
Super Warcraft factory

My name is Li Xiuwen, and I got an application called "Warcraft Factory".   These non-human beasts are more powerful than the other, and the products produced are also equipped with special effects.   Quality +5?   Efficiency +100%?   The short and sturdy dwarves and the infinite giants said in unison: See how we can make magical products one by one and sling foreign companies.

MTL · Urban
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127 Chs

Apple's Reaction

Cupertino, USA.

  Cook's spirit was a little sluggish, his eyes were red and red, as if he hadn't slept for two nights.

  Around him are Apple executives, as long as they don't have important tasks, they all come to the research institute at the company's headquarters.

  More than a dozen senior vice presidents, some were angry, some were dismissive, and some were worried. In short, none of them looked indifferent.

  Even the air seems to be affected by these people, it is extremely depressed and solemn. The lively and active employees are much calmer and speak softly.

  Hundreds of senior engineers with annual salary of three to four hundred thousand yuan are doing analysis and research on two 3D mobile phones that have just been launched.

  A loud exclamation popped out of their mouths, with incredible expressions in their eyes. With the help of world-class equipment, their research is much deeper than that of Xiaomi Research Institute.

  It is a bit unfair to put it this way. The equipment in this research institute costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Each instrument can be said to be the world's leading, enough to establish ten Xiaomi research institutes.

  Coupled with the fact that Apple has attracted top international researchers from all over the world with high salaries, the research laboratories established by the two companies are completely incomparable.

  The analysis results of the senior engineers did not bring great news to Cook, but the worries on his face disappeared a lot.

  "It turns out it can be done like this! The idea is so surprising."

  "That's right, why didn't I think that I would go in this direction for research and development."

  "Hahaha, after we have samples, we will manufacture high-performance batteries and 3D screens in the near future. I really want to thank the small cell phone manufacturer in the East for giving us two top technologies."

  The seriousness on Cook's face was gone, and he was surprised and excited: "What's the matter, your research has results?"

  "Yes, we understand the advanced features of this mobile phone. As long as we spend time and resources, we can crack the advanced technology."

  The chief hardware engineer said smugly with his messy hair.

  "How long do you need? Give an accurate estimate."

  Cook grabbed the chief hardware engineer's arm excitedly, and asked eagerly, almost green light in his eyes.

  When he first heard the news on the 3D mobile phone, he heard it as a joke.

  The 3D technology that is visible to the naked eye is also being studied by Apple, but it has not made much progress, but it costs hundreds of millions of dollars each year.

  It is because the application range of this technology is so large that Apple, which earns money every day, is jealous. Mobile phones, tablet computers, LCD monitors and even TVs are all products within the application range.

  If Apple has mastered the 3D technology that is visible to the naked eye, it will be able to quickly load it on its flagship product: Apple's mobile phone, and by the way, another wave of price increases will push the company's profits to a new high.

  Unfortunately, technology research and development are difficult, and no one can guarantee success. So although Apple has opened up projects, it does not attach great importance to it. After all, Samsung, Huawei and other friends have not succeeded.

  Cook still remembers that the company's intelligence collectors submitted conclusive evidence to prove that when a small workshop-like company in China launched a 3D mobile phone, the coffee in his hand was spilled on his pants and almost burned to Cook.

  The physical pain was quickly replaced by the worry in his heart. As the helm of the giant ship of Apple, he had already known that the seemingly majestic ship was gradually slowing forward.

  Each quarter's turnover has only a slight growth of 2-3%, and the growth of profits is almost unchanged, stagnating, and the company's stock price has evaporated by 30 billion US dollars in half a month.

  All the pressure is placed on Cook's shoulders, making him feel very tired and painful, a kind of confusion that he can't see the solution to the problem.

  But after knowing that the Warcraft Factory launched a 3D mobile phone,

Cook is no longer worried, because he is scared and feels that the future is going to fall into the dark, and Apple may be ruined.  Now that he heard the good news, Cook became anxious and couldn't wait to let the engineer give a deadline.

  "Uh, uh, it will probably take one to two years."

  The chief hardware engineer looked at Cook's red eyes, swallowed with some fear, and relaxed the time a little.

  He doubted that if he could not reproduce the battery and 3D screen within the time limit, how would Cook retaliate fiercely against him.

  "No, one year is too long! I need you to get it done in nine months, no, in half a year."

  When Cook heard this, his face was deeply disappointed, and then he gave an unchangeable order.

  "If it can't be done, even if I fire me, I will say it can't be done!"

  The chief hardware engineer yelled wrongly, and looked like you had fired me, but he was grateful (ノ ̄▽ ̄): Fortunately, I wisely lengthened the time required for the research, otherwise Cook, who is going crazy, will let him I have achieved results within three months.

  He did not say false, exaggerating the difficulty.

  The world knows the principles, but there are many things that cannot be done, just like those small countries in Africa and South America know the principles of missiles but fail to produce medium and long-range missiles.

  "If you don't believe me, just ask them, UU read www.uukanshu.com to see who can guarantee the production of batteries and 3D screens within half a year!"

  The chief hardware engineer rolled his eyes and pointed at the colleagues around him, his expression was righteous.

  Fak, the boss is cunning!

  Other researchers nodded and agreed with the boss's remarks: "It's really impossible to do it in half a year, and we can't do it if you kill it. Unless you can get first-hand information, it may be applied to mobile phones within a few months. "

  "Xiete! Do you want the great Apple company to condescend to ask for that small workshop in China?"

  Before Cook had spoken, an old white man became angry and yelled at the researchers: "Is the salary you got useless at all? It's a bunch of rubbish."

  "Well, you go to other research institutes in the world to find someone, and see if they can get it done in half a year."

  Facing a question from a highly-ranked vice president, the chief hardware engineer spoke up, showing no fear at all.

  Speaking of his status in the company, it is not much lower than the vice president. He only needs to be responsible to Cook, so he dares to fight for reasons.

  "Okay, stop all for me!"

  Cook watched the two arguing increasingly fierce and had to stop.

  "I decided to go to China to buy the technology while cracking the technology, and do the two things together.

  There is no upper limit on research funding, and your researchers cannot stop their research! Also, the negotiation team that goes to Huaxia will be led by the president of Huaxia, and will negotiate as quickly as possible.

  I'm done, don't you have any comments? "

  The other executives all agreed. Even the old white man who despised China Xia just now did not express any objection, but looked sullenly at the chief hardware engineer.