
Super villain with a hero system

In a post utopian future, the world is divided into a superhero societies and supervillian societies. Where each societies want to prove they are right and the strongest. In the slum of the superhero societies exist Grid, a young boy who lost hope in human and believed everyone have evil deep in their heart. So, Grid dream to be the most powerful supervillian and destroy the world. But he suddenly got a superhero system from a stranger. The system gave benefit for every good deed and grid is conflicted. Can Grid became the supervillan he ever dream??

Frankov · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 (getting stronger)

Since the discovery of eoms the world go through a big changes. A lot of talented peoples discovered how to control eoms properly. The cultivator, the magician, the monk and many other they are refer to as the Gifted. So, to catch up to this people science also has gone very far. Due to the fear of gettung trample by the gifted normal make more of and effort to match their superpower. The creation of autonomous artificial eoms inducer,eoms powered android, mass energy weapon, argumentation, body restructuring, attributes enhancing chemicals, gene splicing , powered armor and many more that make the world now day what it is. But this also give human advantages again the monster that already exist along side human. Now days monster no longer a thread except the high leveled one. Human manage to keep the monster at bay an began to find other human as a thread.

In this world argumentation have 2 type, the mechanical argumentation which use superior aoem weapon or equipment and using bimechatronic to attach it to a human body. The other type is biological argumentation such as adding the wing of hippogrifh to a human or attaching darebeast claw to a human arm.

Grid has seen alot of argumented people before. There also some of them who lives in the same sewer as him before. He also know there is a lot of pain to endure when argumenting. He gulp his saliva for a moment. He asked poo what exactly is the ectoplasm demon eye. Poo explain that the ectoplasm demon eye came from monster that he was fighting before and it was a mid level ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is a monster that came to be from a slime that have absorb alot of eoms and change it body to an eoms plasma. The monster can freely control its body permabality that make it impervious to physical attack. Yet it is super rare that an ectoplasm to not only change it body but also its eyes since the eye is not a plasma. A great amount of eoms needed to change it to this diamond like structure of the eye. This eye is really rare that only the rich have it for display. But when grid touch it, poo detact that the eye is compatible to do an argumentation but he does not know what effect it may bring.

To used it poo told grid to ate the ectoplasm demon eye and the nano eom in his body will brake down the eye an carry it to his eye for argumentation. His need to be reconstructure to accommodate the new eye. After making sure he is safe and there is no longer anymore monster there grid began to eat the eye. He then fell a really hot sensation in his eye. He close his eye and no longer can be open. His eye were burning hot. Grid struggled left and right, his sweat were allnover his body. But he was able to endure it since the muscles restructure his undergone before is more unbelievably painful.

Around one hour after that the pain subside. Poo reported that he has finished. Grid began to open his eye slowly. His cornea was white but his iris was bright red and dark red for his pupil. He look at his hand and surprised that he can see through his body and he can see a lot of really small ball of light in his body. Turn out the small ball of light is not just in his body but also everywhere. Where every he look he see it, in the wall, in the ground, on the air in the mysterious plant, everywhere. He was not sure what that and it also mess with his eye sight. Everything seems larger and zoom in. He tried to stand but he cannot walk with his new eye sight. The view make his subconscious unstable keep making him fall down. After a few hour of practices he can finally walk normally. After being satisfied that he can now run normally he began to continue going through this cave. After walking around 30 minutes he find him self in a big grotto.on the left there is a waterfall coming in from the top of the cave and the small stream of water go across frim left to right. Theres fishes jumping inside the water. there is also a fields of unknown flowers in the middle of the grotto and a lot of wild rabbit running around and popping out from underground. this look like heaven with his own ecosystem.

Seeing there is no danger here grid walk toward the syream of water nearby. He look into the water, it was clear an he can see a reflection of a 12 year old boy. The hair was black and long touching his sholder. Skinny body but a bit of shisel muscles. But his was bright red. Under the long black hair he looks a bit evil with the eye. Grid was satisfactied with his look. He began to wash his wound on his arm. The blood already dried. Then he continued to take a shower since he is sticky from the mushroom and sweat.

After finished cleaning him self, grid ponder a bit and decide to stay here and practice his strength and and movement since they could be more danger that lies within. He also need his wound to heal so he can move his arm properly. Then he began training his movement. He bagan running around left and right try to avoid thing and sometime duck and jump around. For a kid he is fast and maybe due to his strength he can jump as 10meters tall easy. He can out run an adult man with his current condition. With his new eye his perception is superior to any human or beast, but his body does not responses to what he has in mind. His movement was slower compared to his perception. After finished running around grid realised the small glowing ball on his leg was flashing light a little when he is running. He figured that maybe that the small glowing ball is eoms people been talking about. Since he have eom control he tried to focus and control the eoms on his leg again. After a few try focusing on his leg eoms, the eoms began to flashing light. This time the light flash a lot. He then began trying to step to run. But his first step full of eons make him drag his body foward much more than he expected. He stumbled 1 meter ahead. He feel he began to understand the control of eoms. But currently he can only control 10 ball of light. He need to devided it evenly between his leg to run smoothly. He then try again and this time he manage to run around 15 step before he fell. He get up and try again, this time he didnt manage to stop or change direction in time in front of the grotto wall and hit the wall. He left a human shape hole in the wall. After a few time training he already used to using the eoms.

After getting hungry he then began chasing the rabbit to eat. The rabbit has a lightning shaped horn on his head. Unfortunately the rabbit is super fast and really good evader. The rabbit even surpassed the ectoplasm flying speed. Even grid using his eoms still cannot match the speed of the rabbit. Grid after a few try then gave up. He then go near the small river. When a fish suddenly jump out of the river grid hurriedly catch tge fish.it was easy for the current grid now to catch the gish. He began to eat the fish raw since he does not have any fire source. After fished eating grid now in a resting at a near by rock and focusing the eom on his wonded arm. He wanted to accelerate his recovery as he seen other have done before in the sewer. He tried but dosnt feel any different. He doesn't understand the concept of the healing as nobody ever teach him before. After failing he tried to contol the eom in the surrounding as the magician always do. He remembered that he have an affanity toward earth so he bagan trying to control the eoms in the earth it is a bit harder then controling the eom inside his body. After a few try he manage to form the biggest ball of dirt he can form now at the size of his fist full with the 10 eoms he control. He float the ball if dirt around and try to make it a shape of a square and he did it. Then he make a shape of a cone and try to launch the cone of dirt foward. The speed is unsatisfactory. He tried again and this time he reduce the size that only 5 eoms can control and used the remaing eoms as a propulsion to push the haderened cone of dirt.