

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

The rabbit bites people when it is anxious!

Chen Xu led Wang Dong and others towards Liu Lingtian's dormitory. Coincidentally, this guy's dormitory was upstairs from Chen Xu, which happened to be 307! So Chen Xu was a little scared after thinking about it and said, what if he takes revenge on me like this in the future? He doesn't even need to go downstairs. As long as he does the eighth set of radio gymnastics in the dormitory every day, the dust on our ceiling will fall down.

Guan Yi slapped him on the back and said: How could it be possible? What you are about to say is really right. It is too late for people to thank you. How could you do such a thing?

Seeing this goblin, Chen Xu rolled his eyes in frustration and said, "Sister, this is the boys' dormitory. I told you not to come in, but you came in anyway, and you can come here and dress so ostentatiously and in such a fashionable way, okay?" Do you understand being low-key? Do you want to be dragged directly into the dormitory by some animal in heat? "

Guan Yi had known Chen Xu for a while, and knowing that this guy was full of arrogance, he spat at him and said, "How can I have time to change clothes? Besides, do you think I want to come in? Every boy's dormitory is like a pig's nest. Yes, it stinks. It's just that this matter has something to do with me, so I won't worry if I don't come to see him."

When Chen Xu heard this, his ears drooped and he said, sister, if you continue to be so merciful, your boyfriend will probably be the most worried about you in the future.

Guan Yi asked why, and Chen Xu said: "Look at you, you look like you are ready to accept anyone who comes... Well, of course I don't mean anything else, but I feel like you are really easy to get along with, right? You are so good at talking, and people have become their confidants without even talking to you for a few words. If they talk to you for a few more words, they will almost swear that they will not marry you unless they are you. Besides, sister, you are born to attract bees and butterflies. , Aren't you cheating?"

Seeing Guan Yi pinching her ears and thinking carefully, Chen Xu yelled in his heart, "It's over, why is this woman thinking so coquettishly?"

Wang Dong, who was walking in front, also said: "Indeed, it is easy for you Guan Yi to get along with others. This is an advantage but also a disadvantage. You must know that the ratio of boys and girls in Union University is 5:1, and the ratio of beauties to dinosaurs is The ratio is 15:1, and for a talkative beauty, the ratio is less than 45:1. Even I, a junior in college, have heard of your name, and many animals have told me that they really like you. . This kind of love will probably deteriorate after a few contacts. To be honest, I always hate it when some girls think they are beautiful and put on airs. But for you, sometimes you really have to put up airs, otherwise there will be trouble in the future. When you are in trouble."

Guan Yi shook his head: "Actually, I know what you said, but I don't like it very much."

Hearing what she said, several people sighed, thinking that the animals in Hexieda would suffer in the future, but they must not be too sentimental, especially in front of this goblin.

A group of people came to the door of dormitory 307. Wang Dong asked everyone to wait outside. He knocked on the door and went in, only to find that Liu Lingtian was not in the dormitory at all. And now there is only one animal left in the dormitory, because it is relatively hot now, and he is lying on the bed wearing only a pair of briefs and playing with the computer. Seeing that there was a beautiful woman following behind Wang Dong, he was so frightened that he ran back with a wolf howl, and hurriedly put on a pair of large pants and a T-shirt.

"Liu Lingtian? He's not back! He called me just now to go have a drink at the west gate of the school, but I didn't go."

Wang Dong, Chen Xu and others looked at each other and knew that this guy was drinking to drown his sorrows. Just as he was about to leave and look for him outside, Guan Yi suddenly asked this senior, "Have you noticed anything wrong with Liu Lingtian recently?"

"Something's wrong?" The beast scratched his head and said, "No, there's nothing wrong. Oh, there's something wrong. He's been mumbling these days that he's attracted to a beautiful girl in his freshman year, and he's texting her every night. Short message.

Chen Xu and others pretended to cough a few times, deliberately not looking at the embarrassed Guan Yi. Wang Dong asked: "Other than that? Has he been bitten by a dog recently?"

The beast smiled and said, "Boss Wang Dong, you don't suspect that he has rabies, do you?" !

Seeing the serious expressions of Wang Dong and others, the smile on the animal's face fell, he swallowed and said, boss, don't scare me, he won't really get it... What about that?

Wang Dong looked at his cowardly look and said with disdain: "You are so scared, rabies cannot be transmitted through contact."

The animal's face became slightly clearer, but then he jumped up and cursed: "Damn, the problem is that just two days ago, a few of us went downstairs to play ball. When we came back, we bought a bottle of mineral water without any money. He drank it. I'll drink it later! Will anything happen?"

Uh... Chen Xu looked at the animal who was turning blue with pity, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Senior, come with us to find Liu Lingtian. You can go to the hospital together for a checkup later. "

The animal's throat twitched, and after a long while he said: "No, I didn't hear Liu Lingtian say he was bitten by a dog. If he was bitten, it was also bitten by a rabbit?!"


