

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Rabies (Part 2)

Everyone was dumbfounded, Kou Kou was dumbfounded, Guan Yi was dumbfounded, and even Liu Lingtian was dumbfounded.

After a long while, Liu Lingcai roared: "You are the one with rabies! Your whole family is rabid!"

Chen Xu felt that he was an adult and was not as knowledgeable as this guy, so he said earnestly: "Why are you like this? You really have rabies. Go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"Hiss..." Now everyone felt that what Chen Xu did was a bit too unkind.

You said that people just spat on you, and it was you who hurt them first. Do you need to kill them all? Now he is still attacking with such venomous tongue, hey, you have to be kind!

Wu Yuan and others came over and pulled Chen Xu aside, whispering: Forget about the third child, this guy is quite pitiful, so don't kill him all.

The old director also said, yes, yes, you have to be merciful and you have to be merciful. Anyway, you have nothing to lose. At worst, we will go downstairs to block him and beat him up.

Qin Xiao'an also said to the third child, don't be so stingy. You can see that his girls have been picked up by you, so let's forget it.

Chen Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Do you all think I was scolding him?

Everyone looked at him with a very strange look, which meant: "Don't you?!"

"I'm serious!" Chen Xu almost cried and said to Liu Lingtian: "Brother, although you did something unkind just now, I won't argue with you. But you really have rabies, or Go to the hospital quickly!"

"Are you done yet?!" Liu Lingtian went crazy: "I think you're a psycho! Get out of the way, I don't want to see you as a psycho!"

"No, listen to me, you really have rabies!"

 "you are crazy!"

"No, you really have rabies!"







The two guys argued like crazy for a long time, and were finally pulled away. It wasn't until Liu Lingtian disappeared from sight while shouting "Crazy" that Chen Xu found out in a dumbfounded way what he had just done. ? !

He actually got into a fight with Liu Lingtian, scolding each other one by one. It's strange that people can believe it!

Thinking about how embarrassed he was in front of so many people, Chen Xu felt a little angry and depressed, but after thinking about it, he felt that he still couldn't leave Liu Lingtian alone... It wasn't like there was any deep hatred, and it wasn't so bad for classmates to scold each other. Normal thing? So Chen Xu quickly asked Wu Ning: "Do you have Liu Lingtian's phone number?"

Wu Ning gave him a look of disdain and said, do you still want to call and scold him?

Chen Xu was just about to say that I wasn't scolding him. When he saw the little flower girl next to him coming out, he walked over to Wu Ning and said sweetly: "Senior, will you be my dance partner next time at the dance?" Chen Xu knew what Wu Ning was doing. I despise myself so much. He turned around and ran away before the little flower girl took a fancy to him, not daring to look back.

"I have his phone number, but you..." Guan Yi walked over with his cell phone at this time and said, "Let's forget it."

Chen Xu was about to cry: "You also think I want to scold him? Forget it, give me his number first... Well, there is also yours. I will send text messages to harass you at night when nothing happens. "

Guan Yi smiled, reported two numbers and said, "What, are you really not scolding him?"

"Why am I scolding him!" Chen Xu said with a bitter face: "It's not interesting, and do you think I'm such a chicken-hearted person? I'm telling you, you should stay away from him, he will definitely It's rabies!"

Probably thinking of the name Chen Xu and Chen Banxian, Guan Yi frowned and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Chen Xu said with certainty. Because rabies is transmitted through saliva, the guy's spit was blocked by Chen Xu with his hand. A lot of the saliva got on the watch turned into a supercomputer, so the watch analyzed it and found that the saliva contained rabies virus. !

"I'm rescuing him now! And the animals in his dormitory are being rescued. I don't want to see a major outbreak of rabies in Hexie, which is like a biochemical crisis."

Guan Yi thought about it carefully. Liu Lingtian's behavior just now was indeed not normal. To put it harshly, he really looked like a mad dog... But this doesn't mean he has rabies? And if it is really a rabies attack, there will be more than just this.

Seeing that Guan Yi was still doubtful, Chen Xu scratched his head and said, sister, don't you know that rabies has an incubation period? Normally, it won't happen, but when the mood comes up, there may be signs of this. I suggest you call him and ask him if he has been bitten by a dog recently. If he has been bitten, then It's definitely true. Go to the hospital quickly.

