
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

Surprise again and again

"20 million yuan per unit, and you have to add one to the contract, not to sell environmental treatment instruments to Europe."

  When Olivia saw Li Xiuwen, she never let go, reluctantly doubled the price, and asked for stricter constraints.

  "No! It's still $100 million, but I can add constraints to the contract."

  Li Xiuwen just shook his head, and didn't bother to refute a long argument.

  As long as you can get this huge sum of money, adding one condition is not a big deal.

  The business environment in Europe is not very good. Countries are scattered. If you want to enter, you have to negotiate one by one. The difficulty is not small.

  It is better for the North American market in the United States and Canada, as long as one negotiation can enter, it is a lot of worry.

  However, there is no rush to enter the foreign market. It has to be carried out step by step. I have never seen that even a large company like Huawei cannot enter the US market.

  "You are extortion! The board will never accept such a high price."

  Olivia raised the price step by step to 50 million units, but still did not see Li Xiuwen's consent, and the anger in her heart began to roar, like an angry female leopard.

  Facing Olivia's questioning, Li Xiuwen didn't panic, his expression was calm and he seemed to smile.

  "Ms. Hersey, you look down on everyone by saying that. After you buy a large number of environmental treatment instruments, you will definitely take them apart and try to copy them. Don't talk to me about professional ethics."

  "Since there is a risk of technology leakage, of course the price cannot be lowered. Otherwise, why don't I refuse to export and choose to start my own environmental governance business."

  Zhu Jingfei was on the sidelines and he was very qualified: "Mr. Li is right to think so. The polluted waters in the country are enough for you to carry out business for ten years. There is no need to take risks."

  Olivia glared at Zhu Jingfei bitterly, thinking that the mayor and the previous one were different.

  Previously, Zhu Jingfei was soft and hard, and said a basket of good things; but now he has turned his face, standing on Li Xiuwen's side, it is really abhorrent.

  "Zhu! If you say this, it hurts our relationship. Don't you want to let the electric car factory settle in Zhushi?"

  Olivia felt it was time to play the hole card, and she felt that this card could play a big role.

  After long-term contact with Huaxia Official Market, she discovered the fact that Huaxia officials have a strong influence on business owners.

  Generally speaking, as long as the competent official agrees, business owners will accept it in most cases. This is particularly evident in state-owned enterprises.


  Zhu Jingfei was a little moved, and his eyes urged Li Xiuwen.

  If Volkswagen's factory can be located in Zhushi, it will be a very important achievement.

  In addition, the foreign exchange sold by the environmental management instrument was two great achievements, and he couldn't help being moved.

  "Mr. Li, you see Ms. Hessi is so sincere, so let's lower the price."

  Zhu Jingfei couldn't help it anymore and persuaded him.

  "Well, in the face of the mayor, 90 million dollars a unit."

  Li Xiuwen is not stupid either, of course he knows the truth of asking prices all the way and paying back on the ground.

  The sky-high price of US$100 million is used for bargaining, so there must always be enough room for price reduction.

  Now with the steps provided by Zhu Jingfei, he has also taken a step back and reduced by 10 million US dollars.

  "Okay, we won't bargain slowly. Just point it. One hundred million yuan per unit. If you don't agree, then forget it. This deal can only be temporarily abandoned."

  Olivia still felt that the price was too high and had no patience, so she directly stated the conditions.

  "Well, let you take one step, one hundred million."

  Li Xiuwen reluctantly agreed, as if he had suffered a great loss.

  It seems that he has made a profit and bought an environmental treatment instrument from the system.

It takes five kilograms of gold, which is more than 1.6 million.  If it were not for upgrading the system as soon as possible, Li Xiuwen would not want to do this kind of reselling business. Not only would it make others more greedy, but it would also not help much to expand its influence.

  His envisioned plan is slow. Through the production and sales of high-tech products, consumers can enjoy better while increasing their influence on society.

  In this world, money alone is not a big deal. It is the greater power that can affect the lives of thousands of people.

  Just like the governments of various countries, or monopoly giants with strong influence on the industry, such as Microsoft, Qualcomm, China Mobile, etc., are the real powerful organizations.

  Ordinary wealthy people have dozens of houses under their names, and being a billionaire is not a big deal, it's just better than the average person.

  If you make a careful calculation, it is more cost-effective for Li Xiuwen to buy the drawings of the environmental treatment instrument. Ten kilograms of gold can be bought, which is only twice as much as the finished props.

  If you can master the production technology, you can continue to make products with energy sources and make more money.

  But after reading the requirements of the drawings, Li Xiuwen found that the production conditions were very high, at least much more difficult than producing Ruyi.

