
18. Just for One Day

"Oh. Fuck!" Sara, Lena, and Kara starred at each other in shock, all three frozen and at a complete loss for words.

"Coach, I..." Kara finally blurted something out, and stammered for a few moments before Sara finally managed to pull herself together and slam the door. Kara turned to Lena with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, I..." Kara's eyes were wide with panic.

"Kara, it's going to be OK."

"What if Coach...benches me for the game?! Or doesn't start me..." Kara gasped. "I could never forgive myself...I'm such an idiot, I just wanted..."

"Kara. I promise. It's going to be OK." Lena said with complete calm and determination. She wanted to do whatever she could to keep Kara from panicking.

"Lena, she wouldn't let me start just because I was late to practice! Somehow this seems like...another level."

"Are you telling me she's established a team policy around...this situation?"

"Well, not that I'm aware of..." Kara said.

"Something tells me...that it isn't in her best interest to...punish you. ..why would she bench her star player? Or risk upsetting her top sponsor?"

"Maybe not. I don't know. Maybe she needs to prove a point?"

"As long as she doesn't say anything to the team...no one would be the wiser." Lena looked at Kara closely. "Do you trust me, Kara?"

"Trust you? Well...yes. Of course I do."

"Then just...relax. I want you to stay in here. Get some rest. Concentrate on the game. Know that everything is under control."

"I..." Kara stammered.

"Let's just...lay low. For the rest of the trip, OK?"

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"Let's just...cool it until we get back home, OK?"

"OK. Sure. I know you're right. After getting completely busted by Coach...we have to be more careful."

"It's not like I'm your boss, Kara. But if we start openly dating...people are going to have questions. Questions about why L-Corp sponsored your team at such a high level. It just...doesn't look good. I'm not saying we have to be a secret, but the longer we can push out the public 'coming out' the better."

"I totally get it, Lena. You don't want people to question your motives for bringing L-Corp in as a sponsor for the Spirit. We don't want them to think you did it for me...that we were together and that's why you did it."

"It would look really bad to Board, not to mention diminish the public relations bonanza this has been for us. Maybe after the championship..."

"So, if we win the championship the Board will be so thrilled with the publicity that, maybe they won't be so worried about it if our dating does become public?" Kara asked.


"OK, I'll keep it on the down-low." Kara said with a small smile.

"Kara. If there would be some...repercussions...with your coach because of what just happened here...would that make you re-think your decision for us to date?"

"What?!" Kara said in shock. "Lena...of course not."

"I know you're worried about how a relationship could impact your career..."

"No. Lena, don't get the wrong idea. I'm not having doubts about my decision. I'm just nervous about how Coach will react, and cursing myself for not having better control of my...desires. I just...had been thinking about you so much. Being in this tiny space with you...surrounded in your smell. Then hearing you groan...feeling your cock. All my reasoning went out the window. All I wanted was you..." Kara said, taking a deep breath. "But that's OK. I know that I have to do better...Stay in control. That doesn't mean I've changed my mind about...us."

Kara took Lena's hand and kissed it.

"I'm glad to hear it, Kara. I guess I'm worried that I might do something to...impact your career. To make you re-think things..."

"Never." Kara broke in.

"Even so. Let's agree we're going to take a pause in Gotham. Wait till we get back to NC. Go out on a proper date...get to know each other?" Lena laughed at her last remark.

"Absolutely. We need to be smart and take it slow. Sorry for jumping the gun...as it were. I just...lost all control. But I promise...I'll try to be good while we're in Gotham."

"Oh, Kara. And you're always good...so good...especially when you're bad." Lena said with a wide smirk. "And god, do I love that. But I guess I'm asking that you take a break from being...so fucking good to me..."

"Whatever you want, Lena."

"Thank you."

Kara laughed. "By the way, we're going to win this championship, and the Board is going to be thrilled, so no worries there."

"God, you're so hot when you're cocky..." Lena said, pulling Kara in for a kiss.

"And you're so hot when you're cocky..." Kara said when they pulled back for a breath. "But maybe you shouldn't be so cocky when you go back out." She reached down to tuck Lena's cock back inside her underwear, then gently zipped her pants as Lena let out a quiet moan.

"So...do you think Sara saw...?" Kara looked pointedly down at Lena's cock.

