

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Give you eight hours

Everyone is staring at this name. Is it an imposter? Or is he really that legendary figure?

There was a brief pause in the data flow on the network.

Chen Xu couldn't see this. He was asking Xiao Min: "Can you kick out the other administrator accounts? Kick them all out!"

Xiao Min replied: "No, because they are all administrator accounts. According to the principle, we cannot take the initiative to attack them."

Chen Xu leaned back and said they hit me first! Am I just here to get beaten without fighting back? !

"Don't worry, the latest firewall of the Magic Box generation computer will not care about attacks of this level and technology."

Phew... Chen Xu leaned back on his chair in frustration. He was beaten without fighting back. Is this still the legendary SMMH master? ! No matter how you look at it, he looks like a guy huddled in a turtle shell, not cool enough, not cool enough!

After a brief silence, Snake's people quickly reinstalled the firewall and began to think that the administrator of SMMH had launched an attack.

​Whether it is real SMMH, you will know after trying it!

The members of Snake desperately began to attack SMMH. They first used the backdoor program, but found that the backdoor had been blocked by the opponent... Well, although they were able to find the system backdoor and seal it in such a short period of time, it was already god-level. level, because in the past few days, the world's top hackers have not been able to do this, but Snake's members determined that this SMMH did not just come, he must have been observing it for several days, and at the last moment That's why I got angry.

So he must have been prepared in advance. The huge fame brought by solving the Beacon Fire virus made Snake members unconsciously recognize his super strength, so they sealed the backdoor of the system in a short time. It didn't give them much shock.

Little did he know that all this had nothing to do with Chen Xu. At this moment, he was staring at the computer screen like a goose, and found that he couldn't figure out the reason.

As for patching the system, it was purely for defense considerations after Xiao Min took over as the administrator of the website. When he saw the loopholes, he patched them... There were many loopholes that Snake didn't even know about!

Looking at it from the perspective of 80 years later, today's computers are full of loopholes... software and hardware, a lot of mess, just like our current computers 80 years ago... Well, 80 years ago, the world There are no computers yet...

In fact, hackers are said to be very magical, but to put it bluntly, they are looking for vulnerabilities in computers to attack. If there is a computer without any vulnerabilities, then even gods cannot break into it!

But such computers and operating systems do not exist. As computer structures become more and more complex and software requirements increase, there are definitely loopholes. But if you hide this loophole where others can't see it, then there is no loophole.

Xiao Min is doing this kind of work now. In her opinion, this server has countless loopholes from hardware to software, and all she has to do is to patch up the loopholes with patches, which is equivalent to patching up the other party. The back door was intentionally left open.

In this case, under the same conditions, everyone is a super administrator user, and no one can kick anyone.

The more Snake's people attacked, the more frightened they became, because in such a short period of time, the other party had patched up all the loopholes they knew about... What does it mean to patch up loopholes? It means that they can only stare at it now! Use the software to scan desperately to see if you can still find new flaws!

The time has reached 05:00 in the morning.

Snake's people were so anxious that they were sweating profusely, and other people watching the game were also anxious... They were anxious and wondered why the SMMH master didn't kick SMMH out, because to outsiders, the people on the management list of that server Nothing has changed!

At this moment, a line of text suddenly appeared on the webpage, in Chinese: "Do you want to leave on your own, or do you want me to kick you out?"

"Wow!" Everyone who was paying attention to this hacker war became excited. This was the first time they saw the legendary SMMH master speak with their own eyes!

Little did he know that Chen Xu was only using an empty city tactic. Because Xiao Min refused to help, he had no choice but to come up with this trick. He asked Xiao Min to insert a bulletin board on the web page and then try to see if he, the damn Zhuge, could scare him. Retreat the opponent's group of live Sima.

Snake over there quickly replied in English: "SMMH, your strength astounds us. You are worthy of being a master who can independently solve the Beacon virus. So we hope to have a fair battle with you. The time is now. Use How, and on which server, it's your choice."

There was an uproar!

This is the first time that everyone has seen Snake speak in such a respectful tone!

Snake's reputation, in addition to their superb skills, is even more notorious for their style of doing things and their character. They were extremely arrogant and launched malicious attacks again and again. They were racially discriminatory and looked down upon anyone of color. They have their pride, but this pride has become a kind of arrogance, a kind of annoying arrogance!

But now it can be seen that Snake still bullies the weak and fears the strong. When they encounter SMMH who are more technologically powerful than them, and when they find that their advantages are gone, they will become extremely humble... Even if you always believe in the supremacy of strength, this approach is also despicable.

A row of Chinese characters quickly appeared on the webpage: "Are you worthy?"

"Wow!" Everyone watching the match exploded, everyone saying that this SMMH is too arrogant! Even the world's number one hacker organization dares to say such a thing! Some people feel that the impact of this sentence is too broad. If Snake is not worthy, then to be honest, there are really not many people in the world who dare to say that they are "worthy".

Snake's people were also half mad with anger, and it took them a long time to say: "We know your strength, but don't be too arrogant! Don't you think that hackers all over the world are not qualified to challenge you?"

"I never said that, don't twist my meaning."