  Domestic machines cannot meet the precision requirements. Most of the machines have to be imported from abroad. The core laser generator is currently not produced in any country and must be purchased from the system store.

  If Volkswagen wants to copy environmental governance instruments, 99% of them may fail. At least the last five or six years have no hope.

  "You have agreed to this price, so let's sign the contract of intent now."

  Olivia urged immediately, not wanting to delay for a moment.

  After all, the transaction price of one billion is a bit beyond her authority, and must be signed by the president of Volkswagen China.

  In the process, she worried that other companies would step in and take away the promising environmental treatment instrument.

  Let alone other commercial applications, Volkswagen, which produces 10,000 vehicles per day, and many metal processing workshops, produce toxic compounds in wastewater every day, which is calculated in 10,000 tons.

  These sewage can only be discharged after careful and effective treatment to avoid environmental pollution.

  Volkswagen's sewage treatment expenditure is not a small amount, but can account for 23% of the car production cost.

  If Li Xiuwen's environmental treatment instrument is used instead of expensive sewage treatment equipment, the cost saved will be pure profit, which is much higher than the competition.

  If Volkswagen's shareholders see an increase in net profit, they will definitely have a good impression of Olivia, and they might adopt her as a real senior.

  "no problem."

  After Li Xiuwen signed the name on the contract of intent, he felt more relaxed, and those secretly coveted eyes no longer worried him.

  [I hope that the summonable beasts that appear at level 3 must be strong and powerful! ]

  He prayed silently like this in his heart, his face remained silent, still smiling.

  "Li, I also want to visit your factory and see how your workers produce environmental treatment instruments."

  After signing the contract, Olivia couldn't hide excitement in her eyes, as if she had picked up a baby.

  Even if she tried to conceal it, she still showed some happy emotions, which can be seen from the shiny blue eyes.

  Zhu Jingfei looked even happier than Olivia, his face flushed with excitement, because the electric car factory will be located in Zhushi, and this political achievement cannot escape.

  "Mr. Li, your factory is quite mysterious. I heard that few people can go in and visit. Why don't we open our eyes?"

  Zhu Jingfei was a little worried that Li Xiuwen's refusal would make this cooperation unpleasant, so he also asked for a visit.

  Ordinary citizens still don't know exactly who Ruyi's manufacturer is and don't care about this matter.

  However, as the deputy mayor, he is quite clear about one thing, that is, the employees of the Warcraft Factory are not from the city, but are recruited from the remote mountainous areas in the southwest.

  Such a mystery and incompatibility is also the first one among the companies in Zhushi.

  "If it's someone else, I won't allow it, but the mayor and Ms. Hessie want to visit, that's absolutely fine."

  What Li Xiuwen said was the truth, not exaggerated at all.

  Since Ruyi's introduction to the market, not only have investment companies called and asked Wang Ying to answer them, but some companies have even come to visit directly.

  For them, as long as they can get Ruyi, they can make money by simply increasing the price of the goods on the market. In this case, there is nothing.

  In the end, Li Xiuwen had to send an orc drudge to guard the gate, UU reading www. uukanshu. com stop these guys, otherwise the factory will become smoggy.

  A group of people entered the workshop and saw the busy orcs working hard and Ruyi constantly coming down the production line.

  "What role does Ruyi have?"

  Olivia watched the orcs pick out a Ruyi, put on the frame and inspect the quality.

  "Ms. Hessie, Ruyi has become popular in China. It is the world's first commercial brainwave operation device. How about you try it?"

  Zhu Jingfei turned into a product commentator and found that Olivia's eyes were bright and made a suggestion.

  Speaking of it, what we do in attracting investment is similar to making friends. It is a good way to do what we like, and it can quickly bring the two parties closer together.

  "Wow, I didn't expect to see products in science fiction movies in China."

  Olivia is not polite at all, and will try it out after taking a Ruyi directly.

  A few minutes later, Olivia had not had time to let go of Ruyi, and said excitedly: "Li, I thought of a good idea, why not transplant Ruyi to the car?"

  "Imagine a car that can be directly manipulated by brain waves without manual operation. It is so cool! It will attract countless eyes."

  "Li, don't you want to ride in a car like that? Cooperate with Volkswagen to develop brainwave-controlled cars."

  This time, not only Olivia's face flushed with excitement, but the other Volkswagen employees also showed excitement one by one, and their eyes almost shot green.

  If the previous environmental treatment instrument can increase the company's net profit, then Ruyi is an epoch-making product that can change the shape of the car.

  Unmanned cars, which are so hot now, may not be more attractive than brainwave cars.