
Super Pet Nursery

Petrian used to be a normal modern world when suddenly gates connecting to a dungeon that was filled with monsters appeared. After that, humans discover that they could capture the monsters and use them as pets to defeat other monsters. Since then, Petrian has become a world of pet tamer. A thousand years later, a Grade E city was ravaged by a strong monster and many people died. One of them was Lucas’s father. Not only that, Lucas was heavily injured but he miraculously woke up from a coma. When he woke up, he found out that he owned the Pet Nursery System. Lucas used the system and wanted to open the best pet nursery in the universe.

RoadBlock92 · Fantasy
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165 Chs

Chapter 44 - Anticlimactic

Chapter 44 -Anticlimactic

"Wait!!!" The staff shouted but it was too late. The massive blade hit the mechanical log. 

"BOOM!!!!" Huge explosion occurred and the whole area shook. It was like an earthquake hit the area. Many people there fell on their back as the shaking was hard. 

Lucas was falling too but Fury immediately hop behind Lucas and used Fur Guard to stop him from falling. As for Foody, he used his energy control and channeled it on the floor around him and Lucas to reduce the shaking. 

A few seconds later, everything calmed. Everyone looked at the Blade Mantis that look extremely tired from using that attack. As for Ross, he smiled happily. He looked at Marcus and smirked. 

"What the? He did that to show off?!" Marcus was speechless but he soon turned angry. "Is he an idiot! Using that kind of power in this kind of competition! What if this space room break? He wants everyone to die?!" 

"…" Qin Yun was silent as he had nothing to say. He was impressed but he knew that Ross would be in trouble. The Fairy Clan would not let him be for causing this much ruckus. That power could make the space room collapsed and killed everyone inside. 

Lucas looked at Ross's happy face and he saw that the mechanical log was destroyed by that attack. "That attack is powerful." 

"What are you doing!" The staff shouted. "You cannot use that kind of powerful attack here!" The staff was angry. Ross was stunned. 

"Huh? This is Power Competition. I can use whatever attack I want to win this competition," Ross retorted. 

"Yes, you can but you need to know that super strong skill like you use earlier is forbidden in a low-level competition like this. You can use that attack in the competitions in the A grade city but not here. The space room in this shop cannot withstand that kind of attack," the staff bellowed. 

The staff was sweating as he thought he would die. 

"I know that and that is why I lowered the power!" Ross felt wronged. 

"Low power?! Look at that wall!" The staff shouted and pointed at a cracked wall, "Look at that floor too," he pointed at the cracked floor. "What do you think if it breaks now? We are all going to die!" 

"…" Ross looked around and he was silent. He saw the staffs moving people out of that space room as it was dangerous there. He realized his mistake. 

Someone suddenly grabbed Ross's shoulder. It was a young man who seemed to be a few years older than Ross. He had the Fairy Clan's emblem on his shirt. "The Fairy Clan will pay for the damage and we will punish this troublemaker too," said that young man. 

"Say that to the boss. I am just a staff here. I will lead you to him," said the staff. Since Ross and the young man was part of the Fairy Clan, he decided to let the boss handle everything. 

Lucas and Qin Yun were led out of that single space room with all the other contestants. 'I don't know that the space room can break,' thought Lucas. He had turned Fury and Foody to cards. 

[Yes, they can. It is still a human technology. Even so, you don't need to worry about our nursery, they are indestructible. Still, the space room in a C grade city quality should be able to stand that attack. This shop must have used the space room quality of the D grade or even the E grade city] said Sery. 

The space room was not something that magical. Human invented the space room when they found out that the City was congested and had no space to have bigger space business. With the space element and human technology, the space room was created. 

The space element was something magical and powerful. Even if human managed to create the space room, it was still dangerous if the room break and the space element went haywire which could kill everyone in the space room.

After they were moved to another space room, they waited for half an hour. The staffs led them to another space room and the competition continued. Ross was barred from the competition and was brought back to the Fairy Clan. 

A few hours later, the competition ended. Lucas won the Newborn Category, Qin Yun took the second place and Marcus the third place. A simple ceremony to give the prizes were done and that was it. 

Lucas left the Gallock Weapon Shop with Qin Yun. 

"This competition is a scam. The space room break and there is no ceremony for the winner? They went too far!" Qin Yun was angry. He won second place but he did not get the fame he should from winning. 