The animal nodded and said, don't medical schools often conduct experiments? So there are mice, rabbits, etc. in the laboratory. That day, a few of us passed by the breeding room and saw no one inside, but there were several large cages full of rabbits, so we planned to steal one and take it out. I asked the master at the restaurant at the school gate to cut it and cook it to improve the food...

Chen Xu and Guan Yi sweated when they heard this. Chen Xu said you are so brave. I heard that those rabbits were used for experiments and were drugged. How dare you eat them secretly?

At this time, Wang Dong patted him and said it was okay. I had done this kind of thing before, and the rabbits that had been treated with medicine were all after the experiment. In order to fully reflect the medicinal properties, the rabbits before were very healthy. And even if the Department of Medicine conducts experiments, they just tie the rabbits to the test table, anesthetize them, and then dissect them to check the nerves. Therefore, usually even after the experiments, the rabbits are fine and can be eaten as they are. By the way, the old man Li, the janitor of the laboratory, always takes back the rabbits after experiments and burns them for himself to eat. His rabbit head stew is a specialty of Union University!

Chen Xu sweated even more when he heard this. He always thought that he was already darker and evil, but he didn't expect that he was still a scumbag compared to these older animals! But Chen Xu was also a little tempted, saying that it would be okay to eat rabbits that had been anesthetized?

Wang Dong smiled and said that this is not necessarily the case. Some students do experiments for the first time and take too much anesthesia. It is said that a few guys from the construction engineering department accidentally won the lottery last time and ate this kind of rabbit with lots of anesthetics. As a result, a group of people went to the hospital and stayed for two days. Usually nothing happens.

At this point, Wang Dong asked, was Liu Lingtian bitten when he stole the rabbit?

The animal said yes. At that time, we secretly opened a cage. Liu Lingtian was the bravest and asked him to reach in and catch it. It is strange that those rabbits are usually quite docile, but that big white rabbit seemed to be a little crazy. I bit it and there was blood! So we didn't dare to catch him anymore, so we turned around and ran away.

As expected, rabbits bite people when they are anxious! Wang Dong said contemptuously: "Damn, so this is the difference between sophomore and junior year. We all just ran away with the cage!", so Chen Xu and others sweated again.

"But," Wang Dong scratched his head: "Do rabbits also have rabies?"

"Yes," Guan Yi thought for a while and said, "Rabies is just a general term, and dogs are not the only ones who get this disease. Cats, skunks, kangaroos, raccoons and rabbits are also sensitive bodies, and rabbits are always sensitive. It's relatively docile, but if it's the kind that's extremely violent and prone to attacking people, it might really be rabies."

"Is that so?" Chen Xu and others said they didn't know. They only knew that dogs were the most common, and cats had also been heard of. But rabbits carried rabies and bitten people. This was really the first time they heard of it. , in other words, Liu Lingtian is really weak.

The matter was almost understood at this point. Liu Lingtian might have really been infected with rabies because of this incident. Wang Dong just waved his hand and said that brothers should kill Ximen. The beast in Liu Lingtian's dormitory said that bosses, wait for me, I want to check it out too. one time.

While walking on the road, I heard that the animal was found by Chen Xu. When I heard that this junior student was actually Chen Banxian, who was famous in the college, I grabbed Chen Xu and said, "Boss, please check it for me too! "

Chen Xu fainted. He didn't want to expose his ability too much. Rabies is different from stomach diseases, especially since it is difficult to detect within the incubation period. Liu Lingtian had shown certain symptoms before. And Wang Dong's classmate's stomach problems can also be explained by taking pulses, so it doesn't matter if these abilities are revealed, the worst is that others will think that he has superb medical skills. And if someone can tell whether they have rabies by spitting, then Chen Xu is almost certain that after the news gets out early tomorrow morning, the dean of the medical school will probably come to the head of the school of information with two kitchen knives. people.

Whether Chen Xu is angry with that guy Liu Lingtian, he is definitely still angry! Because this guy was making trouble unreasonably and even spit on himself.

But if he was left alone just because of such a small reason, Chen Xu wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Although Chen Xu never thought that he was a saint who sympathized with all living beings, the grievances between him and Liu Lingtian were just a small conflict. There was no need to worry about some things between men. On the other side of the contradiction is a human life. Which one is more important? It is naturally easy to choose.

As a man, if you don't have this kind of mind, then your life is really in vain.

Chen Xu didn't see that Guan Yi looked at him with a little more admiration and intimacy.

Well, he is thinking in his mind right now: "Keep your mind in mind, grudges must be kept clear, I will remember those words, and I will give you a good beating in a while, and then we will clear up..."