"No, I think you were blocking her view with your body. But I think she still had a very clear picture of what was going on."

"Yeah, we were just completely busted."

"I don't want you to worry about that. You're job is to rest and focus on the game. My job is to speak to your coach and make sure nothing comes of our...harmless time together.

Lena could tell by Kara's smile that she trusted Lena to handle the situation.

Lena cupped Kara's chin and pulled her in for a last chaste kiss. "Thanks for the earth-shattering blowjob. That was a great...tension release. You got me so hot...I would have been stuck with a hard-on for the rest of the flight."

"The pleasure was all mine." Kara grinned, turning her head to kiss Lena's palm.

"I'm serious about you staying in here and resting." Lena said, she pulled Kara to her feet and then switched their positions so that Kara's calves were against the bed. She then pushed her to sit down on the bed and then laid her back on the pillow.


"Kara, I insist. I'm going to talk to the crew and make sure they know not to use the cabin. This flight isn't long enough that they're required to take a break."

Lena reached up and pulled out a blanket from a small cupboard over the bed. She laid the blanket over Kara and tucked her in.

"Try to get some sleep."

Kara's eyes fluttered sleepily. "You always take such good care of me."

Lena's heart leaped at Kara's words. She turned to go.

"Lena?" Kara murmured softly.


"Tomorrow the day will be packed with media and prep for the game. I may not see you before the game. I know they'll put you in the away team's VIP box. Will you...right before the kick off...will you...blow me a kiss?" Kara paused, sounding anxious. "For luck?"

"Of course, darling." Lena's heart skipped another beat looking at Kara snuggled into the tiny bed. In that moment she promised herself she would do anything in her power to protect Kara and make her happy.

"Thank you, Lena."

"Sweet dreams, Kara."

"Mmhmm." Kara murmured before closing her eyes.

Lena pulled the door closed carefully, then straightened her back to face her next task.


Lena made her way to the back of the plane, looking from side to side to find the team's coach. She found her near the back, her head leaning back against the head rest and looking up at the ceiling as if in a daze.

"Coach Lance?" Lena asked to get her attention. "Might I have a word?"

Sara's head shot up and eyes went wide. She seemed unable to speak but moved to stand. Lena turned and continued to the back of the plane where there was a space for the attendants to serve.

She leaned back against the counters and watched as Sara followed in close behind. Lena could tell she was trying to control a smirk as she crossed her arms and attempted to look stern.

"Sara..." Lena said, trying to think what to say. "I just want to...apologize..." Apologies were something Lena rarely found herself offering and she felt awkward.

"Lena." She said pointedly.

"I'm not sure what you saw back there..."

"Enough..." Sara broke in.

"Right, I..." Lena struggled to figure out her best approach. She hated the idea of lording the sponsorship over her. But she wasn't above doing anything she needed to do to ensure Kara's place in the championship game.

"I just...I really hope..." Lena was trying to keep from going full Luthor, and just tried to discuss thing like a normal, reasonable person with the coach.

"Lena, please." Sara finally broke in. "Really, I've never seen you like this. You're making me nervous. What is it you want?"

"I just...want to be sure that...what you saw...doesn't impact you're plans for tomorrow's game. Specifically regarding Kara's playing time."

"Right, of course." Sara smirked. "Lena, listen. If you think I haven't noticed the looks between you two for the past few weeks, well then, you must think I'm blind. Or an idiot."

Lena's mouth dropped open. "I don't think you're an idiot. And I want you to know this is a new thing. Well, sort of."

"Lena, you don't owe me an explanation. What you do is your business. And Kara, well. My job is to keep her performing at her best. And as long as you don't have plans to impede her from performing at her best, then,...you are both grown women. What you do is not my business." Sara said firmly. "Just...maybe don't take care of your business on a plane filled with other team members?"

"Of course!" Lena said with relief. "Of course. I never intended..."

"I know, but still...just...if others knew about it...it would be...complicated."

"Of course. Whatever you say, Sara. Will you just promise me that your starting lineup has not changed since you...saw what you saw?" Lena asked.

"If you're asking whether your girlfriend is going to start tomorrow, the answer is yes."

"Thank you, Sara." Lena gripped Sara's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Oh, and...she's not my girlfriend."

"Fine. Just...whatever it is, please keep it quiet until we get through the championship, OK?"

