
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs



  The private car parked near Chow Tai Fook.

  When Li Xiuwen got out of the car, he fell into the crowd, with beaming citizens all around.

  The whole street was crowded with people, shoulder-to-shoulder, as crowded as the train station during the Spring Festival, almost to the point of being pushed.

  Old and young, men and women, parents of children, can be found, it is a hodgepodge.

  "There are so many people! Beast Five come here soon."

  Li Xiuwen sighed, his footsteps a little shaky.

  Fortunately, at this moment, the five beasts and six beasts stretched out their hands, blocking in front of him like a reef, separating the crowd.

  The dense crowd like the tide hit the five beasts and six beasts, but they couldn't shake their footsteps at all, they had to separate themselves to make a large open space.

  With the help of these two orcs, Li Xiuwen easily came to Chow Tai Fook's door.

  He looked inside and found that a pair of transparent glass counters were lined with gold and jade jewelry, spread on the red flannel, which was particularly conspicuous.

  After striding in, Li Xiuwen glanced across the finely crafted jewelry counters and shook his head slightly.

  Wang Ying, a female shopping guide in a small red suit, greeted him, smiled, and asked softly: "Sir, can I help you?"

  Li Xiuwen's eyes lit up, his eyes swept across Wang Ying's small white jade face and flame-like lips, and finally stopped for a while on her chest.

  Although she was wearing thick clothes, the pair of towering peaks held up the black tight sweater behind the small suit, creating a moving curve.

  "Well, I didn't see the gold bars. I wonder if Chow Tai Fook has it?"

  Li Xiuwen remembered the purpose of this time and asked aloud in a very kind and gentle tone.

  Men, when facing beautiful women, they always have more patience and smile. This is the biggest reason why Chow Tai Fook recruits beautiful women as shopping guides.

  Wang Ying, who is accustomed to the fiery eyes of men, has long been offended by people like Li Xiuwen, with a smile on her face, but her body is standing two steps away, carefully keeping her distance.

  "Of course there are gold bars, but it will not be displayed on the counter. You can only see it in the VIP room."

  "please follow me."

  With a professional smile still on Wang Ying's face, she stretched out her right hand and pointed forward.

  Li Xiuwen was about to follow, when he suddenly saw a couple in their 30s turning from the front right, he stopped and greeted him enthusiastically.

  "Ms. Wei, you come here to buy jewelry too."

  "It seems that soon, we will drink your wedding wine."

  Wei Yunfeng is a lecturer at Nanhu University of Technology. He has taught Li Xiuwen two courses on automation. He has a very good personality and profound knowledge.

  Coupled with his similar age, he doesn't call names very much, so he gets along with the students, including Li Xiuwen.

  "Hey, Li Xiuwen. I'm about to get married, isn't this about buying jewelry."

  "Tingting, he is one of my students, I remember he is about to graduate."

  Wei Yunfeng hugged his girlfriend hard and looked at her sweetly, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

  "Oh? You, a student, looks unusual, you have bodyguards."

  Zhang Yuting didn't really want to take care of her, and she still had a little bit of resentment in her heart.

  Previously, she had fancy several beautiful diamond rings, but Wei Yunfeng said that she would look at it again.

  She saw two big men standing behind Li Xiuwen, looking respectful and a little surprised and surprised: Why didn't Wei Yunfeng say that there were such students before?

  "Huh, are they really your bodyguards?"

  "You guys are fine, you don't show up or dew on weekdays, so you are the rich second generation."

  At this time, Wei Yunfeng took a closer look and discovered that the five beasts and six beasts had their mouths wide open, much more surprised than his girlfriend.

  In his impression,

Li Xiuwen has always been very ordinary, not only is not very good in learning, but also in daily wear.  But for a few days, this student with no special characteristics has changed so much.

  Wei Yunfeng discovered that Li Xiuwen's momentum was like a school leader, exuding a touch of pressure. Compared with before, it seemed like a different person.

  Especially the beasts, the five beasts and the six and two people are beyond the height of ordinary people, their muscles are bulging, and they look very unusual, throwing ordinary security guards ten blocks away.

  Therefore, neither Wei Yunfeng nor Zhang Yuting regarded the Five Beasts and Six Beasts as ordinary security guards or ordinary employees.

  With bodyguards, it sounds very tall, ordinary citizens have no chance of contact, and the two of them are no exception.

  "Haha, nothing like that."

  "It just happened to happen, I will give you a gift, choose any piece of jewelry. In the future, I will not bring gifts to drink your wedding wine."

  "By the way, I wish you harmony and happiness, and give birth to a son early."

  Li Xiuwen said haha, it was not easy to explain, and he didn't want to tell them about his family history, so he changed the topic.

  Standing aside, Wang Ying, who was waiting for a while, was a little depressed, but she felt happy again.

  She knows that people's ideas change very quickly, and the transaction must be promoted as soon as possible to avoid giving customers the opportunity to go back. This is what the manager said during the training.

  After hearing Li Xiuwen's words, Wang Ying immediately seized the opportunity and said to Zhang Yuting: "This lady, what kind of jewelry do you want? A diamond ring or a gold ring?"

  Zhang Yuting is a little excited, UU reading www. uukanshu.com suddenly felt that Li Xiuwen was more pleasing to the eye, and smiled and said: "Thank you then, and I must send you an invitation."

  "This, it's not so good."

  Wei Yunfeng hesitated and felt that he should not accept valuable gifts from students.

  But looking at his girlfriend's joyful face, I knew that interrupting her interest would have serious consequences.

  Then Wei Yunfeng suddenly felt a pain in his arm and almost screamed, without looking at it, he knew that it was his girlfriend's magic hand that was torturing him.

  "How can a teacher accept a heavy gift from a student? It's too shameful to say it out, and others talk about it."

  Wei Yunfeng attached to his girlfriend's ear and whispered.

  "What's wrong, it's not other Maotai Cordyceps, it's our wedding gift. It's just a ring, and others don't know who bought it."

  "Look at your student's style, is it like someone who is short of tens of thousands of dollars? Maybe tens of thousands is just a little money for him."

  Zhang Yuting glared at her boyfriend, puffed up, and kept her voice down as much as possible.

  Not surprisingly, Zhang Yuting achieved an overwhelming victory, and Wei Yunfeng closed his mouth.


  "This diamond ring is studded with one carat of diamonds, and it is really shining with the Perkin ring. It is perfect to wear on your finger."

  Wang Ying took out one of Zhang Yuting's fancy, and gently put it on Zhang Yuting's finger.

  "Hmm, uh, so good!"

  Zhang Yuting looked at the sparkling diamond ring, her heart was intoxicated, her head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

  "Tingting, change one, it's too expensive! 85888!"

  Wei Yunfeng kept shaking his head.

  "Haha, no need to change, just this one, I'll swipe the card."

  Li Xiuwen waved his hand and ordered Wang Ying.