
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

The Disappointment of Rebs

 Wei Jie wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at the kidnapper's body on the ground and said, "If you leave alive, then you can know the messenger behind the scenes. It's really bold and dare to use guns in daylight!"

  "It's not important. No one can guarantee that the kidnapper's confession is true."

  Li Xiuwen blinked and said slowly.

  He naturally wanted to know who the messenger was, but Beast Seven moved too fast. Before he could react, Beast Seven killed the last kidnapper.

  Compared with own safety, this small flaw is not a big problem, because Li Xiuwen decided to strengthen the defense force next.

  I have to say that after he experienced the kidnapping, he knew one thing. In the face of sudden violence, no amount of money in his account would be as useful as a strong bodyguard.

  That is, we must pay attention to defense, the standards must be in line with the leaders of the chaebol, a bulletproof car must be equipped for entry and exit, and at least four bodyguards must be around.

  "Mr. Li, do I want to make a call to a friend from the law firm?"

  Yu Bing came over, took a look at the corpse on the ground, and whispered in Li Xiuwen's ear.

  "Fight, so that we can get out of the police station sooner."

  Li Xiuwen nodded without hesitation.

  Facts proved that the phone call made by Yu Bing was very useful. Li Xiuwen and others just stayed at the police station for more than three hours before they walked out.

  Without that phone call, Li Xiuwen estimated that it would be possible for him to stay with his party for a day or two, even if they were threatened with guns by the kidnapper.

  Coming out of the small police interrogation room, Li Xiuwen thanked the female lawyer next to him: "This time I really thank lawyer Gao. The fee will be credited to the law firm's account tomorrow."

  "Haha, this is what I should do. I have to do things after I receive the money. I also hope to cooperate with the Warcraft Factory in the future."

  "No problem, I will give priority to lawyer Gao for legal matters in the future."

  After Yu Bing and Gao said goodbye, Li Xiuwen ordered Qiao Er, who was the driver, to start the car.

  After returning to Zhushi, entering the Warcraft factory, and seeing a large number of Warcraft workers, Li Xiuwen felt safe.

  The sturdy orc hard work and the agile masters of skillful hands are like tall walls, resisting the storm from the outside world.

  "Damn, try to minimize the chance of going out."

  Li Xiuwen suddenly felt that the unarmed Warcraft workers seemed incapable of facing gunpowder weapons.

  At least Yuqi had his arms pierced by bullets when he defeated the kidnappers, and it seemed necessary to get some protective equipment.

  Li Xiuwen plunged into the system store, looking for drawings of small, concealed protective devices.


  As soon as Li Xiuwen entered the factory's laboratory to study protective devices, the huge waves caused by 3D mobile phones began to spread, spreading from consumers to other mobile phone manufacturers.

  Because of its geographical location, China's mobile phone manufacturers are one step ahead of their foreign counterparts in knowing the production of 3D mobile phones, and some even purchase engineering machines at high prices.

  Xiaomi Research Institute.

  Rebs pushed away all business trips and spent five or six hours in the research institute. He never went out and looked at the hardware engineer without blinking.

  More than a dozen engineers in white coats gathered around the long desk. There are components on the table, all disassembled from the 3D mobile phone.

  After analysis, they found that, except for the battery and the screen, the other components in the 3D mobile phone are common, and they are all common products on the market, with no special features.

  Such as Qualcomm chips and Sony camera modules are all high-end components purchased by the mobile phone industry, so they focus on batteries and screens.

  "It's amazing! It can really shake the invention of the battery industry. The power in this battery is 1.5 times that of a battery of the same size. In addition, the Warcraft Factory deliberately increased the battery volume.

The battery power of a mobile phone is twice that of an ordinary mobile phone. "  "They are really fools. If they apply this battery technology to electric cars, they can immediately slap Tesla and Toyota cars."

  "No, we are not a professional battery material researcher, and we can't analyze why the energy density of the battery is increased to 1.5 times. It is necessary to invite a team of professors in the battery field."

  "Huh, the battery is nothing. The screen is the most advanced part of the phone. It can display three-digit images on its own, which is great."

  "Yes, if this technology is applied to televisions and computer screens, the profits that can be made will be as huge as the Yangtze River."

  Rebs asked when the engineers said that they were tired and stopped arguing whether the battery was better or the screen was stronger, "Are they really that advanced? Can you copy them?"

  Although he has been the president of a mobile phone factory for many years, Rebs knows a lot about components, but he still doesn't understand the difficult terms that keep popping up from engineers.

  If it is software, Rebs's programming ability is enough to exceed 90% of programmers. He was a master of software school when he was in college, and he also presided over the development of many excellent software, such as the original version of WPS.

  The engineers all shook their heads: "No, we guessed the principle, but it is very difficult to realize commercial production.

  It's like our country is fully capable of making automobile engines, but it has never been able to make engines as good as the US and Japan automobile factories. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com "

  When Rebs heard it, he sighed for a long time: "It seems that Xiaomi's listing is going to be affected. It's really a side effect. It would be nice if this phone came out a few months later."

  After several years of hard work, Xiaomi climbed from the trough to the peak again, and once again became the top three mobile phone manufacturer in China. Rebs has put in countless energy and blood.

  At this time when the harvest is about to happen, there is an accident like a 3D mobile phone, and everyone will be angry.

  Rebs felt like he had been knocked on his head, his head was dizzy, his thoughts slowed down a lot, and he felt resentment towards the Warcraft Factory.

  If Li Xiuwen appeared in front of him, Rebs might rush forward, slamming his fist against Li Xiuwen's odious face.

  "Rebs, the situation is not that serious. 3D mobile phones and our mobile phones are not in the same market segment. I think Apple and Huawei are more worried than us.

  You must know that their high-end mobile phones are priced at over 6,000, which completely overlaps with 3D mobile phones. And our company's mobile phones have not exceeded five thousand. "

  Rebs's friend and co-founder Vice President Zhou comforted.

  "Rest assured, this little setback won't defeat me. You are right, we don't have to worry too much, but I think it's time to send a negotiating team to the Warcraft Factory to see if it is possible to obtain battery and screen technology.

  If we use these two technologies on mobile phones, it will solve the problem that has always plagued us, and that is to enter the high-end mobile phone market. "

  Rebs cheered up, his eyes shone, and the smile on his face continued.

  I knew that Rebs was a giant who never gave up!

  Vice President Zhou relaxed and said with a smile: "Why don't I go and meet this mysterious president who caused the tsunami in the mobile phone industry."