"Yes. Kara was just promising we would do that."

Sara turned to go but Lena caught her hand and pulled her back.

"Sara. One more thing." Lena said a bit sheepishly. "I'm going to need you to sign an NDA regarding what you saw."

Sara started to laugh, then looked at Lena's face. "You're serious?"

"Sara, of course I trust you. I just...well, I grew up a Luthor. We don't leave anything to chance."

Sara looked at her closely. "Fine, Lena. If it means that much to you."

"Thanks, Sara. You're the best."

"I know." Sara said with a wink. "And by the way, I want to say thank you. You've done more for the Spirit this year than the rest of our sponsors put together."

"It's an honor, Sara. I'm so proud that L-Corp is supporting you and the rest of the team. Win or lose, National City is so lucky to have you and the team representing us."

"Thanks." Sara said with a deep sigh. "Now can I go back to trying to erase the last 20 minutes of my life from my brain? I was innocently walking past the cabin when I heard strange noises...I never meant to.."

"Of course! Please do. Erase it from your mind, I mean." Lena broke in. "I didn't mean to take you away from your pre-game ritual."

"Thank you." Sara said, moving to go. "I guess I'll see you out there?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lena agreed.


Next on Lena's agenda, speaking to the cabin crew. She informed them that no one was to use the cabin for the remainder of the flight. The flight was not long enough to mandate anyone taking a break, and since it was her private crew she knew they had not been on previous flights that would cause them to need a break. After speaking with the crew captain she felt confident that Kara wouldn't be disturbed and made her way back to her seat up front.

Lena collapsed next to Sam, who would not let her rest without some explanation.

"So. Sounds like you had a 'meeting of the minds' with Kara?"

"Ummm, well. Unfortunately minds were not closely involved. As usual, when we get together...things just get...out of hand."

"Out-of-hand. Well, that doesn't sound too bad."

Eventually Lena gave in and quietly filled Sam in on the events. Sam was beyond excited and texted Alex to let her know Kara would be napping in the crew cabin, probably for the duration of the flight.

To her relief and also disappointment, Lena had no other opportunities to interact with Kara during the flight. Several times she caught Kara glancing at her as the team disembarked from the plane and gathered their bags. Lena insisted on hanging back so that the staff would give their full attention to the team, to get them on their way to the hotel as quickly as possible.

Eventually she and Sam came down the stairs and walked to another long black car waiting on the runway - L-Corp's car in Gotham. By the time they reached the hotel the team was long gone from the lobby, and Lena felt gratified thinking they were all tucked away in their rooms. She loved being able to support women athletes and giving them more of a first-class treatment that usually was only given to their male counterparts.\


The next day Lena was again relieved yet disappointed to find that Kara had been right - there was no time or opportunity for them to see each other ahead of the game. She spent time during the day answering questions for reporters and eventually found herself along with many others in the National City VIP box at the field. Unlike the many others sharing the box, she found herself fixated on the warm-up activities of one Kara Danvers. While the others went to the bar for drinks and made plates of food, she kept her eyes on the field. She was nervous and had no appetite at all.

Finally, the referee blew the whistle for the teams to line up. Lena watched as Kara lined up with the other captain for the coin toss. Lena rejoiced, along with the rest of the box, when Kara won the toss.

Watching Kara closely, she saw the exact moment when Kara turned and looked directly at the VIP box. Lena's fingers went automatically to her lips. She kissed her fingertips and moved them towards Kara. She watched Kara smile widely and wink. She wasn't sure whether Kara could really see her, but she felt sure that Kara knew she was watching and sending her a kiss. Her heart swelled and for a moment it didn't matter who won or lost. She felt confident that she and Kara would have a chance together. And in that moment that was all she wanted.

During the game she quickly changed her position. She wanted Kara, and the rest of the Spirit, to win. She and Sam watched every move carefully. The teams went back and forth with no score for more than 20 minutes. Lena felt she could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Entering into the 30th minute with no score Lena watched in shock as the center forward playing opposite Kara put her leg out at just the right moment to cause Kara to trip as she drove down the field. Lena held her breath until she saw Kara back on her feet.

"Fucking Kate!" She said under her breath as she watched anxiously to see whether Kara was OK.

"Did you say something, Lena?" Sam was standing next to her and watching her closely.