Guan Yi hesitated for a moment and dialed Liu Lingtian's number. As soon as the phone rang, Liu Lingtian's extremely excited voice came from the other side: "Yi, did you call me?"

Chen Xu felt another chill as he listened next to him, and he said... Why are you doing such a Korean drama? I remember when I was watching The Promise, the most shocking thing was when they opened their mouths and said the word "king", it was so shocking.

Guan Yi's expression was also quite embarrassing. He thought for a moment and then said: "Senior, um, I just want to ask, have you been bitten by a dog recently or within a few months? And then you didn't get the rabies vaccine?"

"..." After a period of silence on the other side of the phone, Liu Lingtian's voice exploded like thunder, but at this time Guan Yi had already smartly moved the phone away from his ear, "You actually thought I was rabid. Do you think I was bitten by a dog? Do you think I am a mad dog?

Guan Yi pressed down the phone before he finished speaking: "I should have known that asking him at this time would lead to this result."

"Then what should I do?" Chen Xu was a little frustrated, "Or leave him alone or die if you love him." Seeing the way Guan Yi looked at him, Chen Xu became even more depressed: "Then sister, what do you think we should do? How about I bring a few people to pretend to be part of the dog-fighting team and beat that guy up and send him to the hospital?"

This was originally a joke, but Chen Xu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Hey, this is indeed a good idea!"

Guan Yi put his head on his hands, probably thinking why this guy was so out of tune, and then said stop making trouble and think about a solution. If it is rabies, it will be a big trouble.

The more Chen Xu thought about it, the more he thought this method was good, so he said don't worry, I'll go find Boss Wang Dong. He has a high reputation in the college and ask him to persuade him. If he doesn't listen, we'll beat him up and send him away. Go to the hospital.

Guan Yi rolled her eyes directly... She found that she always thought she was smart, but she couldn't grasp the thinking of the animal in front of her.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry anyway. I'll talk to him after his mood stabilizes, or let him accompany me to the hospital." Guan Yi thought for a while and said, "If I let him accompany me, He should go."

"No, no, no!" Chen Xu shook his head like a wave, "Sister, I'm already in deep trouble with you, and this guy is very narcissistic, super narcissistic, and he'll look like he's shining brightly if you give him a little sunshine. So. It's better to stay away from him. Besides, why did you trick him into going to the hospital? "

Seeing Guan Yi glare and wanting to hit him, Chen Xu quickly retracted his head: "Hey, hey, it's just a little joke. I said sister, you tricked him into going to the hospital and tricked him into getting a check-up. It was nothing more than seduction. , this trick can't be used anymore, otherwise the kid will be really afraid of it! I think my trick works, it's simple and convenient!"

Guan Yi tilted his head, with a look of distrust on his face: "You don't want to take this opportunity. In fact, the real purpose is to beat him up, right?"


Boss Wang Dong was really interesting. After hearing what Chen Xu said, he immediately led a group of people to kill him. When he saw Chen Xu at the entrance of the corridor, he said, "I said Chen Xu, are you sure? This is no small matter!"

"It's a trivial matter and I'm still looking for you?" Chen Xu rolled his eyes: "You juniors have heard of my nickname Chen Banxian, right? How could I be wrong? I'll go to his dormitory later. If he's nice to talk to, , let's take him to the hospital alive and well. If he doesn't obey, you can bring someone to beat him until he's subdued! He'll be sent to the hospital in a while anyway, so it doesn't matter if he's injured a lot... But be careful, don't let him give you a blow. Bite."

Wang Dong rolled his eyes and said that it would be okay if he beat someone up, but they were all members of this hospital and it would not be good to do such a vicious thing. It's not that I can't trust you. How about you check this brother of mine? If you can find out what disease he has, I will go with you!

Chen Xu turned his head and saw that it was the beast who was with Wang Dong at the door of the police station that day, but his face didn't seem to be very good. So Chen Xu pretended to touch his chest, then pinched his pulse, and pretended to check the time on the watch... but in fact, he just wanted to read the words on the watch.

After the scene was done, Chen Xu said it was nothing. Did this brother drink too much yesterday? I went for gastric lavage, but there is still some stomach bleeding. Drink more milk.

"Okay!" Wang Dong and others opened their eyes wide, saying that Chen Banxian really lived up to his reputation!

Chen Xu chuckled and said he can trust me now.

Wang Dong spat heavily and said, "Brothers, be careful, don't get bitten!"