." Kara said quietly but firmly. "This is what I want. We've come this far. I want to see this through. To be there for the team and for Coach. Not to mention, we've held out for so long. The thought of you fucking me straight through this heat...sounds like a fantasy come true."

"Then that's what you'll get." Lena husked, the alpha coming out strongly in her tone. "I want to make your every fantasy come true."

"Me too, love. And we have all the time now." Kara said, reveling in the thought that they could at last be together, with no more distance or hiding. "Well, not RIGHT now, but you know what I mean..."

"I know exactly what you mean. That nothing can keep us apart. Now get some rest love."


After "Operation Condom Drop", Alex, Sam, and Sara returned to their drinks in the lounge area.

"To another crisis averted." Sara said, lifting her glass to cheers the other women.

"Here, here." They both agreed as they clinked glasses.

"By the way, Coach Lance." Sam says with a mischievous look a few moments after downing her drink, "Was that Ava that rushed away when you came out of the rest room earlier?"

Sara's eyes went wide. Her mouth opened but nothing came out for several moments. "I...what?"

Alex scrutinized Sara. "You sneaky bastard! What did you do?"

"Nothing, I...I mean. I don't...I don't...know what you're talking about."

"Like hell you don't!" Sam laughed and shoved Sara's shoulder.

"I don't think I've ever seen you with a loss for words!" Alex said. "Are you actually blushing?"

"You better 'fess up." Sam demanded.

"Fine, I...nothing happened. We were just celebrating some big news that came in before we left."

"Oh?" Sam asked.

"Do tell!" Alex demanded.

"Well, the news is that Ava's getting transferred. She won't be playing for the Spirit when we start up next season."

"What? And why are we happy about that? Ava's the top goalie in the league. In fact, that's why she's starting on Team USA."

"Yeah, doesn't sound like something to celebrate." Sam says.

"Ah-ha. I see. It means you won't be her coach." Alex offered.

Sara just sat there with a half smile, a dreamy look on her face.

"Because you want to...start dating?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny..."

"Sara! You little..."

"What, I can't help it! Being thrown together 24/7 for the past couple of months...I mean...she's gorgeous and charming and..."

"And has a massive crush on you..." Alex added. "I've noticed that, but didn't know it was reciprocated!"

"I swear, nothing happened. Well...nothing happened until we found out I won't be her coach any more."

"Ha! I knew it..." Sam said. "That's..."

"That's wonderful, Sara. Coaches are people too. And Ava, well, she's something else." Alex said. "I'm happy for you. Both of you."

"It's not like we're getting married."

"If you could see your face right now!" Sam said. "You've got it bad, Coach."

"OK, OK, enough already." Sara tried to end the discussion. "I think we need more drinks."

"You bet we do! This is something we can all celebrate." Alex said, then the other women looked at her with wide eyes. "I don't mean like that!"

All three burst out laughing at the suggestion of celebrating with a mile high experience.

"Right. Just drinks then." Sara said with a wink.


Around the same time in the middle of players rows, Lucy startled awake. She looked around trying to make sense of her surroundings, then saw Vaz next to her, sound asleep. She realized she'd been asleep on Vaz's arm and suddenly felt a bit panicked that she might have drooled. She wiped gently at their sleeve, causing Vaz to wake up. She watched as Vaz went through the same process of trying to figure out where they were.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." Lucy said. "You make such a nice pillow, I was worried I might have drooled on you."

"I don't mind, Lucy." Vaz chuckled. "And you needed some sleep."

"Apparently you did too." Lucy teased. "I'm sorry Kara lured you back here. You could be up their with a nice seat that lays completely flat and..."

"And alone." Vaz interrupted. "I prefer being here with you."



"Well, that's nice to hear because, I have to confess something." Lucy took a deep breath. "Kara lured you back here because I was worried about...whether I would get to see you again."

"Would you like to see me again?"

"Yes. I really would."

"Why don't I give you my number? Then when you feel like seeing me again, you can just...give a ring."

"I'd like that very much."

"Me too, beautiful." Vaz whispered, reaching over to twine fingers with Lucy.


When Kara woke up she could tell they were no longer tied, but Lena was still deep inside her. She moaned relief and pleasure at the feeling and the realization that Lena was still there. Still so close with nothing between them. As she shifted to get more comfortable she inadvertently clenched around Lena, causing her to stir.

"Oohhhh." Lena groaned deeply. She squeezed her arms tightly around Kara where she had her wrapped up from behind.

"Are you awake?" Kara whispered.

"Yes, baby." Lena said, kissing the back of her neck. "How do you feel?"

"Fantastic. Thoroughly fucked and knotted."

"Good." Lena said, her alpha preening at the sound of contentment and pleasure in Kara's voice. "Speaking of, should I pull out?"

"I guess." Kara said wistfully. "I would like to see your face."

Lena shifted and pulled out as gently as she could. A moment later Kara flipped them around so that she was lying on top of Lena.

"I thought we might have waited too long...that you were too big to knot me..."

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll always make it fit, baby." Lena said, looking up at her with a cocky smile.

Kara swallowed hard, her hormones surging at the alpha's words. "You're so fucking hot."

"I'm sorry I had to bite so hard to get you to open up." Lena said. "Hope it didn't hurt too much."

"It did hurt, but in all the right ways." Kara said, smiling down at her. "I'm amazed you were able to do that without breaking my skin. You have such incredible...control."

"I admit it, that wasn't easy."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to...really bite me." Kara said, looking hesitant.

"It's OK, Kara. " Lena said. "But you know I couldn't do that."

Kara looked at her, crestfallen.

"No, I mean, I would never do that without us deciding together, beforehand. And not in the middle of an upcycle. In the middle of your heat." Lena paused as Kara searched her eyes. "The truth is, I don't think I've ever wanted to...break someone's skin more than I did in that moment."

"I guess that's happened to you before. An omega begging for your knot...for your mating bite."

"I suppose, but what's happened before with others...doesn't mean anything to me." Lena said. "And I'm sorry if it bothers you that I've been with so many..."

"Shhh. I don't care about any of that." Kara said, putting her finger across Lena's lips. "We're together now and that's all that matters."

"Kara, please know that when you're ready...I'll be ready." Lena said earnestly. "Just not...when you're in heat."

"OK then. I'll be sure and ask you. Sometime when I'm not in heat. And we'll get it all sorted."

"Really?" Lena asked, feeling hopeful but vulnerable.

"Yes, Lena." Kara said, leaning down for a quick kiss. "I mean, that's what I want. But what do you want?"

"I want...all the things. I want to give you all the things. Yes. Of course. That's all I want. That's all I could think about when I was trying to knot you. How much I wanted to bite you. To make you mine...forever."

"To be continued then" Kara said, kissing Lena chastely. "Once we're through this. And back into our normal lives."

"I don't know, Kara. It's hard to imagine you living a "normal" life." Lena said. "I think you're exceptional."

"Same to you, Ms. Luthor."

"Well, in that case maybe we can get back to our exceptional lives. But live them together."

"And then we can talk about...the details." Kara said with a smirk.



"In that case, I think earlier you mentioned something about accelerating?"

Kara put her hands on each side of Lena's head and shifted her body lower on Lena's. As she moved her ass bumped against Lena's already hardening cock, slipping slightly between her spread cheeks, causing them both to moan in unison:

"Oh, fuck..."