"Why does Kate have to be...such an asshole?"

"Ha! Well...you didn't used to say that about her." Sam observed wryly.

"Sam! That was a long time ago."

"Maybe. But very memorable."

"Do you think Kara knows about that?"

"Well, that year you spent with Kate Kane...you weren't very...careful...about the publicity. And there was a lot of coverage..."

"God, I was such an idiot."

"No. You were just young and naive. You were in love. And she was..."

"We were both young. And passionate. We nearly burned each other up trying to break it off."

"That was behind you a long time ago."

"It doesn't keep me from wanting to throttle her when she intentionally made Kara fall."

"Kara's fine. It's just an unfortunate part of the game." Sam said, trying to calm Lena. "Winning this game is all the payback needed."

Lena felt gratified to see Kara right back in the mix, and after a couple more trips down the field Lucy scored a phenomenal goal off an assist from Kara. Lena barely kept herself from jumping up and down in the VIP box.

"Lena, really? I've never seen you this excited about sports."

"Well, obviously this would be a boon from L-Corp."

"Of course. This is about the bottom line." Sam sad suspiciously eyeing Lena.

Lena looked with narrowed eyes at Sam. "OK. I'll admit it worries me. After what happened on the plane. It feels extra important that Kara does well..."

"Lena! Kara's a grown woman. And what happened on the plane...that's what she wanted..."

"I know that! Obviously. I just don't want her worried about...being distracted by me. After the championship things get...even bigger - with training for the Cup..."

"Hey, let's take one step at a time. Like I said, Kara is a big girl. And I know you'll be looking out for her best interests. It's all going to be fine."

"If you say so..." Lena said warily.

"I do say so." Sam said, smiling confidently at her friend and giving her a squeeze


It wasn't until the second half before Gotham City scored a goal, then not long later they followed it with another, putting National City down by one. Lena and Sam watched with their hearts in their throats. Lena felt Sam gripped her arm tightly and at her curiously.

"Hey, I don't remember you being this invested in sports either..." Lena teased.

"What? Hey, this is a big opportunity for L-Corp, and as their new COO, that is my primary interest." Sam said, then looked guiltily at Lena. "Not to mention my girlfriend will be devastated if they lose."

"Girlfriend!" Lena exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Sam and squeezing tightly. "I don't think I've heard you use that term in quite a while."

"Well...we've only talked about that very recently..." Sam said. "And it still feels a bit weird saying it out loud - but I have to admit, I love saying it!"

Lena gave Sam a full body hug. "I'm so happy for you, Sammie."

Sam melted into the hug. "Thanks. It's been a long time coming. Alex is really...something altogether different from any woman I've dated before."

"Well. I can't deny that the Danvers sisters do have their charms..." Lena's eyes drifted back to the field where she saw Kara once again handling the ball with ease and strength. Still, her stomach was in knots about the 2-1 score, with Gotham ahead.

The two best friends watched the remainder of the game barely remembering to breath. Finally, with just 3 minutes to go, Kara made an incredible score, after a masterful fake to one side where she left Kate Kane in the dust. Even though National City was the away team there was a huge outpouring of support from the crowd. Without thinking about it Lena and Sam had wrapped their arms around each other an began bouncing up and down. After several minutes they came to their senses and looked around to see if they were being observed in the VIP box. Fortunately, the rest of the box seemed to be just as excited and no one seemed to notice them screaming like school girls.

Both women held their breath for the remaining minutes as both teams fought to break the tie. In the end the game stayed tied, pushing it into over time. Lena couldn't remember being this excited about a game, or much else for that matter, but reminded herself she had to behave like a CEO. She was relieved that the Spirit came out after the starting whistle to take it down the field for a goal in less than 3 minutes. The offense was nearly perfect with their passing, and in the end it was Imra as Second Striker who sent it through the posts. After that both teams battled hard and there were many close calls on both sides

It wasn't until the only 5 minutes remained when Kara intercepted a pass and took it most of the way down the field. She made a long pass to Lucy who slid to reach and tip the ball through the corner of the goal posts. The field and the VIP box erupted. Lena forgot the rule she had just made for herself about being dignified as she and Sam celebrated at the top of their lungs.