"At least we get the prizes they promised," Lucas was not satisfied too but there was nothing he could do. "That's right. Our nursery plan for a small tournament. You can join it once our application passed the government registration," Lucas told Qin Yun about the events the nursery would do. 

"Really? Will you participate too?" Qin Yun asked eagerly. 

"No. I am the nursery's staff. I cannot participate in this," Lucas answered. 

"Awww…" Qin Yun was disappointed. 

"Many of our customers are now at the same level as you. Even if it is not me, you will have a good fight against them," Lucas smiled. 

Lucas and Qin Yun continued chatting. Qin Yun were asking details about the tournament the nursery would do especially the prizes. Even so, Lucas did not want to tell him the prizes. They decided to have lunch together in a restaurant Qin Yun found a few days ago. 

Qin Yun led the way and they passed through a small alley. While they were chatting and walking through the alley. "Bang!" they heard a loud sound coming from the big blue garbage bin in front of them. 

Lucas and Qin Yun glanced at the garbage bin. "Must be a hungry cat. For real, we are in the world where everyone loves pets and here are hungry cats around," said Qin Yun. 

"Let's go," Lucas said and the continued walking but stopped immediately when suddenly, a white furry humanoid arm grabbed the side of the garbage bin from inside the garbage bin. Lucas and Qin Yun glared at that arm. 

"That is not a human arm," Qin Yun whispered and he switched on his system to summon Raillow. Lucas nodded and did the same too. 

Suddenly, a head came out of the garbage bin. When Lucas and Qin Yun saw that head, they were shocked because it was a white rabbit head. "The two-legged rabbit?" Qin Yun questioned. 

"No! Two-legged rabbit is not that big. Its arm is not like a human, and…" Lucas looked in horror as the rabbit stood up, "they are not this tall," Lucas said as he saw the 'rabbit' stood tall like a normal teenage human. 

The rabbit tilted his head when he saw Lucas and Qin Yun with its massive rabbit eye. Suddenly, it smiled showing it human-like teeth. Lucas and Qin Yun shuddered. The rabbit disappeared and appeared in front of Lucas and Qin Yun. 

"Fast!" Lucas was shocked. The rabbit's arm clenched tightly into a fist. 

[Master! Run!] Sery shouted in Lucas's mind. Lucas and Qin Yun were still too weak to evade and moved as fast as the rabbit. They could only watch as the fist was coming fast towards them. 

Lucas panicked. His heart beat faster and his blood rushed to his head. At the same time, something else happened.


The buzzing sound rang again and the space around him started to distorted similar to before. Even so, the space immediately turned normal and the buzzing sound disappeared. Sery's voice was heard again. 

[Activating emergency safety power] a mechanical voice sounded in Lucas's mind. A white gas appeared and enveloped Lucas and Qin Yun. The rabbit fist passed through the white gas hitting nothing. It pulled back its arm. The white gas disappeared and both of them were gone. 

The rabbit looked around and it cannot sense Lucas and Qin Yun's presence. It looked around and saw more humans walked around a busy street. It smiled and disappeared. 


The white gas that enveloped Lucas and Qin Yun disappeared. Once it disappeared, cold wind air blew them. Lucas and Qin Yun looked around and the rabbit was gone but they were in a different place. 

All they could see around them were white snow. Qin Yun was confused as to what had happened. 'Sery?' Lucas asked in his mind. 

[Mas-t-r! Thi- is the b-st I can do t- help y-u. I am st-ll low-lev—to do s-meth-ng not r-lat-d to the nursery. Th-s is t-e S-ow--ake dungeon. I tele-ort you -ere. I need t- r-st a-d ca---t t--- -- y—a-------] Sery went silent. 

'Sery?' Lucas lost contact with Sery. 

"Brother Qin Yun, what happens? Where are we?" Qin Yun asked. 

"This place looks like a dungeon," Lucas answered. "I don't know how we get here but it is better than being kill by that rabbit," Lucas stood up from the snow. Luckily, it was winter and they wore thick clothes. If not, they would freeze to death. Even if they were cultivating, they were still too weak to counter the cold. 

Qin Yun stood up too and he looked around. Other than the vast white field, there was nothing else they could see. "So, this is how a dungeon look like," said Qin Yun as this was his first time in a dungeon. 

"Let's find a way out. We don't know what stage this dungeon is," Lucas knew the stage of the dungeon as Sery had told him earlier but pretend to not know anything because it would be suspicious. As such, they started walking to find the way out of the dungeon. 

thank you~

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