
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

Intention to Pei Gong

Chief Zhang lowered his head and shrank his shoulders, wishing there was a crack in the ground so that he could get in to avoid embarrassment.

  He denied that the words of purifying the bacteria hadn't fallen silent, and reality gave him a slap in the face.

  It's just that no one cared about Director Zhang at all, and they turned their eyes to Li Xiuwen with fiery eyes.

  No one can see that the prospect of purifying bacteria is boundless, and Li Xiuwen, who has mastered this technology, will definitely become a figure not to be underestimated.


  Olivia clapped, and then other Volkswagen employees clapped their hands vigorously, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

  "Lee, I have to say that the new technology you invented is too powerful. I am impressed. The public wants to cooperate with you to apply this technology to the German environment. Do you want to?"

  "I am willing to make a contribution to Germany's environmental governance."

  Although Li Xiuwen does not know why this senior vice president of Volkswagen is so interested in environmental governance, he welcomes unexpected foreign orders.

  I heard that the Germans are very rich. If you don't cut it hard, can it be regarded as the most advanced environmental treatment technology?

  Li Xiuwen still remembers that the European Union fined more than 10 billion euros for the diesel vehicle emission standard cost scandal that Volkswagen broke two years ago.

  How many tons of gold can be exchanged for such a lot of money if it is all your own!

  Thinking of this, Li Xiuwen swallowed fiercely.

  "So, we the public hope to obtain the exclusive agency rights for this technology in Europe and the United States."

  Olivia blinked, looking at Li Xiuwen with a pair of beautiful blue eyes, looking forward to it.

  At this time, she was full of self-confidence, and the public's brand was loud enough. This cooperation that can make a lot of money will surely succeed.

  After seeing the powerful ability of purifying bacteria, Olivia immediately thought of the economic value contained in it, and proposed cooperation without delay in a second.

  She knows the fact that although the environmental protection work in Europe and America is doing well, the waste water in the waters is treated very cleanly, making the rivers and lakes look very natural and beautiful.

  But this is based on harsh environmental protection laws and expensive sewage treatment equipment.

  The cost of purifying bacteria is much cheaper than those sewage treatment equipment, and the market is huge.

  Olivia even thinks that if the purification bacteria can be introduced, even if the electric car factory is set up in Zhushi, it is worthwhile to increase the cost.

  Of course, this kind of hole cards do not have to be played at the beginning, but they have to be placed at the back when the victory is determined, and the use value is the greatest.

  "There is no problem in principle, but the specific price of the purification of bacteria, we both need to discuss carefully, we must cooperate and win-win."

  Li Xiuwen smiled and nodded. This is the money delivered to the door.

  "No, no, I mean the environmental treatment instrument in your laboratory, not the so-called purification bacteria."

  "Each river has a different environment and different causes of pollution. It must be analyzed on site."

  Olivia could see that Li Xiuwen was still very young, and he heard that it was not long after graduating from university that he must have insufficient experience in shopping malls.

  If you can scare it a bit, you can get an environmental treatment instrument and analyze the principle, that would be great. There is no morality in the mall.

  "Haha, what the lady wants is an environmental treatment instrument."

 ��Li Xiuwen smiled lightly, and he could see the purpose of this senior public executive: "In fact, as long as the price is high, I can't consider selling it."

  With the launch of products that exceed the earth's technology, although they are only a little more advanced than similar, he has felt the pressure around him gradually increase.

  Like the previous Zhao Guangying of Jinli Company, he began to use violence when profit was not tempted.

This is a bad sign.  Li Xiuwen has already wanted to open up some things that are not too important, there is no need to hold onto them. It is also a good choice to exchange large sums of cash and upgrade the system.

  Only when you become stronger can you better keep the secrets of the system and defeat others' prying eyes.

  "How much is one? Volkswagen bought them all."

  Olivia's blue eyes almost shined.

  She didn't expect that the young president really lacked experience when things went so smoothly.

  If she were to be her, it would be absolutely impossible to sell the environmental treatment instrument and let others crack the technology inside.

  "Mr. Li, should you think about it again? The domestic sewage treatment alone is a large market of tens of billions. Also, foreign markets are not so easy to enter."

  Zhu Jingfei shook his head secretly. The young man has little experience and is not yet mature, so he must be reminded.

  One thing I don't know yet is that the influence on the industry is more important than money.

  How can such advanced environmental treatment technology be easily spread abroad? No, it must be stopped.

  "Haha, doesn't the mayor want to earn foreign exchange? Foreigners are very concerned about protecting the environment and are willing to spend a lot of money."

  Li Xiuwen was determined to make a fortune quickly, and declined Zhu Jingfei's suggestion.

  Zhu Jingfei was angry, but in front of the Volkswagen delegation, UU read www.uukanshu. Com didn't come out again, and his face became jet black.

  In a blink of an eye, I saw Director Zhang shrunk to the edge, and I didn't get angry: If you didn't have to doubt it, the purification bacteria would not be exposed.

  "Do you know, you broke a big deal! Get out of me!"

  Director Zhang was scolded with a bloody head, and did not dare to refute, so he had to leave dingy.

  In fact, he really wanted to ask, what he did wrong, he was reprimanded one after another, and the wound was sprinkled with salt over and over again.

  "One hundred million U.S. dollars a unit, ten units are on sale."

  Li Xiuwen saw Director Zhang leaving from the back, and suddenly felt that there is a sentence that describes the Director at this time-"Look at his back like a dog."

  After feeling happy, he quoted a sky-high price, as if he wanted to earn enough funds for the system to reach level 3.

  "Oh Maiga! Such a price is impossible, it has already broken through the horizon."

  Olivia opened her eyes wide, staring at Li Xiuwen angrily, her red lips closed together, and she kept popping out with exclamations.

  Even Zhu Jingfei was surprised and looked at Li Xiuwen strangely.

  One billion US dollars is a lot, especially in third- and fourth-tier cities like Zhushi, where almost no company can earn so much foreign exchange in a year.

  The civil servants who surrounded Zhu Jingfei had their eyes widened as copper bells, and their eyes revealed incredible gazes: Can one technology be exchanged for so much money?

  "Li, the price I can accept is 10 million yuan per unit, not the damn 100 million dollars."

  "Ten million, you can buy thirty or forty Volkswagen cars!"

  Olivia gritted her white teeth and stared at Li Xiuwen fiercely, almost opening her teeth and claws.