After that it was a matter of hanging on through defense to keep the 2-point lead. When the final buzzer sounded Lena and Sam both rejoiced, their nerves fried by the time the game was over - National City:4, Gotham City:2.

Lena watched as the Spirit team members hugged and screamed in happiness. She watched Kara lift Lucy and twirl her around. Lena shrugged off the small stab of jealousy at their obvious affection for each other. Eventually she saw Kara and other teammates talking to reporters who had been waiting for them on the a sidelines while the stage was being built for the ceremony.

Sam appeared next to her and handed her a glass of champagne. They clinked glasses and drank.

"Congratulations, Lena. The Board is going to be over the moon about this bonus part of the season. It's a public relations dream."

"Thanks. It's funny, right now I don't care so much about that. I mean, of course I care, but I can't help feeling so happy for these women. They worked so hard to get here, and then to win the whole thing - amazing! I really had no idea what it took until we began sponsoring them. Hell, I didn't even now how to play soccer!"

"I'd say you're feeling happy for one woman in particular..."

"Hmpf! Well, I'd say you're feeling especially happy for one woman in particular too." Lena fired back.

"Guilty, as charged." Sam said beamed and winked at Lena.

At that moment they heard the award ceremony getting started on the field.

"Hey, why don't we get down there? I feel like we're too far a way to be a part of the festivities." Sam said.

"You mean you're too far away from your girlfriend." Lena teased.

"Call it what you want, boss. But let's get our asses down there."


As the women walked on to the field there were many people recognizing and congratulating them. They made their way close to the platform before stopping to watch the ceremony and listen to the speeches. They watched as Sara accepted the trophy and immediately gave a long speech thanking the team.

Next came the MVP for the tournament. Sam leaned over and whispered to Lena.

"Lena, you realize Kara will probably win MVP for the tourney. Just in this match she scored a goal and assisted with 2 goals, not to mention being leading scorer for the season."

"What? Oh. I didn't even know there was such an award." Just moments after realizing what they were announcing, she heard Kara's name read and watched as she came forward to accept the trophy.

With all the screaming Lena couldn't hear most of what Kara said during her acceptance speech, but she did hear her thank L-Corp for all the support. She stood watching in amazement.

"Still with me, boss?" Sam said, elbowing her in the side.

"Yes...I just. She's phenomenal, isn't she? I don't just mean her playing, her personality, the way she handles the crowd and attention. She's stunning."

"Oh my god, Lena. You have it bad." Sam giggled. They watched as more people started coming up for various awards and speeches.

Lena watched the rest of the awards and speeches. She felt mesmerized, watching the woman who had stolen her heart and led the team to the league championship. She longed to go to her and wrap her arms around her. To tell her how good she was. Lena wanted to touch her with ever fiber of her being. She realized she needed to get out of there before she had a chance to do something stupid.

"Hey, let's get out of here. Make ourselves pretty for the after party." She said to Sam, pulling her to move away from the crowd and off the field.

"Well, it's true that some of us need more help than others..." Sam smirked.

Lena gave her a quick jab to the ribs. "You are the absolutely worst!" She said, and continued to drag Sam away.

As they neared the exit Lena turned to take a last look towards Kara. Her gaze lingered for a moment, enjoying the sight of Kara celebrating with fans and teammates. Just as she was turning to go she saw Kara glance towards her, and saw her eyes go wide when she recognized her. Lena watched as Kara shrugged off her well-wishers and made a beeline for Lena.

"Sam, we should go..." Lena said. She could see Kara quickly covering the ground between them, despite the crowd. But when Lena willed her body to go, she found it unwilling to move from Kara's rapidly approaching figure. And she knew whatever Kara said or did, she wouldn't be able to cover up her feelings. Surrounded by fans and reporters, she was panicked about the fallout. But after all the publicity and scandals she'd been through in her life, she couldn't bring her brain to override her heart. Instead, she released Sam and turned to accept whatever was to come.

As she watched the superstar fight her way through the crowd, she could only feel excitement at the thought of being close to her again. To tell her how amazing she was and hold her tightly. As Kara made it through the edge of the crowd, she looked incredibly beautiful, mussed and sweaty from the game with an expression like she'd conquered the world. As far as Lena was concerned, she had. Lena drew a deep breath and gave a reluctant smile as she watched Kara just feet away from her and gasped:

Oh. Fuck.