
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

100 grams of gold

Wei Yunfeng put aside his overjoyed and intoxicated girlfriend, came to Li Xiuwen, whispered: "Send me your bank account number, and I will transfer the diamond ring money to you later."

  When speaking, the muscles on his face trembled, it can be said that he gritted his teeth and looked extremely distressed.

  Wei Yunfeng is still young, his title has not yet been rated as an associate professor, and his salary is not very large, and his bonus is only about 100,000.

  The money for this diamond ring cost him almost a year's salary, and it is fake to say that it doesn't hurt.

  Fortunately, he worked as a consultant for two factories outside the school. He would get a certain allowance for solving manufacturing process problems, otherwise he would have done nothing last year.

  Wei Yunfeng squinted his eyes with a smile, like a proud cat girlfriend. He was so angry that he occasionally thought of canceling the marriage in his mind.

  But after touching his chubby and chubby face, the fear of being single for more than 20 years made him sober up and dispelled his thoughts.

  [Anyway, Tingting will be my wife in the future, isn't her own, this diamond ring is not used on the victim, nor is it a loss. It's just that I can't buy games on G Fat for a while! ]

  Wei Yunfeng thinks this way, quite a bit of joy in hardship and comforting himself.

  "I said it was a gift to you, and I will never take it back. I am also grateful to you for teaching me a lot of knowledge, otherwise there is no me.

  Li Xiuwen felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, and it made sense.

  If he fails to learn solid mechanical production knowledge, he may not be able to enter the electric car factory that requires interns for production operations, and he will not get the Warcraft Factory system.

  Compared to this magical system, a mere diamond ring is nothing at all, a trivial matter.

  Li Xiuwen didn't want to continue discussing the topic of diamond rings, and turned to Wang Ying who was smiling.

  "Next, what we haven't done before, take me to see the gold bars, but I want to buy a lot of them."

  "Okay, please come with me some of you."

  Wang Ying grinned.

  The white and neat teeth are very beautiful, like the very beautiful teeth of the heroine of the advertisement.

  Coupled with her red lips, exuding a strong feminine charm, both Li Xiuwen and Wei Yunfeng stared blankly.

  Wei Yunfeng had a little frustration, and he quietly sighed when he realized that his girlfriend hadn't noticed this scene.

  Li Xiuwen secretly sighed that Wang Ying is qualified to be a star like Sun Li, or at least a salesperson with outstanding performance.

  But now she is working as an ordinary and stressful gold jewelry shopping guide, maybe she just lacks an opportunity.

  "Miss Wang, do you want to get out of your current boring life? If you want, call me."

  Li Xiuwen handed over a business card.

  As the general manager of a company, he had prepared an excellent business card, a fifty-dollar one.

  It's just that the Beastmaster's electric car doesn't need to be actively promoted. Others take the initiative to ask for purchases. So so far, Li Xiuwen has not issued a business card.

  This will see Wang Ying, who has a serious work attitude, feels that she should provide an opportunity.

  Of course, how much of it was Li Xiuwen because of Wang Ying's beautiful face, he knew it well, so there was no need to expose it.

  As we all know, beautiful female faces are no less effective than nuclear bombs when facing men.

  Wei Yunfeng's eyes widened, he was speechless in surprise, gave Li Xiuwen a thumbs up, and gave him a strong like.

  "Sorry, I don't want to."

  Wang Ying's face turned cold, her smile disappeared, her tone of voice seemed to be scratched from Siberia.

  There was a deep contempt on her small face, her tone changed very skillfully, and she seemed to do this often.

  Obviously, she said that Li Xiuwen is the kind of person who relies on wealth, thinks that he is strong, humanoid hormone, and hooks up with women everywhere.

  "Uh, you misunderstood."

  "I think you should have better development. The position of deputy sales manager is always vacant for you."

  Li Xiuwen gave a dry laugh and explained casually.

  Rejected in this way, he deeply realized that he was not loved by others, and when the flowers blossomed, his slightly swollen heart calmed down immediately.

  It was simple, and knocked 60 million from Tang Zhi without any difficulty, giving Li Xiuwen an illusion, as if he had become the center of the world.

  Now that the bubble was burst by Wang Ying, the anger in his heart flashed by, more serious reflection, and even more appreciation for Wang Ying.


  Wang Ying took it politely, glanced at the business card casually, and planned to throw it in the trash later.

  However, her gaze stayed on the general manager of the Warcraft Factory for a while, and it felt like she had seen it elsewhere.

  After thinking for a while, Wang Ying remembered.

  A few days ago, the Beastmaster electric car she bought seemed to be a product launched by this company.

  This kind of electric car that is very comfortable to sit on and has a long cruising range is the best electric car she has ever ridden. It surpasses the domestic electric car by a lot and almost makes her think it is an imported product.

  "Beastmaster electric car is your company's product?"

  Wang Ying was a little unbelievable and asked.

  "Yes, this opportunity depends on whether you want to seize it."

  Li Xiuwen looked at Wang Ying's face in surprise, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and a little embarrassment, and felt very happy, as if drinking cold beer on a hot day.

  "Please do a little bit. I'm going to get the gold bars. I don't know how much you need?"

  After Wang Ying entered the VIP room, she put away her business card, her face was covered with a professional smile again.

  Kind, but with a little distance, neither humble nor humble.

  "Let's come for a hundred kilograms. It's not a lot, that is, it looks like 30 million."

  Li Xiuwen felt that when he was speaking, a strong force of kingly temperament exuded, and it sounded shameful.

  But after speaking, he felt that his body seemed to have changed a little, his waist became straight, and his back became sore.

  Especially the shock of the people around him, like a shot of chicken blood, stimulated his whole body to become hot and the blood flow accelerated.

  This is 30 million. It is the first time that Li Xiuwen has so much money, and it is the first time to spend it. It is very happy, as if he had chopped ten hands.

  The 20 million that Tang Zhi transferred, plus the dollars he got from dumping bitcoin, was almost 40 million, and he was confident to buy 100 kilograms of gold.


  "Did I hear it wrong."

  "This, this is not within my abilities, I want to call the store manager over to deal with it."

  Amidst the exclamations of Wei Yunfeng and Zhang Yuting, Wang Ying took a few deep breaths, forcibly suppressed the feeling of surprise, and said tremblingly.

  "Did you get any news that the price of gold will soar recently?"

  When Wang Ying left, Wei Yunfeng rushed to grab Li Xiuwen's shoulder, shook it vigorously, and asked loudly.

  "Yes, yes, Xiuwen, take a teacher with you. Getting married really costs a lot of money."

  Zhang Yuting also knocked on the side drum, her face twisted with excitement, and it was red as if she had sucked it up.