
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs


"Quickly tell, who is Li Xiuwen? If you don't talk about it, they will all kill you!"

  The bald man was obviously a little anxious, his fierce gaze swept back and forth on the faces of men such as Wei Jie, Li Xiuwen, and Mr. Xiao, and he kept asking questions.

  Hi, Hi, Hi.

  Mr. Xiao, who was pale as paper, had a pale yellow liquid coming out of his crotch, and there was a smell of urine in the air.

  But at this time, no one made fun of him, everyone was trembling with fear.

  After being in peace for a long time, most people have never seen a ferocious gangster, let alone real guns and live ammunition. Many people feel that they can't control their bladder.

  "Don't worry, we only look for Li Xiuwen and ask him to be a guest. As long as other people don't hinder us, there is no danger.

  Whoever identifies Li Xiuwen can leave now. "

  A gangster with a black tiger head tattooed on his neck said softly, with his left hand pointing towards the outside of the parking lot.

  Li Xiuwen screamed in his heart and immediately ordered: "Beast Seven, Joe Two!"

  He was a bit fortunate before that he didn't usually show up too much, and hosted new product launches for his company like Luo Yonghao and Lei Jun.

  Even because of the trouble, he didn't even accept the reporter's interview, otherwise the photos would have been revealed and spread all over the Internet.

  If these three guys with guns get the photos, I'm afraid they will target themselves immediately, and they won't even give a reaction time.

  Although other people did not sell themselves to the culprits for the time being, Li Xiuwen didn't place his hopes on others. He just thought about it for a second before making a decision and fighting it hard.

  It is hard for others to say that the staff of Warcraft had no objection to Li Xiuwen's orders. One thick and one thin, two figures flashed, and they rushed towards the gunman.

  "Certainly you, why stare at Lao Tzu!"

  Li Xiuwen did not sit back and wait for death, but followed the tall Beast Seven, shrank and rushed forward.

  He made up his mind that if the Beast Seven couldn't figure it out, he would go to battle in person, even if it was in great danger.

  Who knows what these people would do if they kidnapped themselves, maybe they want to blackmail ransom, maybe they just want to hurt themselves.

  This feeling of not being able to control oneself is really terrible. Li Xiuwen vowed to follow at least half a dozen bodyguards by his side in the future.

  From this time on, he thoroughly understood that he was different from before. He was no longer an ordinary college student, but the president of a company with advanced technology, earning hundreds of millions of dollars.


  Li Xiuwen didn't take personal safety into consideration, and he usually paid more attention, so there was always one or two orcs working hard around him.

  In his thoughts, with the orc's hard work and strong skills, he could defeat ten adult men in singles, and there was no big problem in protecting his own safety.

  But Li Xiuwen never expected that he was blocked by three gunmen on the way to the parking lot.

  This is China in broad daylight! Three real guns appeared.

  As a result, even if Li Xiuwen had two WoW workers by his side, they were still in danger.

  Bang, bang!

  The bald man looked savage, looking like a beast seven hitting a wall, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  Two fiery bullets hit the left arm of the beast Qihu on his chest, directly pierced through, and got into the flesh of his chest.

  Beast Seven snorted, ignoring the sharp pain in his arm, slapped his right hand on the bright bald man's forehead.


  The top of the bald man's head was slumped, as if he had been stepped on by a giant elephant. The hard skull was squashed like a can, and fell to the ground without sound.

  What excites Li Xiuwen is that Qiao Er, who is so fast as a monkey.

  He was as fast as lightning, dragging a bunch of afterimages, first rushed to the tattooed man, slapped the pistol.

  Then Qiao Er pushed the big tattooed man hard and pushed his body to the third culprit.


  The gunfire sounded, and the tattooed man screamed: "Black Bull, you hit me!"

  "Oh shit!"

  The gangster named Hei Niu showed a cruel expression on his face and continued to pull the trigger, but the gunshots kept on.

  The tattooed man's body shook violently for a few times, and there was no sound, but Qiao Er didn't dare to show up, and kept hiding behind the tattooed man.

  Fortunately, Qiao Er's figure is as thin as an old man, and can be completely protected by a meat shield, so he has not been shot.

  "Well done!"

  Upon seeing this, Li Xiuwen excitedly praised Qiao Er.

  Qiao Er has made great achievements, it can be said that two guns have been scrapped.


  Wei Jie's assistant let out a scream, like being hit by a stray bullet, and his shoulders were quickly wetted with blood, saying that he was unlucky on his head.

  But now, the others just looked at Assistant Wei Jie sympathetically, and didn't dare to rush up and bandage him.

  The situation is not safe yet, and there is a gangster holding a gun, threatening him greatly.

  Whirring whirring.

  Beast Seven grabbed the bald man and threw it hard.

  A person weighing one hundred fifty sixty catties flew towards the black bull like a brick.


  Although the black cow is 1.8 meters tall and has strong muscles, he was still staggered and his feet were unstable.

  Qiao Er took the opportunity to rush up, five fingers struggling to grab the black cow's wrist and tilted the muzzle to the ground.


  Beast Seven rushed over, and the big fist of the sand bowl hammered the black bull's neck.

  With a click, the black cow's neck became ninety degrees, and the two eyeballs lost their vitality.

  This series of actions is a long story, but in fact it does not exceed a minute.

  Within a few tens of seconds, all three armed gangsters fell to the ground, dazzling and thrilling to the onlookers, and the heart in their chest never let go.

  "It hurts me. Call me an ambulance."

  Assistant Wei Jie's forehead was full of sweat, and his face flushed with pain, struggling to growl.

  Oh oh.

  Wei Jie recovered and took out his mobile phone.

  After calling the ambulance and reporting to the police, Wei Jie looked at the beast Qi Qiao Er strangely, as if he had seen an alien.

  After a long time, he slapped Li Xiu's bra on the chest hard: "Mr. Li, where did you hire the bodyguard? I also want to have a bodyguard of this level by my side, let me introduce you.

  If you don't have both of them, you will probably be bad, and I won't have very good results. Who knows if they will silence their mouths, we have all seen their looks. "

  "What Manager Wei said is that we all thank them both."

  Mr. Xiao, who got up from the ground, looked at the three corpses on the ground with lingering fear, and nodded repeatedly.

  "What a long experience, I can see the gun battle that can only be seen in the movie."

  The boss of the accessories company echoed.

  "Uh, they are not professional bodyguards, they are employees in my factory."

  Li Xiuwen smacked his teeth and frowned.

  He had a foreboding that this reason would be difficult for the police to believe that there was a problem now.