

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

At the last moment, SMMH showed up!

Watching the battle live on the forum, Chen Xu's heart boiled with excitement. Then he clicked on the address www.SMMH.com, and then saw a long list of names on the homepage... It was in English and he couldn't understand it.

"Uh, Xiao Min, please translate."

This list won't shock a novice like Chen Xu, but to hackers all over the world, this is a complete showoff post... just like a fugitive murderer in a serial murder case who kills people every day He wrote on his blog that at what time he killed, it was the same as who he killed.

This is Hong Guoguo showing off!

However, Chen Xu had no interest in this list. He looked left and right, not knowing what he should do now.

"Ahhh!" Chen Xu grabbed his hair, and he realized that he was too naive! So he had to order Xiao Min: "Get this website server down for me!"

Chen Xu actually felt that he was quite weak. He only had this powerful computer, but he himself was a super rookie. This is almost like a kid holding an artifact in his hand, but the problem is that this artifact is so incredible that no one can resist it, and his own abilities are irrelevant.

Originally, Chen Xu thought that after saying this, he could light a cigarette and watch how Xiao Min showed off his power and then charged in with overwhelming force, but Xiao Min's answer made Chen Xu stupid.

She said: "Sorry, because of the highest authority, this assistant cannot conduct malicious attacks on other people's computers and networks."

At this time, Chen Xugang lit up a cigarette and took a puff. After hearing this sentence, he suddenly coughed violently. Couldn't it be... this is the result? !

"What is the highest authority?" Chen Xu almost shouted at Xiao Min: "When I use this computer, don't I have the highest authority?!"

"Sorry, no, the highest authority was set when the machine first came out. Of course, if you have the password for the highest authority, you can also change it. Would you like to enter the password?"

Enter what the hell! Chen Xu grabbed his hair in annoyance, how could this happen, how could this happen?

He felt that he was really cowarded. He felt sorry for the party, the people, and the eager expectations of all the Chinese hackers. He was even more sorry for his 349 yuan overnight fee... If he had known that he would not be able to help in any way, why would he? Why spend this wasted money? !

Chen Xu wanted to get into the computer. He grabbed his hair and said, "Why can't you attack?!"

"Because it is illegal to attack other people's computers and networks, according to Article 3 of the Computer Usage Regulations, intelligent systems are strictly prohibited from attacking other people's computers. And..."

Xiao Min suddenly said something very strange: "This computer has made special requirements before leaving the factory, but it does not have the permission to attack other people's computers. Because according to the data, Chen Xu, you are the greatest programmer and hacker of this century. , among the programmers and hackers of the same era, your status is supreme. You have even made an extremely outstanding contribution to the development and manufacturing of this magic box computer and its corresponding operating system, so this computer is completely unnecessary. Open attack system."

"I...Chen Xu, am the greatest programmer and hacker of this century?" Chen Xu pointed to his nose, "Did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong? Or is it the same name?"

"It's not the same name. According to the data in the database, you are indeed the grandfather of our current president, Chen Fei."

"Hiss..." Chen Xu took a breath. How could he, a computer novice, have such powerful energy? Could it be...

An uncontrollable thought came to mind. Chen Xu naturally knew what he was capable of. To say that he could become the world's top hacker on his own was harder than the Chinese team winning the World Cup. The only way was to use this computer from the future. . Uh, but the question is, can you become the world's top programmer by relying on your computer? And then asked the grandson to send the computer back and continue to use it?

This is more troublesome than the question of which came first, the chicken or the egg!

"Is there any other information about me in the computer?"

"Sorry cannot be read."

"Is the data in the database damaged?"

"No, it's because of the restriction of the highest permissions. If you want to know the content after the permissions, please enter the password."

"I have a shitty password!" Chen Xu cursed and decided not to pursue this issue that was more complicated than philosophy. Anyway, no matter what Xiao Min said, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him being a rookie now. And before me, a rookie, is a very important and arduous task... How can the SMMH master save the world? !

So Chen Xu asked with a grimace: "Is it true that you have no way to break into this website?"

"It's not that there's no way, it's that it's impossible."

"I can't even give orders?!"

"No, this is a violation of the highest authority order, and I have the right to refuse to execute it."

"Believe it or not, I smashed you!"

"I'm sorry, please don't do anything to harm this machine. Although the earthquake resistance of this machine is first-class, there is no guarantee that it will not be damaged. If the computer fails, you can go to the following locations for repair..."

"Sister, I'm begging you, all the animals in the world are waiting for us!"

"Sorry, your request violates the highest authority..."

"How about making an exception once? You see, the readers are waiting. If you don't help me, I won't be able to show off my power. If I don't show off, the readers will get mad. Once they get mad, they will be removed from the shelves, and then Xiaobing will die. Very miserable!"


Chen Xu was desperate, Chen Xu gave up, and Chen Xu felt that the world was dark. He had no choice but to say sorry to the announcement about finding SMMH on the home page of the Hongke Alliance Forum. Brother, I am scared.

The time now is already 11:17, and there are still 43 minutes left.

Chen Xu originally wanted to turn off the computer and go to sleep, but then he thought that it was too unjust to leave like this. Even if he couldn't eat spinach and transform into Popeye and have a blast, he still had to follow the brothers on the forum. We spent the last twenty minutes together.