Well, just when everyone was wondering why SMMH's conversation suddenly took such a sharp turn, another line of text appeared on the webpage:

"Since the birth of the TCP/IP protocol, the network has entered every corner of the world in more than 20 years of development. The birth of hackers was even earlier, after the emergence of computers. The hackers at that time , they are just a group of experts who are keen on challenges, advocate freedom and advocate information sharing. They are the real hackers.

The development of hackers is inseparable from the development of computers, and similarly, the development of computers is also inseparable from hackers.

The purpose of early hackers' existence was just to find vulnerabilities in computers and networks and report them to administrators for repair, so as to make computers and networks more perfect and more advanced.

Hackers, to use the definition of a term in ancient China, can be respectfully called chivalrous people.

They travel freely on the Internet and promote the development and improvement of computers and networks behind the scenes. What they want to do is not malicious destruction, but the pursuit of sharing and freeness, and the promotion of freedom and equality..."

Because this passage was not copied and pasted directly, but typed word by word. Every word was like a sledgehammer hitting people's hearts.

This is actually when Chen Xu asked Xiao Min to look for some introductions about hackers on the computer, and found a novel... "On the Hacker Spirit", published in 2037. Then he felt that this passage was good, so Chen Xu released it.

Now he has to work hard to shape himself into a hermit, a hermit who is unwilling to participate in hacker battles... Well, to put it harshly, it is the legendary pretentiousness!

However, if you don't pretend to be cool, you will easily become a fool. But since these words came from SMMH, the effect is enough.

The webpage continues to read: "Hacker, what is a hacker? Leading the trend of computers, constantly discovering and solving loopholes, making networks and computers more perfect, this is a hacker!

Hackers are leaders in the computer industry and disseminators of computer culture and knowledge. Under their guidance, the development of computer civilization will become more and more prosperous, the user group will become larger and larger, and the world will become more and more convenient. These are hackers!

The power of hackers breaks the shackles of reality, allowing netizens around the world to roam freely on the Internet, allowing them to obtain more corresponding knowledge and communicate with others more systematically. This is a hacker!

So Snake, let me ask you, is what you are doing still a hacker? "

Cold sweat fell from the forehead of every member of Snake, as well as many people who followed this page. Once upon a time, hackers whose mission was to build networks were reduced to hackers who destroyed networks for various purposes. Hacker hacker, just one word has a completely different meaning!

Every computer enthusiast will be informed of the hacker's spirit and code when they come into contact with the Internet and become a real hacker. However, Snake has such great strength, but he has embarked on the path of destroying computers and networks to gain benefits for himself.

But this thought just passed by in a flash. In this era when people are not interested in themselves and are punished by heaven and earth, who else would foolishly abide by the so-called hacker code? !

New text appeared on the web page: "I know that what I said is meaningless to you. If it weren't for the fact that this firewall you developed is very interesting, I wouldn't have said these words. "

"Interesting?" Is this firewall, which tortures hackers all over the world to death, just interesting?

At this time, Chen Xu also obtained information about this firewall from Xiao Min... It was released by an unknown company in 2010 and was hailed as the most powerful firewall in the world at the time. In other words, this organization developed This firewall technology is at least four years ahead of the world!

Chen Xu was a little frightened when he saw that this technology was ahead of him, thinking that this was another time travel, right?

But Xiao Min told him that in fact, many military researches in computers are very advanced now, and are more than ten years ahead of civilian technology, because what is popular in society now is that good technologies are used first by the military. Those used by civilians are basically technologies that have been eliminated by the military. Of course, the technology mastered by hackers is far more advanced than civilian equipment.

Probably the reason why Snake has so much confidence is because they have full confidence in this firewall.

At this time, Snake's words appeared on the webpage: "We admire you for still insisting on the naive hacker spirit in this era, but we believe that we can create greater wealth with our abilities. SMMH, we also recognize your technology Above us, it can be seen from your protection software, this is an absolute masterpiece! But we insist on having a confrontation with you, are you Chinese?"

 "Yes, I am Chinese."

As soon as he said this, the members of the Hongke Alliance immediately cheered. The SMMH master is indeed Chinese! And he admitted it himself! What depresses the world's intelligence organizations is that their power in China is the weakest. With such a presence, it is simply impossible to find and control him in China.

"That's good. If you don't agree to have a face-to-face confrontation with us, then we will madly attack major portals in China. As for how much damage will be caused, we cannot know."

How shameless!

All the Chinese hackers started shouting and cursing. Damn, I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones!

Chen Xu's hands were shaking with anger in front of the computer, and he kept cursing that this was so shameless and shameless! If possible, he really wants to find the real person of these shameless guys, then trample on them a few times, crush their bones and spread ashes, and maybe even plant an old locust tree on the grave!

But if these guys are really allowed to attack Chinese websites like crazy, then maybe something will happen!

The whole world was silent, and the Internet fell into a terrible silence. Everyone was looking forward to what kind of answer the SMMH master would give?

After a long while, the expected Chinese line on the webpage finally appeared: "In twenty minutes, I will welcome you all at the Honker Alliance forum. But again, as a traditional hacker, I don't want to interact with you. People fight. I'll give you eight hours. If you can break through the forum's firewall within eight hours, then I will lose."

"When you attacked, I only used the firewall I wrote as protection. If I did anything, it would be considered my loss."

"If you can't even break through the firewall within eight hours, then you lose!"