So Chen Xu clicked on the forum and watched the live broadcast of the battle:

Blue Baby successfully hacked in and obtained administrator rights;

Guan Pingchao is fighting with the opponent;

Ying Nian Zaofei is fighting with the opponent;

Feng Zhui Yueying obtained administrator rights;

Haiyun competes with the opponent...

Failed to control the tide...

Failed to gain weight at a young age...

Haiyun failed...

Feng Zhui Yueying failed...

Blue baby failed...

The final call-up post has been posted on the forum, and now there are only the last twenty-eight minutes left. Sister Blue Baby has made the final plan.

They will conduct a final attack with the team led by the Argentine Virus Queen Sigma and other hacker groups. After achieving a staged victory, they will uninstall the other party's firewall, and then let a large number of people pour in. Even if the opponent counterattacks at this time and drives Blue Baby and his group of masters out of the battlefield, there will definitely not be much time left. At this time, using shameless human sea tactics, even if the opponent chases them one by one, it will probably take more than ten seconds. It's two o'clock!

After the summons was sent out, the crowd was excited, but the problem is that not all members of the Hongke Alliance are experts, and some don't even know how to perform ordinary offense and defense. So another pinned post immediately appeared on the Honker Alliance forum, which contained an intrusion tool.

As long as you use this tool, when Blue Baby and others break into the other party's server and uninstall the firewall, then the server will be like a beautiful woman who has taken off her clothes. You can enter by using this small tool. Next, Blue Baby and the others should be able to block the opponent's offensive for at least five minutes. Within these five minutes, all the people on the forum will join in. Just use the crowd tactics to buy time!

There is no other way to do this, and in just three minutes, the number of downloads of the software in the top post exceeded 1,000!

Chen Xu's eyes lit up and he quickly asked Xiao Min: "If I enter the other party's website, and then others attack me desperately to kick me out, will you help me?!"

To be honest, Chen Xu's palms were sweating at this time, because it was like a person who fell into the water saw a dark figure next to him, and subconsciously reached out to grab it, but the problem is that after catching it, he found out whether it was a wooden board or a Straw, or simply because I was dazzled... It depends on Xiao Min's answer.

Xiao Min's voice was like the sound of nature: "Of course, if you are the administrator user of this website, then when the other party attacks you, it is like attacking the local machine. Naturally, you need to turn on the firewall for comprehensive defense."

Chen Xu suppressed his inner excitement: "Then can you ensure that you will not be kicked out after being attacked? The other party is the world's top hacker!"

"More than 99% of the chance will not happen. Because the firewall configured on the Magic Box generation computer has the best performance among similar products, and also has the smallest loopholes. Especially when faced with traditional attack methods, it is almost immune. "

"YES!" Chen Xu waved his fist vigorously! He felt that what he just asked was really stupid, about computers in eighty years! It has a database and virus database that are 80 years ahead of the competition, shielding all vulnerabilities from the birth of computers until 80 years later, and more importantly! Its operating system mode is completely different from the current general graphics operating system!

Chen Xu threw himself on the bed, buried his head in the pillow and shouted, "MLGBD, so what if I can't attack? Although I don't have a spear, I have the most powerful shield in the world!"

After shouting a few times, Chen Xu quickly got up and downloaded the software. He found that in addition to an "attack" button, the software also had a chat room function. It was obviously very rough, so he hurriedly from. The function of the chat room is to allow everyone to rush in immediately.

In chat rooms, there are basically no IDs, and they are all users XXX. The only one with an ID is named Ying Nian Zaofei, and he has full command of this general attack.

Ying Nian Zaofei was still doing a live broadcast in the chat room at this time: "We have broken in! My dear sister has broken into the first floor... and entered the second floor! Sigma has also entered, and the third floor has been broken through! Okay. Yes, the other two were kicked out! Brothers, prepare to kill! ! No need to say anything after entering! !"

"The firewall was successfully uninstalled! Get in!"

Chen Xu shook his hand and clicked on the "attack" button. The software immediately expanded to a screen with the server's management account page. In other words, this software originally points to the management account of the other party's server, which can save a lot of time.

Chen Xu quickly created an administrator account. Before he could give a name and password, he saw Ying Nian Zaofei shouting in the chat room: "Brothers, hurry up! I've been kicked out! They are so stupid!" Backdoor! How could it be so fast?"

"Baby sister, they are also coming out, the remaining brothers, hold on!"

Chen Xu quickly created an administrator account and looked at the time. It was the last minute! The account that originally filled the screen disappeared almost instantly. At this time, Xiao Min reported: "Under data flow attack, the firewall is turned on, and the encryption algorithm is turned on. Please enter the name and password of the website administrator. The password encrypted using the new algorithm can Maximize the security of your information."

Chen Xu was too lazy to think too much and quickly entered 1234567890123 twice in the password field. After thinking about it, he right-clicked on the administrator's account and chose to change the account name...

Snake definitely placed a backdoor on the server, otherwise their counterattack would not have been so efficient. But after they clicked on all administrator accounts on the server to clean them, they discovered that there was one account that had not been driven away.

When they saw the name of this account, the people at Snake were dumbfounded, all the hackers who were desperately attacking the server were dumbfounded, the intelligence officers from various countries who were paying attention to this fierce battle were dumbfounded, and the people in the Honker Alliance were also dumbfounded...

The entire network went absolutely silent for a few seconds.

Because the name of this account is very simple: